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Defending Militancy: Why they kill civilians, attack the state

Assalam alaikum

The root of islam is not sufism though they did gr8 job, root of islam is quran and sunnah and to be on safe side follow it and those who got the message from the PROPHET PBUH and spread it.

I strongly believe we have to go back to the roots of Islam in our region - it was the Sufi's who converted the vast majority of the people - we should follow their example, people then would only learn the love that is the essence of Islam.

WE GOT ONE EXAMPLE THAT IS THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh).we should follow no one but prophet Muhammad who was sent by ALLAH to be example for all the humanity
Indeed everyone who abides by the laws of Pakistan and accepts the constitution of Pakistan, is free to follow any example he or she may want.
Indeed everyone who abides by the laws of Pakistan and accepts the constitution of Pakistan, is free to follow any example he or she may want.
i never asked you to do that i told you a simple fact that billions of muslims agree upon so dosent matter if u dont agree to it as you will go to your grave and i will to mine
Yes, we will die - Our concern is not "Billions" of non-existent Muslims, our concern is Pakistanis - go to your Arabia with your "billions" of Muslims - there they can show you "real" islam - and there the Quran is their constitution - in Pakistan, the constitution is made by men, the laws are made by men and islam is the vehicle of Faith in God, and not as agent of Al-Brince Al Wahab
WE GOT ONE EXAMPLE THAT IS THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh).we should follow no one but prophet Muhammad who was sent by ALLAH to be example for all the humanity

I'll give you example
Greece once ruled the europe because they only have good roads at that time
UK rule world for almost 100 years because they have ships that can cross pacific ocean.
US once rule the world becz they got atomic bomb and now still ruling with their cutting edge technology.
Isreal such a small country beat 7 nation in 6 days because they made their weapons according to the condition they are in

Man All of them common thing....thtz technology....and technology will rule the world and will rule for ever.
Yes, we will die - Our concern is not "Billions" of non-existent Muslims, our concern is Pakistanis - go to your Arabia with your "billions" of Muslims - there they can show you "real" islam - and there the Quran is their constitution - in Pakistan, the constitution is made by men, the laws are made by men and islam is the vehicle of Faith in God, and not as agent of Al-Brince Al Wahab
arabia?no muslim country got constitution of Quran only the muslim empire of khalifat or chaliphate state which was abolished by britain in 1921 that was the only state based on quran with billions of existing muslims in it and your wahabi friends finished it off making their won kingdoms in arabia like saudi arabia and all the rest.you dont know what you are talking about.Quran is for all of us and pakistan was made in the name of islam the only ideological islamic state in the world and the slogan was pakistan ka matlab kya la illaha illalallah.
Lets not forget what happened in Spain. I am sure the Ummah callers want to revisit history that is more recent than 1400 years so that it can be authenticated.
arabia?no muslim country got constitution of Quran only the muslim empire of khalifat or chaliphate state which was abolished by britain in 1921 that was the only state based on quran with billions of existing muslims in it and your wahabi friends finished it off making their won kingdoms in arabia like saudi arabia and all the rest.you dont know what you are talking about.Quran is for all of us and pakistan was made in the name of islam the only ideological islamic state in the world and the slogan was pakistan ka matlab kya la illaha illalallah.

Khalifate callers or Hibz ut tahrir types need to be careful -- not only is the organization banned in Pakistan, but calling for Khalifat on this forum, is support for HT - if you seek to identity yourself in that way, that's up to you and you will bear responsibility for that - I hope you understand.

Pakistanis can handle issue sof ideology by themselves without help from agents of Arabia - the only country with the Quran as it's constitution - apparently Quran approves of Monarchy
Khalifate callers or Hibz ut tahrir types need to be careful -- not only is the organization banned in Pakistan, but calling for Khalifat on this forum, is support for HT - if you sek to identity yourself in that way, that's up to you and you will bear responsibility for that - I hope you understand

All they will accomplish is making headlines. They can not change reality. They will continue to have these bursts of anger and slap rocks to light a fire.
Here you are making a methodological error - You are imagining that the militants and the rest of us, will, somehow stumble on some "truth" about which islam is right -- This is a methodological error - Recall, that this is about our interpretation of Islam, what else can it be? And recall that interpretation or understanding of religion is as multifold as there are adherents, reasonable people would agree, however, the militants are dogmatic, their way or the highway.

So, we are in a position where if we do not get rid of them, we will be committing suicide, after all they assure us "our way or death"

So which version is "correct"? The one which can best inspire people, which can best move them to FAITH in God --

Yes Muse, you have it there. I completely agree with you. Indeed I should have taken into account this fundamental difference between the militants, and the rest. Militants exist and are able to practice their ideologies because the rest of us are so accommodating. However, if it were for the militants to rule the land, neither would we exist, nor would our ideas.

Besides, proper interpretation of Quran is discussed in a certified practice (Ijtehad is what they call it, right?), and the militants will certainly not allow enough freedom for the interpretation to deviate from their perception of right. Everything will fall in place for them, perhaps there may even be peace, but only because faith will be replaced by fear.

After all, one's faith is in his unseen heart, and not in his words spoken out of fear.


So now the question I need to ask is, what action shall we undertake, that successfully counters the militants, clears their self (physically or otherwise), and yet does not mirror their own actions. Would it be possible to bring them to our own platform, where they are much weaker than we are, and we can deal with them in our own fashion? I mean, in this forum itself, the difference between them and us may get very subtle when we forcibly lower down the shouts that are sympathetic of the militants.
Khalifate callers or Hibz ut tahrir types need to be careful -- not only is the organization banned in Pakistan, but calling for Khalifat on this forum, is support for HT - if you seek to identity yourself in that way, that's up to you and you will bear responsibility for that - I hope you understand.

Pakistanis can handle issue sof ideology by themselves without help from agents of Arabia - the only country with the Quran as it's constitution - apparently Quran approves of Monarchy

see this is hippocracy.i am giving my own veiws from the history not a spokesman for some organization who motives and aims are unknown i am just giving example from history not speaking on behalf of hizb or anyone and you can ban me for saying what God told me to say and that is Quran is the book to follow not to make khilafat or anything.i am just saying Quran is the way to follow and its the right of every person to express their opinion and no one can stop me from saying that.can you deny that khalifat never exited?it did existed and its a fact.so no one can change it.and even our elders went on and made a KHILFAT movement in 1927 so what you are saying that implies that our elders of that time were militants not a freedom fighters and this implies that pakistan was a call for militanyt state not an islamic one. choose your answer carefully because u are abusing your own elders by calling them militants and hizb ut tahrir.
can you give me a single example from Quran which calls for monarchy??? any single verse?i bet and i can give you a gurentee that you never read the Quran with its meanings so dont jump to a conclustion if you dont know about Quran.because knowingly or unknowingly you are lieing about God words so think before you write something about Quran or God
I think I know enough about Islamic history and the ‘Khawrij’. In another thread I have briefly mentioned about them. According to Dr Tahir ul Qadri, Khwarij were the first terrorists in Islam as after fighting with Hazrat Ali (RA) at Siffin, they assassinated him. Their main philosophy was right to revolt against any ruler who deviated from their version of Islam. Khaarjis consider only the Sheikhayn to be legitimate rulers.

Even though TTP are Ashaari Muslims and follow Hanafi rules of Islamic jurisprudence. TTP and Takfiris follow this principle of Kharjites that any one who disagrees with their version can be killed. TTP has declared mosques as ‘Masjid e Zarrar’ and justified destruction. Can you find any Tradition written in any of the ‘Saheeh Sitta’ collection of the Hadith that suicide is okay in Islam? TTP practice this every day. No Islamic scholar before Syed Qutub ever theorized that it was okay to commit suicide. Whose Islam would you follow? As preached by the holy Prophet (PBUH) or by Syed Qutub of Egypt? I repeat my assertion that if Islam is what TTP and Taliban practice; I would rather be a kafir.

Before anything else I am human being and my conscience will not allow me to accept shedding of innocent blood as TTP do every day. I don’t deny that religious belief is a personal affair and you are welcome to follow Taliban and the Takfiris if their Islam appeals to you, just don’t push it down my throat.

The Khawarij even attempted to assassinate Salahudin Ayubi.
see this is hippocracy.i am giving my own veiws from the history not a spokesman for some organization who motives and aims are unknown i am just giving example from history not speaking on behalf of hizb or anyone and you can ban me for saying what God told me to say and that is Quran is the book to follow not to make khilafat or anything.i am just saying Quran is the way to follow and its the right of every person to express their opinion and no one can stop me from saying that

Why so defensive? have the courage of your conviction as a spokesman for the militants point of view - You, who were mouthing the ideology of the militants and their Wahabi masters, now seek to be excused - that won't work - it won't matter whom you claim you are following - if you are outside the law, you are just outside the law. In Pakistan the constitution of Pakistan is supreme law, you arbis just have to learn that and you will, easy way or hard way, it's up to you.
the profile picture tells about the whole story distorted profile picture distorted views and distorted opinions.

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