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Karachi: Zulfiqar Mirza's statement triggers another round of violence

why can't MQM make BABAR GHUARI,HAIDER ABBAS RIZVI OR FAROOQ SATTAR OR MUSTAFA KAMAL as the leader of MQM why do they have to reply on man living for 20 years away from the nation its people and holding another nationality!!
but you did clearly say that if david cameron also gets support then he should be allowed to form a party in pakistan! so please keep your lame logic to yourself! pakistan should be run by pakistanis its parties by men/women who are pakistani and live in pakistan! not by a BRITISH NATIONAL living in UK for last 20 years!! payign taxes to UK but nothing to government of pakistan!

My bad if I said so. I am sorry. I am not the expert of word war.

Well by going through the definition of democracy, everything can be happened if approved by majority, will you agree with that?
why can't MQM make BABAR GHUARI,HAIDER ABBAS RIZVI OR FAROOQ SATTAR OR MUSTAFA KAMAL as the leader of MQM why do they have to reply on man living for 20 years away from the nation its people and holding another nationality!!

Same question for PPP / ANP / PML-N... This is what happens in Pakistan.
Same question for PPP / ANP / PML-N... This is what happens in Pakistan.

none of these parties have a british national who is heading the party! atleast nawaz,asfandyar & zardari are pakistani nationals! without any dual nationality! and all 3 live in paksitan or have been to paksitan in the last 20 years has altaf ever come back to pakistan??? oh no sorry he went to india last time he came this way!!!
none of these parties have a british national who is heading the party! atleast nawaz,asfandyar & zardari are pakistani nationals! without any dual nationality! and all 3 live in paksitan or have been to paksitan in the last 20 years has altaf ever come back to pakistan??? oh no sorry he went to india last time he came this way!!!

But they have huge assets outside Pakistan... but still they are more nationalists to you. They have been living in other countries quiet easily, no problem for you....

Which one of them faced the army operation? which one of them got attacked by Establishment itself...
Same question for PPP / ANP / PML-N... This is what happens in Pakistan.

So basically your proving our point that MQM is just as corrupt, power hungry as the other political parties.
none of these parties have a british national who is heading the party! atleast nawaz,asfandyar & zardari are pakistani nationals! without any dual nationality! and all 3 live in paksitan or have been to paksitan in the last 20 years has altaf ever come back to pakistan??? oh no sorry he went to india last time he came this way!!!

That's because that is where his loyalty lies.
So basically your proving our point that MQM is just as corrupt, power hungry as the other political parties.

Read my earlier posts... All parties in Pakistan are same, es hamam main sub nangay hain....

But hatred against one party is not justified based on ethnicity.
but you did clearly say that if david cameron also gets support then he should be allowed to form a party in pakistan! so please keep your lame logic to yourself! pakistan should be run by pakistanis its parties by men/women who are pakistani and live in pakistan! not by a BRITISH NATIONAL living in UK for last 20 years!! payign taxes to UK but nothing to government of pakistan!

If it were up to him even George Bush can run for president in Pakistan.
Read my earlier posts... All parties in Pakistan are same, es hamam main sub nangay hain....

I don't support any party of Pakistan because they are all the same except a select few and no the man in London is not amongst them.

But hatred against one party is not justified based on ethnicity.
But according to you racist slurs against another ethnicity is ok?
I don't support any party of Pakistan because they are all the same except a select few and no the man in London is not amongst them.
Yes, you must be supporting Jamatis / ANP / PML-N / Q / PPP...

But according to you racist slurs against another ethnicity is ok?
where did I say that?.. do not presume to support your mindset.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how waderays have been a curse for Pakistan.
Funny thing is MQM formed a coalition with Waderas.

And keep showing you racist nature by calling Altaf Hussain, Kaalia.

Well, when you people were using words like "Tribal savages", Tribal animals" etc where did this racism go then?

And as for Ahmadis, they were Muslims before your jageerdar wadera Bhutto came along. I am not God so I cannot say who is a Muslim or who is not. If Ahmadis believe they are Muslims then no one should stop them from believing they are Muslims.

A Muslim is someone who believes in the 5 pillars of Islam:

1). There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the final prophet of Allah.
2). Hajj (pilgrimage to the holy land at least once in lifetime.
3). Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
4). Daily 5 prayers
5). Giving charity to the poor

If you don't believe in any of the above then you cannot be considered a Muslim. Ahmadis/Qadiyanis don't believe in prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the final prophet of Allah despite the fact that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that after him there will come no more messengers from Allah.
Yes, you must be supporting Jamatis / ANP / PML-N / Q / PPP...

Ok, whatever your childish imagination leads you to believe lolz. As i said, if your going to accuse me then prove where i supported "Jamatis/ANP/PML-n/Q/PPP...", otherwise your accusations are baseless.

where did I say that?.. do not presume to support your mindset.

don't act so innocent, you were justifying and thanking racist bigoted, hate filled posts.
That is where the problem lies... You simply declare anyone Kafir, anyone traitor... why bcaz he doesn't agree with you?

And where did i label anyone a Kafir? Lolz, another baseless accusation. Everyone knows where Altaf's loyalty lies and its certainly not Pakistan.

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