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ISI spying in USA

tit-for-tat - CIA spies on Pakistan (breaks our laws) - we do the same. so please no holier than thou attitudes!!!
The only difference is when ISI spies get caught they will be tried under US and International laws. But when CIA spies get caught they will be let free. Another thing is funds. What are the funds for CIA and ISI. When CIA goes all out against Pak, do you believe Pak can stand a chance? Remember...CIA embarrassed ISI in ISI's background [Abbotabad incident] and was successful in assassinating worlds most wanted terrorist though OBL had complete backing of ISI and Army!!
ISI is one of the best and very well organized intelligence agency in the world.Its is PAKISTAN's first line of defence. Any enemy of PAKISTAN will first like to remove this. ISI is a very disciplined force. There are so many checks on there staff that its hard to misuse there powers.Its really loyal to their country and performs such heroic like we normal used to hear, read in newspapers and see in TV channels and media of India or it is a party of KING MAKERS.
In India most of Indian think that ISI is an organization who has no face. An ISI agent can be go anywhere and can be do anything just like in bond007 movies or indian movies. In fact they feel fear from ISI and Pakistan. It is not enough that they feel fear we all are man and we have a common thing that is Fear=Hate if we feel fear we hate that thing so Indian hate ISI and Pakistan.
People need to be intellectually honest and consistent.

If CIA operations in Pakistan are condemned, then ISI operations in the U.S. should likewise be condemned.
If it's cool that ISI people are hassling folk who are very possibly citizens of the U.S., then don't beef about CIA activities.

You've got to pick one. I'll personally pick the first option. I don't like secret government agencies meddling in others' affairs.
People need to be intellectually honest and consistent.

If CIA operations in Pakistan are condemned, then ISI operations in the U.S. should likewise be condemned.
If it's cool that ISI people are hassling folk who are very possibly citizens of the U.S., then don't beef about CIA activities.

You've got to pick one. I'll personally pick the first option. I don't like secret government agencies meddling in others' affairs.

A stone thrower should expect a stone coming back... tit for tat...

ask your government and intelligence agencies to stop fiddling with other country's matters and then ask others to stop it.. retaliation is a b***ch.. if ISI has 'really' activated (which i hope they do) then expect something extra-ordinary.. this might be just the start to check the water temperature (if this is at all true)..
These sort of things are as old as the hills, covert operations occur even in friendly countries, surprise surprise - not anything new.
ask you government and intelligence agencies to stop fiddling with other country's matters and then ask others to stop it.. retaliation is a b***ch.. .

I have. After 9/11, the U.S. should have obliterated the camps and such in Afghanistan, continued the hunt for OBL, but not spent years in a fruitless scheme to "revitalize" the nation. Same deal with Iraq - light them up, take Baghdad, get Saddam, get out.

I'd like to see us become politically isolationist to a much greater degree.

Therefore, I am consistent.
Spying is Not Joking... No country escape from it.:cheers:

close the thread...:smokin:
I have. After 9/11, the U.S. should have obliterated the camps and such in Afghanistan, continued the hunt for OBL, but not spent years in a fruitless scheme to "revitalize" the nation. Same deal with Iraq - light them up, take Baghdad, get Saddam, get out.

I'd like to see us become politically isolationist to a much greater degree.

Therefore, I am consistent.

Believe me.. you are going that path, and quickly, i may add...

Besides, If it was isolated US only, you might have felt the pain back attacking Iraq and Afghanistan.. you got saved by 'allied' forces..

Go do the maths... for analysis, try looking for reasons behind Russia's destruction..
A stone thrower should expect a stone coming back... tit for tat...

ask your government and intelligence agencies to stop fiddling with other country's matters and then ask others to stop it.. retaliation is a b***ch.. if ISI has 'really' activated (which i hope they do) then expect something extra-ordinary.. this might be just the start to check the water temperature (if this is at all true)..

hope your joking about retaliation n all ... at least for the sake of your country ....all these years USA has managed to keep home as far away from war ..if as you say .. ISI will take war(covert) to US shores .....good luck with that man ..your gonna need more bomb shelters than duha....BIG ones ..:agree:
counter intelligence in USA by ISI ..this gonna get intresting ...:sniper::sniper:
Once again, I would urge all to cool down the rhetoric and let the situation play out. There are many, many layers of complexities on both sides, and taking simplistic positions such as "tit for tat" and others will not achieve anything.

To me, developments like these are merely the expression of two sides learning to adjust their positions about each other, and hence, cause for hope.

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