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India's Nuclear Agreement

singh is king singh is king singh is king

seems like china was missing from the meeting

Delegates say they approve US-India nuclear deal
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Delegates at 45-nation talks say they have approved a contentious U.S. plan to sell peaceful nuclear material technology to India.
The officials spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the closed door proceedings.
But they said the talks in Vienna have overcome misgivings expressed by Austria, Ireland and New Zealand. One delegate said Saturday's session produced «a total consensus» on the deal, which would reverse more than three decades of U.S. policy toward India.
Actually US has bullied the nations to fall in line ha ha ha. I feel it's time to see SH in tricolor, what u say guys:

UPDATE 1-Nuclear suppliers hold up US-India deal--diplomats | Markets | Reuters

After India's statement, the holdout group splintered as Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland indicated they could accept more limited language, diplomats said.

But Ireland, Austria and New Zealand rejected amended language presented to them individually by U.S. officials on Friday evening as inadequate, several diplomats told Reuters.

They said the meeting broke down when China walked out in support of Ireland, Austria and New Zealand.

"The Americans have bullied them, including with high-level phone calls to their capitals, but they held firm because the U.S. has showed no flexibility on testing," said one diplomat.
singh is king singh is king singh is king

seems like china was missing from the meeting

Delegates say they approve US-India nuclear deal
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Delegates at 45-nation talks say they have approved a contentious U.S. plan to sell peaceful nuclear material technology to India.
The officials spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the closed door proceedings.
But they said the talks in Vienna have overcome misgivings expressed by Austria, Ireland and New Zealand. One delegate said Saturday's session produced «a total consensus» on the deal, which would reverse more than three decades of U.S. policy toward India.

N-deal: BJP, Left slam UPA govt

NEW DELHI: Reacting to the recent disclosures on the nuclear deal, the Opposition parties hit out at the government.

The CPM said its stand on the nuclear deal stood vindicated with the "disclosures" by the US on the issue and asked the UPA government to suspend all further moves to operationalise the "anti-national" agreement.

"The government should suspend all further moves to operationalise the anti-national nuclear deal," the CPM Politburo said in a statement here.

Noting that the US has given "no binding fuel supply assurance" to the country, the party said the Manmohan Singh government was "thoroughly exposed" before the country for "compromising" India's vital security interests.

N-deal: BJP, Left slam UPA govt-Indo-US nuke deal-The Times of India

There was a time when we used to say that even if Indian politics is full of corrupts but our leaders are good but the time changed in such a way that we can’t find even a single man who is comparable to Dr Manmohan Singh.
Not even a single man can be said to be even comparable to Dr Singh.
Little bit similar character we may find in our best ever deserving foreign minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee otherwise all the tigers of Indian parliament are just tigers of home, Most of them have big mouth but they have no real talent to get something done outside the country.

With these two, credit of this success is shared by President Bush and foreign secretary Rice also.


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There was a time when we used to say that even if Indian politics is full of corrupts but our leaders are good but the time changed in such a way that we can’t find even a single man who is comparable to Dr Manmohan Singh.
Not even a single man can be said to be even comparable to Dr Singh.
Little bit similar character we may find in our best ever deserving foreign minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee otherwise all the tigers of Indian parliament are just tigers of home, Most of them have big mouth but they have no real talent to get something done outside the country. With these two, a credit of this success is shared by President Bush and Foreign secretary Rice also.

Manmohan Singh will be remembered for two Historic moments:yahoo:
1) Liberalisation of Indian Economy in 1991 when he was Finance Minister:tup:
2) Ending India's Nuclear Isolation............Singh is King Singh is King Singh is King:chilli:
guys seems like text is very much as acceptable to India, but any way wait for the official text to come out:


NDTV Correspondent
Saturday, September 06, 2008, (New Delhi)

The 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) has finally given its nod to the Indo-US nuclear deal in Vienna on Saturday.

The victory in Vienna was received after India and US convinced NSG nations after two rounds of unsuccessful talks.

US President George W Bush called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to congratulate on the development. The Prime Minister has called it a historic moment for India.

Meanwhile, US Under Secretary, Arms and Control, John Roods has said that it is a historic moment for India and the decision will improve ties between India and the US.

Sources have told NDTV that the new draft, which got the go-ahead by the NSG, has no reference to testing, enrichment ban and preprocessing technology ban.

Speaking about the development, Congress leader Digvijay Singh has said that it is a historic day for India and the Prime Minister and team has achieved an impossible task.

External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee's statement on moratorium is a part of the N-waiver received by India.

As per reports, Pranab's statement on Friday over India's commitment for non-proliferation played a crucial role in changing Austria's mind. Austria said they were among the last to yield.

Meanwhile, China has stressed on balancing energy needs and non-proliferation.
Kapil Sibal told NDTV that Its Pressident Bush turned the table around in favour of India at the last minute in NSG by intervaining personally and calling the leaders of the opposing countries including china.....he talked to pressident Hu Jintao personally on a phone at the last minute .......
This Deal will enable India now to do nuclear commerce with other countries like Russia and France even if US congress does not pass it......:yahoo:
There's still some way to go.
The Senate has to clear it. The thumb rule says 30 continuous working days after presentation. And incidently Bush has a cut off date of 26th Sept 08.
There's still some way to go.
The Senate has to clear it. The thumb rule says 30 continuous working days after presentation. And incidently Bush has a cut off date of 26th Sept 08.

Bush seems to have more interest in passing the deal than Manmohan I guess
and Indian are friends with Democrats too.

US will never loose Lucarative Nuclear market to France , Russian and others .
There's still some way to go.
The Senate has to clear it. The thumb rule says 30 continuous working days after presentation. And incidently Bush has a cut off date of 26th Sept 08.

Doesnt matter ......We will be able to do N-commerce with other countries like Russia and France even if the US congress does not pass it
Vienna (PTI): India on Saturday secured a historic waiver from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) by consensus to carry out nuclear commerce ending 34 years of isolation and taking the Indo-US nuclear deal a step closer to fruition.

Overcoming fierce obstacles after three days of tortuous negotiations that saw China, Austria, Ireland and New Zealand holding out till the last minute, the revised US draft finally got the approval of the 45-member NSG.

The deal will now go to the US Congress for approval in the next few weeks before it can be operationalised.

A relieved US President George W Bush spoke to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over telephone from Washington and praised his "strong leadership" for the success at the NSG. The call came shortly after the nuclear cartel's approval at the end of unscheduled extended discussions.

"After protracted negotiations, the NSG today adopted an exemption for nuclear exports to India," the Austrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement climaxing months of lobbying by US and India to get the atomic trade embargo lifted.

The US was euphoric after the NSG decision with its acting Secretary of State for Arms Control John Rood saying the NSG waiver was a "landmark decision" and an "important moment" for strengthening the global non-proliferation regime.

External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee's statement on Friday that India was committed to strengthening the non-proliferation regime and maintaining a voluntary, unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing played a crucial role in bringing on board the sceptics.

Austria said that it was one of the last countries to agree only after India's "formal declaration" on Friday standing by its non-proliferation commitments.

India faced nuclear apartheid following the 1974 Pokharan nuclear tests.

The unprecedented decision of the cartel giving exemption to India which has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was widely described a landmark step.

"There is a sense of relief. I am particularly happy that the waiver (for India) meets with international nuclear non-proliferation architecture," Peter Launsky, Austrian foreign ministry spokesman told reporters after the negotiations went down to the wire.

China, which had last night joined the sceptic countries, today did not oppose the waiver but raised some questions regarding specific issues.

Diplomats said some changes were made to the revised draft of the waiver to assuage concerns of the sceptic countries but details were not available yet.

Hectic behind the scene negotiations marked the diplomatic triumph for India in which the US played a major part by talking to the naysayers in extended late night discussions.

The four countries were initially not fully satisfied with the statement and wanted India's latest commitment to be incorporated in the US-steered draft waiver. They also wanted inclusion of the consequences that would follow a nuclear test.

But India had been opposed to inclusion of any conditionalities which it felt would undermine its sovereign right to undertake a nuclear test. New Delhi is not a member of the NSG which takes decisions on the principle of consensus.

The breakthrough came after the US President personally intervened to lobby with allies at the nuclear group to approve the trade waiver after killer amendments cropped up.

"The U.S. government engaged in an intense diplomatic effort," Rood said.

Members of the NSG approached the issue in a serious manner, he said.

"Countries had particular concerns, particular historical experience" but they approached the issue with the required "constructive and cooperative" attitude, Rood added.

He appreciated the NSG members for their willingness to approach the dialogue in a manner in which "even with regard to most serious concerns, there was willingness to find a way, to reach a kind of compromise that is necessary in multilateral negotiations."

Asked what was the main factor that led to the breakthrough, Launsky said Friday's statement of Mukherjee had assuaged the concerns of Austria and like-minded members making a contribution in achieving the objective.

The relief is also there for Austria particularly in the Indian Government's plan for separation of 14 power plants that will come under the inspection of the UN atomic watchdog IAEA, he said.

Austria also issued a statement saying it withdrew its objections after Mukherjee's statement which, it said, was decisive. The US officials also contended that transferring nuclear technology to India will bring its atomic programme under closer scrutiny and boost international non-proliferation efforts.

The naysayers pushed hard for three conditionalities in the event of India conducting an atomic test before they relent. These were termination of trade, stoppage of transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technology and an annual review of the agreement.

It was the second time in two weeks that the NSG had met to try and agree on a change in its rules and was characterised by tough bargaining on both sides, with some member countries complaining of "bullying" tactics by Washington, diplomats who attended the negotiations said.

Britain said it was happy that a compromise had been reached.

"We're very pleased that we were able to reach a compromise that everyone could live with," British envoy Simon Smith said.

The NSG was founded after India's 1974 atomic tests. :P

The Hindu News Update Service
Good for India, stinks for Pakistan and all the NPT supporters. Oh well another day in the imperfect world of Dubbiya :lol:
India to take up the letter issue with US

Press Trust Of India
New Delhi, September 06, 2008
First Published: 21:56 IST(6/9/2008)
Last Updated: 22:34 IST(6/9/2008)


India will take up with the US the controversial letter written by the State Department to the Congress stating that it would stop fuel supplies to India in case of a nuclear test by that country.

"I think that letter contains certain issue which we will take up with the US...," National Security Adviser (NSA) MK Narayanan told NDTV.

He said India has made it clear where it stands. "We have the 123 Agreement with the US, which is awaiting signature. Now the NSG waiver is through we will go through the signature procedure," the NSA said.

In the controversial disclosures on the eve of the meeting of the NSG, the US has made it clear that it will stop fuel supplies and other nuclear cooperation if India conducts a nuclear test.

The US position, which appears at variance with New Delhi's interpretation of some key clauses of the Indo-US nuclear deal, was made public just before the two-day meeting of the 45-nation NSG in Vienna.

India to take up the letter issue with US- Hindustan Times
India to take up the letter issue with US

Press Trust Of India
New Delhi, September 06, 2008
First Published: 21:56 IST(6/9/2008)
Last Updated: 22:34 IST(6/9/2008)

India will take up with the US the controversial letter written by the State Department to the Congress stating that it would stop fuel supplies to India in case of a nuclear test by that country.

"I think that letter contains certain issue which we will take up with the US...," National Security Adviser (NSA) MK Narayanan told NDTV.

He said India has made it clear where it stands. "We have the 123 Agreement with the US, which is awaiting signature. Now the NSG waiver is through we will go through the signature procedure," the NSA said.

In the controversial disclosures on the eve of the meeting of the NSG, the US has made it clear that it will stop fuel supplies and other nuclear cooperation if India conducts a nuclear test.

The US position, which appears at variance with New Delhi's interpretation of some key clauses of the Indo-US nuclear deal, was made public just before the two-day meeting of the 45-nation NSG in Vienna.

India to take up the letter issue with US- Hindustan Times

India knew this all along.

This is just a ploy to pressure the US into conceding a little more than what was originally decided.
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