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China may not veto US move for action inside Pakistan

Indian Members..
Please keep yourself informed. A fresh charge sheet from US has three serving intelligence officers from Pakistan. The handlers of the terrorists are walking freely in Pakistan. Independent news agencies like BBC has enough evidence to the same effect.

That doesn't contradict my statement at all.

I said: "And anyway, there is no solid proof to show that the Pakistani government has been behind any such terror attacks."

Has the UN declared that the Pakistani government is responsible for any particular terrorist attack?

Has ANY national government in the entire world, held the Pakistani government responsible for any particular terrorist attack?
Have you ever wondered, India also needs to stop something?

I never said. India is truely the honest country, I accept the truth what you are saying. Everyone do it, Each and every country do, So whats the big deal?
Has the UN declared that the Pakistani government is responsible for any particular terrorist attack?

UN declared the IRAQ and so many decision , Were they right or influential? Please answer if you say they were forced then whats the use of above statement?
I never said. India is truely the honest country, I accept the truth what you are saying. Everyone do it, Each and every country do, So whats the big deal?

No big idea, and now can only step by step, Pakistan joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a start, to achieve regional peace and cooperation. First, do some easy things, like leave the war, and economic development. and then some difficult. see Whether we can solve it with a real attitude
Well yes it's an internal affair but the thread includes china and the UN - so really it's a bit more complicated -- it may be just me, but I think External is a reflection of the Internal

US has the kind of relations it has with Muslim majority countries because of the kind of relations, or lack thereof, inside the US --- Pakistan cannot convince the world that it is actually against Islamist terrorism, because MAJORITIES actually support the ideas and behavior of the islamist terrorists.

This is the tragedy of playing the ambiguity game Pakistani style - we do it poorly, because there is no plausible deniablity --We're fighting terrorists, we're making deals with them, we're fighting them, we're making nice with them

While the rest of the world has been able to define fro themselves where they stand, Pakistan refuse to do so -- why?? Is it because they are duplicitous, double dealing ? Partially, but mostly, they are themselves just confused, they don't know how to tell right from wrong and good from bad.

About surrender -- there are other choices, Pakistan will make to make good choices again - See, friends, what you are seeing, and by "you" I mean most of you outside Pakistan and a handful inside, is "politics" being played by Pakistan's civilian and uniformed politicians -yes, the external is a reflection of the internal.

But just as a hypothetical, lets say Pakistan develop spine, kick Islamist terroriss's behind and tell the US to stick it and that Pakistan will follow it's interests - soon Senator Kerry will arrive with the usual carrots and sticks and of course the stick will be that India will get Afghanistan -- using the word India always animates Pakistanis, it seems.

Would China then support Pakistan's desire to follow her interests and these interests will mean incurring the hostility of the US and India and the Afghan and possibly the Iranian??

Pakistanis - may find the line about "internal matter" instructive.

Thats the real problem with Pak. I agree with above points. But they cant be confused for a long time. They need to take decision soon.
if US goes on to take unilateral action inside pakistan, china wouldn't say boo to it! OK.. some statements here & there.. like in the case of OBL incident! that's all. Afterall it's not china which is pumping in billions of $s to pakistan, it's US! why would chana want to swap that role with US? chinese are clever people.. they'l only see what's best in their interest. pakistan is vital to their scheme of things, but not to the extent of taking US head on!!
I think people sometimes fail to realize what position Pakistan has. remember If US does come in and attack us then they should better care for their 100K troops in Afghanistan because then they will be pushing us close to afghan taliban and do remember pakistan controls their supply ruote as well. I don't think US can afford that. Even these drone attack can be stopped if cowards in islamabad show some sense and courage.
if US goes on to take unilateral action inside pakistan, china wouldn't say boo to it! OK.. some statements here & there.. like in the case of OBL incident! that's all. Afterall it's not china which is pumping in billions of $s to pakistan, it's US! why would chana want to swap that role with US? chinese are clever people.. they'l only see what's best in their interest. pakistan is vital to their scheme of things, but not to the extent of taking US head on!!

More clever than you think.
I think this is truly the best solution. :tup:

And China will always support Pakistan.

If such actions increase our unpopularity in some countries, then so what?

I like that - but that's just the way I am - iron for iron --- on the other hand, soon we will have the opportunity to test our mettle -- My own free and worthless advice for any Chinese members would be to impress on Pakistan that this is not the time for hostilities and that sometimes bending avoids breaking -- there will be other opportunities, there just will be and the goal of a Asia free of the US is a worthy one.
I think people sometimes fail to realize what position Pakistan has. remember If US does come in and attack us then they should better care for their 100K troops in Afghanistan because then they will be pushing us close to afghan taliban and do remember pakistan controls their supply ruote as well. I don't think US can afford that. Even these drone attack can be stopped if cowards in islamabad show some sense and courage.

US put everything in a Model and check all the corner case. like OBL raid they did. They go back and forth and see how much pressure if there. If less then make a raid , I would say before making a denuke or any big effort they will make sure, they put enough money to buy the puppets, decrease the pressure and make a most secret operation.

Its not a kids game, I agree, but however starts they had the backup as well to bear the burden else they wont. But in my personnel view it wont be that easy for US to do it at this time.
US put everything in a Model and check all the corner case. like OBL raid they did. They go back and forth and see how much pressure if there. If less then make a raid , I would say before making a denuke or any big effort they will make sure, they put enough money to buy the puppets, decrease the pressure and make a most secret operation.

Its not a kids game, I agree, but however starts they had the backup as well to bear the burden else they wont. But in my personnel view it wont be that easy for US to do it at this time.

If the US attacks pakistan, pakistan can hold its soldiers in afghanistan hostage by cutting their supply and starving them to death. The US will be forced to either back off or escalate, and escalate could result in a nuclear war.
If the US attacks pakistan, pakistan can hold its soldiers in afghanistan hostage by cutting their supply and starving them to death. The US will be forced to either back off or escalate, and escalate could result in a nuclear war.

Do you really believe in this?? :rofl:

Nuclear war between Pakistan and USA??
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