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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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He was killed by a Predator UCAV.

Moral of the story?
Seeing it on local TV

Apparently dead as a doornail near Islamabad!!
the US defence industry will lose billions of dollars because of this.
No one is saying Pakistan wants all the credit but America should not get all the credit. Without the ISI I don't know how successful America would have been

Exactly right. :tup:

Without Pakistan's cooperation in the WoT, they would never have found him.
Well, that's an end to Osama's 2571 killstreaks.
the US defence industry will lose billions of dollars because of this.
Heck...No...If anything, we will analyze the weapons and their usage in this operation and will improve upon them.
Sir, Osama WAS in Islamabad and that too in a mansion....Hope what u r saying is true to each word or else this don't sound good new for Pak...B/w many times these reports that Osama is in Pakistan was rejected by Pakistan premier and many other high rank officials.....

right now in US media it is being reported as CIA led operation...No name about ISI so far...

You honestly think an operation like this can be conducted without ISI's approval, CNN is quoting that Pakistan's intelligence was involved in the operation. Lets wait for the official story on how the events unfolded, what makes you think that ISI didn't lure him in. Pakistan has never said that he's not in Pakistan, they have said that if their is intelligence that he's in Pakistan than share it with us and we will take action. I have no doubt in my mind that Pakistan's intelligence was involved in this operation, its simply not possible for an operation like this to be conducted without ISI's approval.
Too early for that prediction. We have to wait and see the psychological effects of this on the Taliban. Yes...I know the Taliban is independent of al-Qaeda, but the Taliban supported al-Qaeda and ObL himself was a brother-in-law to whats-his-name.

Yes, it does sound too early, he's been dead for like, an hour that's all. But I remember congressional hearings, where the sole justification for the war in Afghanistan was the WoT owing to the 9/11 attacks. And the Taliban did not facilitate the 9/11 attacks. OBL did. The Taliban only sheltered OBL. Now that justification is gone, so the way out of Afghanistan is clear.
He was killed by a Predator UCAV.

Moral of the story?

No, he was killed by US operatives, it was a HUMAN joint operation by US and Pakistani personnel...You understand now?
No one is saying Pakistan wants all the credit but America should not get all the credit. Without the ISI I don't know how successful America would have been
True...But just like Desert Storm where we gave the Egyptians the credit for 'liberating' Kuwait City, we will give this to Pakistan if necessary.
Well, that's an end to Osama's 2571 killstreaks.
What a predictable claim. "Victory has many fathers; Defeat is an orphan."

"Predictable claim"

Sources confirm this nothing "predictable" about that, but what a "predictable" denial.
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