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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Yeah but you know the ISI is not going to get credit for this.
If Pakistan want to take ALL the credit. We will be more than happy to give it to you. But...We got the body.
It should have been hot news.

Haven't seen it or heard it.
Thanks to ISI Osama is dead. Americans bow down to Pasha right now!
America killed his biggest agent... and in islamabad? o_O

Osama living in a mansion near Islamabad, atleast its clear where the safe havens are.
its all the part of plan.
This is wonderful news! Revenge for that miserable's fcuk's heinous attacks upon us and others. It seems assured he's dead. Apparently killed in a U.S. operation somewhere in the Mohmand area. Don't know if this was a solo effort, drone or combined op with Pakistan. Do know I said this yesterday to Patanjali-

"Nope. It'll be a cold day in Hell before we conduct a sustained ground offensive inside Pakistan. Special ops raid? Maybe if the target was truly justified but we're likely talking OBL or Zawahiri."

Don't call me precient:lol:. Still, while the top dog is gone, there are more like Ilyas Kashmiri and Zawahiri I'd love to see dead.
Pakistan's intelligence was involved in the operation, it was a joint operation. I guess this lays down all the speculation that Pakistan is colluding with the militants.

Sir, Osama WAS in Islamabad and that too in a mansion....Hope what u r saying is true to each word or else this don't sound good new for Pak...B/w many times these reports that Osama is in Pakistan was rejected by Pakistan premier and many other high rank officials.....

right now in US media it is being reported as CIA led operation...No name about ISI so far...
If Pakistan want to take ALL the credit. We will be more than happy to give it to you. But...We got the body.

No one is saying Pakistan wants all the credit but America should not get all the credit. Without the ISI I don't know how successful America would have been
Stupid sheep outside White House celebrating not knowing 9/11 was an a covert operation by IA's with inside involvement.
Bin Laden has been irrelevant for a long time. This is closure for the US, but largely irrelevant on the larger fight against terrorism.

Yes, every one hopes so but I doubt it is going to happen. AQ is a self sustaining terrorist organisation now. OBL's death will not have any real effect, it will only be of symbolic value.

You're probably right I guess.

But still, I very much hope this is the "beginning of the end" for global terrorism.
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