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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

I do not against the non-multiculturalism in Europe, since they are the native in this land, so they have the right to defend their native culture and bloodline.

But Australia and North America weren't belong to white europeans originally, so against multiculturalism is pretty hypocrite and selfish.

Did you even read my post? Obviously not. It's got nothing to do with race.

Multi-culturalism does not equal Multi-racialism. Multi-culturalism means multiple cultures. Cultures does not = race.

Multi-culturalism is a failure.
It goes without saying that any cultural practices that are incompatible with core Australian values should not be tolerated.

Unfortunately they are tolerated because of political correctness. Islam for example, is the complete opposite of Australian values, but we have to tolerate it.
Unfortunately they are tolerated because of political correctness. Islam for example, is the complete opposite of Australian values, but we have to tolerate it.

That's because you don't know Islam, and the media showcases only the extreme aspects of it. The vast majority of Australian Muslims get along fine with other Australians, but you rarely hear about it in the media.

Do you know that Orthodoc Jewish temples segregate men and women? Or that some Christians refuse immunization for their children? If these things were being done by Muslims, it would be all over the news.
I have not read the entire article, but hopefully i have understoood the main highlight of the article: multiculturalism is a failure. Even david cameron few months ago has mentioned this in a speech in Germany. However, don't forget, this people who claim multiculturalism is a failure has ruled us for hundreds of years and literally robbed all of India, divided us and so on.
The truth is, nothing is forever, evolutionists claim that we all evolved from one race and we have evolved to where we are now. Change is pretty much inevitable and it will happen regardless of how uncomfortable people are, and yes that means our cultures over time will start to change.
and i must add 1 more point: the rise of terrorism recently is not because there are extremists in countries like UK, US and Australia. That is a very small factor, the main issue issue here are the imperialistic foreign polices this countries have. Before 9/11, there were hardly any such threats, the problems are with your foreign polices which instigate certain sectors of a society. Matter of fact, even MI5 claimed the london bombings were not of Al Quiada rather because some groups were aggravate because of UK's support of the war.
Lastly, it is a problem, illegal immigration but not as big as most people imply it to be. The entire NHS sector heavily depends on foreigner to functions as do many other divisions. Its pity how most people don't see the bigger picture, rather use this to rectify their racist thinking.
That's because you don't know Islam, and the media showcases only the extreme aspects of it...Do you know that Orthodoc Jewish temples segregate men and women?
Do you know that I use soap in my shower? Doesn't that make showering an evil Zionist plot?

Developereo, it seems that all you want to do lately is keep from looking in the mirror at examples of how ugly, destructive, and self-destructive Muslims and especially Pakistanis are. Aren't these real problems that should be dealt with, rather than always responding by casting one's gaze elsewhere?
Now, this might come from the fact that I live in a city known as a 'Haven' city for immigrants, but I don't see why people can't be cultural but still conform to the land's way of life at the same time. People in my nieghborhood have adapted well, and my nieghborhood is filled with Haitians, Portguease, Itailians, Irish etc. etc. Think of a race, we got it, and most people don't have a problem with each other. Sure, there's a language barrier in some cases, but that's what children are for, cheap translators.* ;)

But white settler countries like Canada and the US have selected multiculturalism as a tool for increasing brain drain from other countries.

Define 'selected multiculturalism' for me real quick, because it seems to me like you're making things up as you go along, and I wonder how much you actually know about Austrailia, America, and Canada.

I just read the title and did not bother with the rest...
This white supremicism makes me sick literally...

If you didn't read the article, your proclaimation of it being racist is invalid. ;)

*yes there's crime, but name a nation without it?
The Core problem here is that these guys are mad cause theres not many ethnic backgrounds in the news of the 3 main free to air television channels and because they dont post stories about muslim australians and christian australians getting on fine WHICH IS AN AMAZING STORY(sarcasm)how childish.


Narelda jacobs is part aboriginal australian or aboriginal australian idk what she calls herself and lesbian.

and to the abortion rates thats the parents choice not yours abortion can only be done in early stages where the "baby" cant even feel pain.
Someone should tell them that it's all for ratings. Who wants to hear good news that can be easily ignored. Bad news sells because it brings out more emotions like fear, hatred, sympathy for those lost, as opposed to the light hearted 'awww' people get from news about people living together to make the world a better place.

A kitten gets more attention than people coexisting together without throwing rocks at each other; sad but true.

Btw, I hate women with short hair. She'd probably be hot, or at least attractive otherwise. I demand long hair pics now! :P
Now, this might come from the fact that I live in a city known as a 'Haven' city for immigrants, but I don't see why people can't be cultural but still conform to the land's way of life at the same time. People in my nieghborhood have adapted well, and my nieghborhood is filled with Haitians, Portguease, Itailians, Irish etc. etc. Think of a race, we got it, and most people don't have a problem with each other. Sure, there's a language barrier in some cases, but that's what children are for, cheap translators.* ;)

Define 'selected multiculturalism' for me real quick, because it seems to me like you're making things up as you go along, and I wonder how much you actually know about Austrailia, America, and Canada.

If you didn't read the article, your proclaimation of it being racist is invalid. ;)

*yes there's crime, but name a nation without it?

Ok, here's what I mean. The multiculturalism supported by the West is not actually multiculturalism. It is taking the aspects of other cultures desirable to the dominant population, whites, and using it as a cheap shield against accusations of racism as well as a selling point of "respecting different cultures" for the prime target of the immigration departments in the west: high IQ peoples and rich corrupt officials/businessmen looking for safe havens to wash their black money, white.

This is obvious through the Western media's racial attacks against Chinese people, always implying that Chinese have no ability to innovate (and therefore implying that we have a lower IQ than whites) while promoting the idea that the US is an innovative society. For this end they have hired thousands of "scholars" :lol: who write articles about China and other developing countries, "analyzing" :lol: them. There frequent conclusions are only: 1.) Chinese people have no culture and blindly want to be Americanized 2.) Chinese people have low IQ and can never be as innovative as "innovative countries", mostly white, and yet they also assert that 3.) Chinese people hate their country and want it to be as poor, weak, and terrible as possible so that they can become refugees in the West.

The problem is, most Chinese do not recognize this, due to our government censoring more negative news from the West than negative news about our own. If the government stopped censorship of negative, racist news against Chinese people, what will people think? I am lucky, that I use English websites and can see the racism and negativity for myself.
Ok, here's what I mean. The multiculturalism supported by the West is not actually multiculturalism. It is taking the aspects of other cultures desirable to the dominant population, whites, and using it as a cheap shield against accusations of racism as well as a selling point of "respecting different cultures" for the prime target of the immigration departments in the west: high IQ peoples and rich corrupt officials/businessmen looking for safe havens to wash their black money, white.

I'd like to see proof of this, otherwise it's all speculation from someone who gets his 'American' news from online conservative news articles. A safe haven city is, in reality, a city/town/what-have-you that is promoted to be a 'good place to start a new life,' and is therefore a literally example of America's old moniker of being a 'melting pot' of different cultures that you won't find anywhere else in America or in most corners of the world.

Honestly, I think you need to travel here before you even comment on American society, or any for that matter. I can show you how to cross a street during rush hour the Bostonian way; during a greenlight outside of a cross zone, and still blame the driver like it's thier fault they didn't see you popping out from the middle of an Explorer and Caravan. :P

Something about republicans being racist again, like it's a shocker.

You should stop watching Fox news. The entire network panders to scared rednecks afraid of losing thier way of life overnight. ;)
Any objective evidence of these claims other than your uncle told you so?

It's amazing how so-called moderate Indians show their true colors when egged on by other Indian trolls.

Will the data from Australian Bureau of Statistics do?


Do you see how migrants from "certain" background tend to commit more crime than others. Mind you these only include the first generation migrants, these stats would become more skewed if we include the ethnic thugs and criminals who were born here. And my uncle doesn't even work for Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Source: http://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/F3916FB1F45FAF12CA2577F3000F11F0/$File/45170_2010.pdf Page 39
We're helping Tibetans develop their economy and livelihoods. Billions upon billions have been poured into Tibet. What did whites do to the Aborigines--wipe them out and replace them.

you'd be surprised what government benefits the aboriginals receive
You should stop watching Fox news. The entire network panders to scared rednecks afraid of losing thier way of life overnight. ;)

For us, CNN and Faux News are the same, lol.

And i still watch Faux News, because i find it pretty entertaining. :pop:

And i did support McCain for President back in 2008. And only that Palin AKA the hockey mom was a mess.
For us, CNN and Faux News are the same, lol.

Because i still watch Faux News, because i find it pretty entertaining. :pop:

And i did support McCain for President back in 2008. And only that Palin hockey mom was a mess.

Nation-wide news as a whole is a joke. Local news is filled with alot less dumbassery than stuff that covers(with a blanket so they can insult the opposing party) the nation. I admit that local news also suffers from the same agenda cramming from time to time when local issues rise up, but the degree is far less.
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