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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

he said chinese not australian-chinese?

In the sentence he mentioned dual citizenship which means he admitted that the Chinese he was talking about was an Australian but in fact it is impossible to keep dual citizenship for a Chinese.
I think many Australians live a comfortable life and they might think allowing immigrants from poor countries to come to Australia is a gift for those people. Immigrants are not considered as part of the society but a burden of the society. In the media, many people just blame everything bad is because of immigrants whereas counter articles are rarely allowed to be published.

There are two kind of migrants, theres the refugees and then there is the skilled migrant. Refugees are a burden on Australian people, no doubt , but almost all Australians have no issues helping out the "deserving" refugees. All the boat people that show up in Australia aren't always the deserving people. They are usually the richer people from these "refugee" countries who pay their way, jump the queue and the other genuine cases get pushed behind in the queue. Thats why you see debate about "boat people" in Australia, its not because Australians are selfish and they don't want to accept refugees.
The article may have some correct general observations regarding certain sections of immigrants , but even so it is clearly a scare-mongering article. People while pointing out the problems caused by immigrants , tend to ignore the enormous contributions - in science , medicine , economy such fields .

Looks like what a typical asiophobic , white guy would write to demonize immigrant communities - and considering Australian society in general with the ostracism , hate and open attacks against what they perceive to be peaceful ( or in their eyes weaker ) sections of Australian society like Subcontinentals , mainland Chinese , its no surprise.

Its hilarious to even compare with the U.S - the amount of legal protection , constitutionally guarrenteed rights and follow up action that U.S citizens irrespective of ethnicity is provided is nowhere close to what the Aussie govt offers.

Multiculturalism is and will always be the best policy for any country - as long as any immigrant confirms to the general values - there is no reason why he can't pray in his temples , mosques - observe his cultural and religious festivals , dress the way he wishes within reason , enjoy his fav foods etc
without having a bunch of intolerants fire bullets .

As far as lebanese or turkish young men throwing beer bottles or spitting on old ladies in concerned - That is CERTAINLY NOT what they do in Lebenon or turkey . Thats definitely part of Australian culture not Lebenese or Turkish culture . Its what they saw happening when they settled trying to blend in - gangs of rowdies , knifes , street fights and muggings . So they tried to blend in .And we have all these news paper columnists and self-styled experts suddenly finding a convenient excuse to explain away the ills and shortcomings of their society - Alchohalism , gang activity , muggings .
Rampant hypocrisy at work.
There are two kind of migrants, theres the refugees and then there is the skilled migrant. Refugees are a burden on Australian people, no doubt , but almost all Australians have no issues helping out the "deserving" refugees. Almost all the boat people that show up in Australia aren't always the deserving people. They are usually the richer people from these "refugee" countries who jump the queue and the other genuine cases get pushed behind in the queue. Thats why you see debate about "boat people" in Australia, its not because Australians are selfish and they don't want to accept refugees.

I myself am the victim of this non-sense. The fact is when people talk about immigrants they tend to think of the refugees as the image of immigrants.
@ Urbanized Greyhound, just out of curiosity, have you ever been to Australia?


If it was upto me, I would add a clause to immigration to Australia. Any migrant, if they commit any crime in their first 5 years in Australia, send them packing back to wherever they come from. I mean we already have our local thugs, its not like Australia needs "skilled thugs" to come migrate here from other countries. :lol:
I myself am the victim of this non-sense. The fact is when people talk about immigrants they tend to think of the refugees as the image of immigrants.

What people are these? I personally don't pay much attention to what VB guzzling junkie/drugo has to say. Normal Australians know the difference between refugees and skilled migrants, and the need for skilled migrants in this country.
@ Urbanized Greyhound, just out of curiosity, have you ever been to Australia?


If it was upto me, I would add a clause to immigration to Australia. Any migrant, if they commit any crime in their first 5 years in Australia, send them packing back to wherever they come from. I mean we already have our local thugs, its not like Australia needs "skilled thugs" to come migrate here from other countries. :lol:

No, I have family and friends there - am in frequent touch and they have had their share of good and bad experiences.

btw all those I know are in responsible , dignified positions - most who come from The subcontinent are anyways.You are right, your local thugs are more than enough:rolleyes:
Couple of observations:

1) He never believed in multiculturalism. This author comes across as a Muslim hating neo-con going off on a rant about his personal observations.

2) I get Markel, Cameron, but the author himself is a multi-cultural implant on the indigenous people. In Asia pacific there aren't that many white folks with Judeo-Christian traditions. 1% ( + or -) out of more than 3 billion certainly make him the individual with the odd culture.
Couple of observations:

1) He never believed in multiculturalism. This author comes across as a Muslim hating neo-con going off on a rant about his personal observations.

2) I get Markel, Cameron, but the author himself is a multi-cultural implant on the indigenous people. In Asia pacific there aren't that many white folks with Judeo-Christian traditions. 1% ( + or -) out of more than 3 billion certainly make him the individual with the odd culture.

That sounds about right to me. :tup:
No, I have family and friends there - am in frequent touch and they have had their share of good and bad experiences.

btw all those I know are in responsible , dignified positions - most who come from The subcontinent are anyways.You are right, your local thugs are more than enough:rolleyes:

Ah fair enough. But I live here right, I see these things first hand, on a daily basis. If the same thing was going on say back in India( Immigrants forming gangs and indulging in all sorts of criminal activities) Indians would react in similar fashion too.

Jokes apart, doesn't it make sense though? Australian police force is understaffed as it is, we can't afford new migrants who come here and commit crime. Its just a drain on the police resources which can otherwise be used to curb the crime rate. Its like you know when a company hires someone, they do a background check on you. If you have been upto dodgy stuff you don't get selected, and if you do get selected you do something wrong in the probation period ,you get fired straightaway right? IMO there should be a probation period for new migrants, and if you commit crime in that period you get booted out form the country. As simple as that.

As far as lebanese or turkish young men throwing beer bottles or spitting on old ladies in concerned - That is CERTAINLY NOT what they do in Lebenon or turkey . Thats definitely part of Australian culture not Lebenese or Turkish culture . Its what they saw happening when they settled trying to blend in - gangs of rowdies , knifes , street fights and muggings . So they tried to blend in .And we have all these news paper columnists and self-styled experts suddenly finding a convenient excuse to explain away the ills and shortcomings of their society - Alchohalism , gang activity , muggings .
Rampant hypocrisy at work.

Yes agreed Australian society has its devils like every other society, but why is it that immigrants from certain backgrounds only, try to emulate these ways of the Australian society? And the culture you mentioned is not how majority of Australians behave anyways, I don't see why someone would feel compelled to copy and act like the lowest form of a society, when they have a lot more to look up to ?
I myself am the victim of this non-sense. The fact is when people talk about immigrants they tend to think of the refugees as the image of immigrants.

I feel you. Most people in Canada look upon immigrants at best as a giant charity case, and at worst as criminal scums. What they overlook is that immigration is Canadian policy to prop up the declining birth rate. Without immigration, Canada would follow in the footsteps of Japan, with ever lower population, GDP, and an aging population. Skilled immigrants, like my family, are what's making Canada grow as a nation.

The government always goes on about better assimilating immigrants into Canadian society. I can tell you that the nonwhites where I live are better assimilated than most people born in the country. What the government needs to do a better job on is educating the natives on why Canada needs immigrants, and make them more accepting and tolerant of peaceful and hard-working new arrivals. After all, both Canada and Australia are a nation of immigrants. Please don't try to claim that white Australians are the original people of Australia.
Ah fair enough. But I live here right, I see these things first hand, on a daily basis. If the same thing was going on say back in India( Immigrants forming gangs and indulging in all sorts of criminal activities) Indians would react in similar fashion too.

Jokes apart, doesn't it make sense though? Australian police force is understaffed as it is, we can't afford new migrants who come here and commit crime. Its just a drain on the police resources which can otherwise be used to curb the crime rate. Its like you know when a company hires someone, they do a background check on you. If you have been upto dodgy stuff you don't get selected, and if you do get selected you do something wrong in the probation period ,you get fired straightaway right? IMO there should be a probation period for new migrants, and if you commit crime in that period you get booted out form the country. As simple as that.

Yes agreed Australian society has its devils like every other society, but why is it that immigrants from certain backgrounds only, try to emulate these ways of the Australian society? And the culture you mentioned is not how majority of Australians behave anyways, I don't see why someone would feel compelled to copy and act like the lowest form of a society, when they have a lot more to look up to ?

Your arguments resemble the racist arguments thrown around decades ago about how African Americans are as a race, violent and uncivilized. Reams of studies on black poverty and black crimes were used to claim that the African race is subhuman. Overlooking the fact that blacks were a poor and marginalized ethnic group in the US. As a a result of their poverty, lack of education, and racial barriers to work, black crimes were higher than white crimes.

Immigrants, like African Americans, are a segment of society vulnerable to poverty and discrimination. What is Australia doing to help immigrants overcome barriers to work? In Canada, a foreign doctor cannot obtain a Canadian medical license without going back to medical school. What use is bringing highly educated doctors if they can only find work as taxi drivers? It is counterproductive to take a page out of Hitler's manual and declaring multiculturalism is a failure, further ostracizing immigrants and depriving them of the opportunity to better themselves.
Ah fair enough. But I live here right, I see these things first hand, on a daily basis. If the same thing was going on say back in India( Immigrants forming gangs and indulging in all sorts of criminal activities) Indians would react in similar fashion too.

Jokes apart, doesn't it make sense though? Australian police force is understaffed as it is, we can't afford new migrants who come here and commit crime. Its just a drain on the police resources which can otherwise be used to curb the crime rate. Its like you know when a company hires someone, they do a background check on you. If you have been upto dodgy stuff you don't get selected, and if you do get selected you do something wrong in the probation period ,you get fired straightaway right? IMO there should be a probation period for new migrants, and if you commit crime in that period you get booted out form the country. As simple as that.

Yes agreed Australian society has its devils like every other society, but why is it that immigrants from certain backgrounds only, try to emulate these ways of the Australian society? And the culture you mentioned is not how majority of Australians behave anyways, I don't see why someone would feel compelled to copy and act like the lowest form of a society, when they have a lot more to look up to ?

Mostly agree with you . Respect your views certainly given that you live in Australia and are getting the situation first hand. Yes we react , and react harshly to " illegal immigrants " from bangladesh too but to put a question mark over multiculturalism because of a few immigrants ( as per the article ) is imho a mistake .
Because there are huge numbers of "legal migrants " working in high positions , paying their taxes and working towards the betterment of the Australian economy. And to be honest the law and order situation about police stations being understaffed that you remarked earlier should be by all citizens right , a top priority for the Govt . They should ensure the safety of their citizens lives and properties before any thing else, and allocate as much resource as is necessary for this purpose.

By all means the illegal immigrants , involving in crime , dodgy stuff should be booted out , deported , prevented at the immigration office level etc . but like you said we get bad apples everywhere. There should not be a phobia against immigration or multiculturalism because of it ( as the article writer claims ).

PS : such attitudes were articulated in the U.S too in the mid 1980's targeted at Indians ( hate groups targeting the name Patel ) before they began to group together and involve themselves in politics. It would be good if the deserving , high -skilled immigrants began to adopt this approach in this country too.
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