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Hindu temples of Pakistan ...

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But still my gall is nothing in front of your gall since with all your pathetic support for RSS and pundit ji you are still "secular". I hope you didn't lend this gall from Pundit ji himself. He also had the gall to kill the father of the nation. He had too unnecessary gall. ;)


Obviously I can believe about my country whatever I want to. You didn't need to tell me, but wonder what "secular" state of India was doing when it's "secular" citizens were demolishing the historic Mosque. Looks like a joint venture to me.A joint "secular" venture.;)

Paaji how can you doubt what an indan is telling you about Pakistan, didnt you know they know more about us then us when we are the one living here. ;)
Can I read the Article from where You have borrowed these Lines?? Make sure its Not a Blog... I am Waiting

By the way I also know such examples personally who even in 90's or even after that migrated from "secular" India. The migration that started in 1947 is still continuing in one form or the other. I didn't give you the answer since I was interested in that joint venture of 1992 than this migration.:D
I need no one to Prove me anything,He is a Moderator and I do respect his words, But if that is how PDF functions I have many a things to share, unfortunately I have No Links to justify it, if only the same would Have been advised to a Person if The Point was Made by me....

There are many Muslims , Pakistani Muslims Living in the Remote areas of Gujrat, they have been given Stapled Ration Cards and other necessities for there smooth occupied as farmers and Wage Laborers, I personally Have Experience with Working with a Native of Mine who Give employment Opportunities to those who seek Asylum in India....

And when was that and how many are there.
MQM workers continued to bring Indian Muslims (relatives and friends) to Pakistan uptil a few decades ago. Currently the situation is not good so this has died down a bit.

As for the people in my area, you can come to clifton and I can introduce you to individuals who are from Delhi or Bombay.

It has died down a bit but still people do migrate from India to Pakistan. Numbers have decreased indeed but it is still alive.:)
Sure, about Rushdie:

David Cronenberg Interviews Salman Rushdie

SR.com: Interview with Salman Rushdie

Rushdie's and many other Indian Muslim families migrated to Pakistan because we were a very prosperous nation then.

What is Pakistan's MQM? - CSMonitor.com

MQM workers continued to bring Indian Muslims (relatives and friends) to Pakistan uptil a few decades ago. Currently the situation is not good so this has died down a bit.

As for the people in my area, you can come to clifton and I can introduce you to individuals who are from Delhi or Bombay.

If a Person goes to England to study and Plans to Settle there In England does it in anyway Mean Refuge?? Its settlement not refuge, the same, If a Person want to leave India to Pakistan just for the cause of His Faith and Motives does not mean Refuge.... A situation of Refuge is stated only when there are a Group of Individuals Fleeing there Country leaving behind what they have earned fearing there lives and Faith to be Hurt....

Were there any Muslims Who had to leave India based on the Tortures like the present day Taliban is doing towards Pakistani hindus????
And when was that and how many are there.

There are many, I personally Have met only one and He inturn claims to have come here along with others in his Locality, He was a Muslim who was here fearing for his Life from the terrorism in Pakistan... Un fortunately I could not speak to Him for much long, He had come in 1970's or so.... He had been Living in Rajasthan in the refugee camp for over 13 years untill he was Given the Right of Seeking his own life in India.... And he is an Educated Person aswell
By the way I also know such examples personally who even in 90's or even after that migrated from "secular" India. The migration that started in 1947 is still continuing in one form or the other. I didn't give you the answer since I was interested in that joint venture of 1992 than this migration.:D

I dint expect an Answer from you for your Pro Stand On Your Govt Taliban Deal to slaughter the minorities... :D
Tortures like the present day Taliban is doing towards Pakistani hindus????

To be very honest I didnt want to be a part of this debate because you guys are beyond reason as most of the arguments that you guys make are based on assumptions and the bs that is fed to you by the news channels of yours. Now this point that you keep on making about the talibans targeting the Pakistani hindus, it doesn't take a genius to understand that they were targeted not that they belong to a certain minority but because they were as much a part of Pakistan as any other Pakistani also including Muslims. The only reason that they got more attention because they are a minority, but please tell me didnt you see the same talibans targeting and killing the Muslims there. What happen was unfortunate, but every one suffered because of it.
If a Person goes to England to study and Plans to Settle there In England does it in anyway Mean Refuge?? Its settlement not refuge, the same, If a Person want to leave India to Pakistan just for the cause of His Faith and Motives does not mean Refuge.... A situation of Refuge is stated only when there are a Group of Individuals Fleeing there Country leaving behind what they have earned fearing there lives and Faith to be Hurt....

Were there any Muslims Who had to leave India based on the Tortures like the present day Taliban is doing towards Pakistani hindus????

Refuge just means 'safety: a safe place;, when Pakistan was prospering, some Indian Muslim families like the Rushdies decided to move because of economic and oppurtunity related 'safety'.

Though I agree with you that the word settlment would be a better term to use and in terms of fleeing Hindu's of Pakistan, the term refuge would be correct.
There are many, I personally Have met only one and He inturn claims to have come here along with others in his Locality, He was a Muslim who was here fearing for his Life from the terrorism in Pakistan... Un fortunately I could not speak to Him for much long, He had come in 1970's or so.... He had been Living in Rajasthan in the refugee camp for over 13 years untill he was Given the Right of Seeking his own life in India.... And he is an Educated Person aswell

Hmmmmm, so you met a dude living in Gujrat probably living close to the border, and he ran away from Pakistan because of terrorism and that also in 1970's. Thek hai sir. The only terrorism that Pakistan suffered close to that era was due to indian sponsored terrorism in Bangladesh. Are u sure he was not a Bengali.
Refuge just means 'safety: a safe place;, when Pakistan was prospering, some Indian Muslim families like the Rushdies decided to move because of economic and oppurtunity related 'safety'.

Though I agree with you that the word settlment would be a better term to use and in terms of fleeing Hindu's of Pakistan, the term refuge would be correct.

It sure does sir... Probably yes, Pakistan was Leading Country untill the 70's , probably the developed among the developing nations.... There were better opportunities
I dint expect an Answer from you for your Pro Stand On Your Govt Taliban Deal to slaughter the minorities... :D

what a dumbest claim because TTP slaughtered 99.99% Muslim Pakistanis . not minorities anyway
Hmmmmm, so you met a dude living in Gujrat probably living close to the border, and he ran away from Pakistan because of terrorism and that also in 1970's. Thek hai sir. The only terrorism that Pakistan suffered close to that era was due to indian sponsored terrorism in Bangladesh. Are u sure he was not a Bengali.

Might be I dont know, East pakistan... Yes the Only reason to be here in India is Because of East Pakistan.... But he was here before the creation of Bangladesh...
what a dumbest claim because TTP slaughtered 99.99% Muslim Pakistanis . not minorities anyway

I know that was the Dumbest way of Presenting the facts.... I will write more pleasing to your eyes next time...
I dint expect an Answer from you for your Pro Stand On Your Govt Taliban Deal to slaughter the minorities... :D

Which deal GOP made with Taliban to kill minorities?? And when did I supported such deal??? What a weird post this time Indian army. Don't overdo it Indian army. Please.;)
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