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Indians are dirty according to israelis

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If Qataris or other arabs develop hindu phobia then they will deport them by the millions.

there is spying of Qatar? are you US, China, Russia, India? whats meaning spying for even Indonesia, how much Indonesia influence world politics like China, Russia, US, India?

while Qatar, a dog food dependent tiny country on either US or, China, India, Russia.
this Qatar, whats price of this country other than a spy of US-Nato?

If Qataris or other arabs develop hindu phobia then they will deport them by the millions.

look, Hindus feed 'salt' to US. the link as below. the 'salt' which Qatar eat, Hindus feed to US's government :-)

Observant Jews, like Muslims, also can’t stand idolatry and idol worship. Sure, the Israel government might sell weapons to India and make quick cash, but at the people level, opinions about India are quite clear, just like in Arab countries.
They take them as pagans.
Lolz am pointing out the hypocrisy and stupidity of Pakistanis. Israelis may hate indians or not but ur own so called ummah and allies hate u the most and call u way worse racist names.
I just say the truth and that hurts many. Sorry but truth is truth.
How is that even a topic of this thread.
What arabs think about us is a different topic altogether. We don't cheer when arabs die like indians do, we don't show our support to invaders and occupiers of arab lands like indians do.
This thread is about true aukaat of indians in front of Israelis while they continue to bend over in front of Israel.
Your filthy presence here is not welcome.
Islam? Lolz seriously? What has Islam to do with Pakistanis? Stop claiming to be thekedars of Islam, this banana pathetic republic has nothing to do with Islam, infact are the worst hypocrites, so stop hiding behind Islam. Jews may consider whatever but they are way more closer allies than Pakistanis are of their muslim ummah chummah. Infact Pakistan have a direct hand in killing thousands of Palestinians. Jew may or maynot hate idol worshippers as much as ur so called muslim brothers hate u.

Neither I claim Pakistan to be thekedar of Islam nor I claim to be perfect Muslim

But you being a chutya high on racial supremacy bullsh!t had to rant all this nonsense because you have nothing better to add

And Judaism hates idol worshiping. It may be painful for your gashteeni as$ but it is what it is. Live with it :)
This is kind of immature. Have u guys ever heard what turks say about Pakistanis? Or what saudis and emaratis say about Pakistanis? Believe me its way worse than wat these israelis say about indians.
That's actually true...
Why do these Pakidiots turn every topic into a religious or racial war ?

Indians have to improve their civic sense and hygiene of surroundings significantly. I still see idiots throw garbage on to public spaces , but there has been some improvement after Modi started something. But a lot more to do.
Lol. Pakjeets finding choti kushiyan on YouTube videos. Stupid mullahs.
Lol. You are too stupid Pakjeet. Who cares what Israelites think of us or anyone for that matter. They will do everything to provide us the best support, while they fck over mullahs in their region without a second thought. Mullahs getting their *** kicked and yet worried about what Israelis think of us. Can you get more stupider?

And why you always obsessed to Pakistan than
Lol. This thread tells you who is obsessed.
Lol. You are too stupid Pakjeet. Who cares what Israelites think of us or anyone for that matter. They will do everything to provide us the best support, while they fck over mullahs in their region without a second thought. Mullahs getting their *** kicked and yet worried about what Israelis think of us. Can you get more stupider?
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