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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Where’s the fuCking proof?
Where is the proof that this hospital bombing was done by Israel? Israel is denying it
Yesterday itself the entire world saw a video of Hamas terrorists riding on bikes ,going around ,entering houses and shootin people at will ..they have taken people hostage ...there are videos of them shooting people who are partying..
And you are asking where are the proofs...you are blinded by religion.
Anyway Israel has released the pics of those babies ..some are riddled with bullets ..and some are burnt but you call them Israeli conspiracy. No evidence can convince people who are blinded by religion.
Pls explain how this could have happened 20 years ago? The only gesture for peace was Oslo Accord which Israel interpreted it as installing a stooge in Gaza and West Bank and then expand its settlements in West Bank by having a compliant authority. What part of Oslo accord did Israel comprimise on that promoted a 2 state solution. Or was 2 state solution interpretation 'you stay in West Bank and Gaza and we expand'. Hamas take over from PA is a direct result of Israel corrupting PA to where PA lost its governing legitimacy

I think you got it wrong.

The chance for peace died not just cause of Hamas , the final straw was when It was discovered that Arafat too returned to the Armed strugle.

Are we are responsible for, as you say " Corupting the PLO " , Come on , we are responsinle that some Plestinans are currupt ? That is simply evading responsibility .

Settling beyond the 1967 borfers was indeed a historical mistake , those territories should have been kept as a bargaining chip for peace. You may be surprise to you, but we have idiots in our country too.

Now we see rounds of conflicts with each round getting more violent. But nothing changes.

The same attitude can be seen in this discussion.

How many here , stay sleepness at night to come up with ideas how to solve this conflict that is effecting the whole world ?

Seems many here think that demonising the other side . throwing blame , spreading racial and religous hate , would make things better.

When someone shots an arrow at you , the first thing you do , is not start an investigation on who shot that arrow. First thing you do , is to pull that dam arrow from your chest.

And this is what this comflict is , An arrow in the heart of the world.

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Where is the proof that this hospital bombing was done by Israel? Israel is denying it
Yesterday itself the entire world saw a video of Hamas terrorists riding on bikes ,going around ,entering houses and shootin people at will ..they have taken people hostage ...there are videos of them shooting people who are partying..
And you are asking where are the proofs...you are blinded by religion.
Anyway Israel has released the pics of those babies ..some are riddled with bullets ..and some are burnt but you call them Israeli conspiracy. No evidence can convince people who are blinded by religion.
Phall saaport saar.
even if you don't have proof saar , we still believe you saar.
My dear tutle, if I recall correctly, you were also against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The alternative was Ukraine joining NATO and helping them break Russia apart into several countries.
I am still against it. I will never support it. Yes they actually will try to break Russia apart into many countries. Not my nightmare. My nightmare is Russia coming closer to Bosnia or even expanding its sphere of influence anywhere in europe. Look whet they are doing to other orthodox christians who speak almost the same language, and use the same Cyrillic script. What do you think they will do to us?
If Hamas sat and did nothing the Anglo-Zionists were going to force the Arab and Muslim world to abandon the Palestinians and establish relations with Israel. That would have been the end of most aspirations that Palestinians and many Muslims have for the future.
Probably true. But you have to pick you battles. Losing Palestine is no big deal. Considering the current balance of power. Christians lost Istanbul, they are ok. Losing Paelstine for 50 or 100 or 150 years is nothing in the scheme of things. Israel like Armenia exists only as a western or Russian project in the case of Armenia. One the power shifts they will lose support. And they will be abandoned or traded like russia abandoned and traded Armenia. Then they will leave large parts of occupied territories like Armenians left Karabakh. They all have EU passports anyway.

Yes some will stay, maybe 3 million even 4 million, and thats just one city. It's no problem. Even if they keep some land. They will be integrated into the wider region. I think the Palestinian strategy is too costly because I'm such a humanitarian and dont want to see poeple die for a cause that can be achieved in the not too distant future with much less cost.

I would evacuate the place until at the very least Turkey and Iran have nukes and ICBM's. Without this you wont get far. The west is just too strong.
Sometimes you have to stand up and resist.
Yeah and sometimes you have to crawl under a tree like a worm to survive and build up your strength and pretend you get along and carefully plan and implement a wider strategy.
Pls explain how this could have happened 20 years ago? The only gesture for peace was Oslo Accord which Israel interpreted it as installing a stooge in Gaza and West Bank and then expand its settlements in West Bank by having a compliant authority. What part of Oslo accord did Israel comprimise on that promoted a 2 state solution. Or was 2 state solution interpretation 'you stay in West Bank and Gaza and we expand'. Hamas take over from PA is a direct result of Israel corrupting PA to where PA lost its governing legitimacy
He is simply repeating the old zionist myths that israel wanted peace,offered peace,was rejected blah,blah,blah.....Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.....blah,blah,blah....etc,etc,etc...
Who knows,he might even believe it himself.
Its basically taking a leaf out of the Dr Goebbels propaganda playbook.Tell a big lie and then keep repeating it as often as you can.

I have no doubt that israel wants peace,however,that peace can only ever be solely on its terms and on its terms alone,as only the rights of zionists are valid and thus worth acknowledging.
The sad fact is that when zionists talk of peace what they really mean by "peace" is a palestinian surrender and acceptance of the zionist occupation and its "facts on the ground" ie an apartheid style system of palestans chopped up by settler use only "security roads" with walls and checkpoints for the locals,and of course willing local quislings and their kapos to rule over the parts that the zionists arent quite ready to colonize......yet.
That is the peace that the zionists in their boundless generosity have to offer the indigenous people of palestine.
I`m not surprised that they want no part of it,except perhaps for the old men of the plo corrupted by the pittance of power and money that they`ve be given for selling out their people.
Its basically taking a leaf out of the Dr Goebbels propaganda playbook.Tell a big lie and then keep repeating it as often as you can.
Let's play an academic exercise. I don;t know, Im not an expert, but Name me one piece of untrue propaganda that gobbles said.
Where is the proof that this hospital bombing was done by Israel? Israel is denying it
Yesterday itself the entire world saw a video of Hamas terrorists riding on bikes ,going around ,entering houses and shootin people at will ..they have taken people hostage ...there are videos of them shooting people who are partying..
And you are asking where are the proofs...you are blinded by religion.
Anyway Israel has released the pics of those babies ..some are riddled with bullets ..and some are burnt but you call them Israeli conspiracy. No evidence can convince people who are blinded by religion.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait there was a news story about soldiers throwing babies out of incubators. The witness was a "nurse" who later turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to America.

In war, truth is the first casualty
I think you got it wrong.

The chance for peace died not just cause of Hamas , the final straw was when It was discovered that Arafat too returned to the Armed strugle.

Are we are responsible that as you say " Corupting the PLO " , Come on , we are responsinle that some Plestinans are currupt ? That is simply evading responsibility .

Settling beyond the 1967 borfers was indeed a historical mistake , those territories should have been kept as a bargaining chip for peace. You may be surprise to you, but we have idiots in our country too.

Now we see rounds of conflicts with each round getting more violent. But nothing changes.

The same attitude can be seen in this discussion.

How many here , stay sleepness at night to come up with ideas how to solve this conflict that is effecting the whole world ?

Seems many here think that demonising the other side . throwing blame , spreading racial and religous hate , would make things better.

When someone shots an arrow at you , the first thing you do , is not start an investigation on who shot that arrow. First thing you do , is to pull that dam arrow from your chest.

And this is what this comflict is , An arrow in the heart of the world.


You will have no borders soon , Israel is finished. This was the last desperate act of an evil apartheid regime , your time has come.
Are you seriously asking this question? A person with intensive experience in the region and affairs?

Let me introduce some squatters into your buddy's house (the significance of that region and those people is MUCH more than mere buddies to Iran, and indeed the Muslim world), and then day by day, let me give money and tools and support to the squatters.
In other words, Iran is hostile to Israel because of Muslim fellowship, not because Israel did anything harmful to Iran. I just want to get this on the record.

My 2 cents is that F22-Raptor is not suicidal but possibly in denial. He comes as a society that in its own country, is pretty compassionate, even to animals. People treat dogs as family, they will take stray dogs in, spend vet money, and call themselves dog parents. Its impossible for him to comprehend how that compassion at home by his fellow citizens can support a policy that leads to direct bombardment of a hospital in a war zone. So to reconcile it, the rocket theory sounds plausable (even though it may not be factual)
Well said sir,very well said.
I could not have said it any better myself.

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