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Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years in Jail

Why did the military actually fall out with Imran Khan? Was it that they promised the Sharifs to come to power?
It is important to understand what generals really are. They are psychopaths in uniform. They don't get along even with their own families. They keep their families away to resist from exploiting them. They are not loyal to anyone. This is true for generals of all militaries.
Imagine yourself in their place, you had to listen to orders from superiors all your life who could humiliate you whenever they could. Now you are at the top, no rule of law and all others at your mercy. You will act like a deranged sadist.
This is the reason why other countries keep a tight leash of law on their neck.
He tests nations. Even Karbala was allowed to happen and so many other tragedies in the past. You will be tested.

Karbala happens because the divide and hate between prophet Muhammad real followers. Before Karbala, Muslim killled each other between Ali and Aisyah troops. This then give Umayyah, the offspring of Abu Sofyan, previously enemy of Islam, power to force Ali Bin Abi Thalib to stay out from power.

Stop blaming Allah all the time. It is our own fault.
"First it giveth, then it taketh away."
That is your military, all the while you (not you but the forum) keep bickering about Hindustani saazish, Amreeki saazish, Yahudi saazish.

The same Imran Khan that you lionize now, was in bed with the same military, peddled the same narrative, remember the same page BS.... outrage on 370....

You, (specifically you) in this case have peddled ISPR's narrative on this forum gulping it down hook line and sinker and now turn back to call them horrid generals. This is the same organization that undermined every civilian government at the helm of affairs : from Z.bhutto to nawaz to Ik now, all were victims of the same.

From my perspective, it's not Haha funny, but I-told-you-so funny.

Last comment: IK might have public appeal now (with the martyr complex), but if he returns to power he will damage Pakistan's foreign relations and its economy beyond repair.

Khan thought he could change the system from within, and this was a mistake. Yes myself I was with the military, but many, including myself have come to see that they, the upper echelons couldn't care past their own wallet.

The economy was doing well under him, certainly far better than what is happening now;

If anything it is now being damaged beyond repair.
PTI wanted Pakistan to default. They made every effort from writing letters to IMF to lobbying politicians in the States to running anti state campaigns on media. That FAILED. Humdulilah.

PTI ruined relations with allied countries like China, U.S, Turkiye, and Saudi Arabia. The current government not only managed to win back confidence, attract investments and ink trade agreements but also forged a strategic alliance with new countries like Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Iraq.
Believable! Look at the posts above: Calling for economic boycott of Pakistan. The rich expats living in the West! BTW, in a few days I will be sending $1000 to my family in Karachi for some additional needs.

IK licked military boots to come in power and then cried like an ex-gf when dumped by Bajwa. Bite the hand that feeds you.
IK's biggest hypocrisy is siding with military to come in power and then as you say "exposing" them. so if IK was such a saint, he shouldn't have accepted military's assistance in coming into power.
Thank God there are some seniors like you here!

the military clearly supported them and wanted some changes and a 3rd big party, If the military loved PDM, they wouldn't have supported Pti/pat in the first place. The military clearly wanted another party to challenge PPP and Pmln but something seriously happened 1 year before Imran Khan removal. I only have 2 answers, International relation/policy disagreements and appointment of military leadership, the army only took away their hand away from IK shoulders and suddenly BAP, Mqm, Pmlq went running back to Pdm.
Good post! I'd add that in a way Imran was right about 'foreign conspiracy' but I believe is not just the America, but also the GCC Arab countries and China who wanted Imran to be gone.
Anchor Haroon Rashid--an Imran fanboi-- is on record to have said that the Establishment made the MQM MNAs sit on 'Thandey Farash' (Cold Floor) after the 2018 elections until the MNAs agreed to support Imran in the Parliament.
The military despised (and maybe still despises) both PPP and Noonies. Imran was tried. He turned out even worse.
But what is emerging is a tightly controlled 'hybrid' regime for the next 5-10 years. And that's not necessarily a bad thing as I believe it is going to pull Pakistan back from the brink-- well, I just hope that Nawaz Sharif is kept away from the PM ship otherwise he'd screw up again!!
So one should not think rationally and follow faith blindly....right?

Questioning the wisdom and authority of God is not “thinking rationally.” It’s a sign of a weak faith & spiritually a dead-end which leads one to hell.

Besides, God’s commandments aren’t open to discussions and questions and should be followed.
Can the pseudo powerfuls shed their arrogance and ignorance of ground reality and smell the coffee.

Since they are arrogant they won't.

And 'cause they are ignorant of their arrogance they still won't.

Good post! I'd add that in a way Imran was right about 'foreign conspiracy' but I believe is not just the America, but also the GCC Arab countries and China who wanted Imran to be gone.

GCC Arab countries wanted their leash and hold on Pakistan, why would they try to stop about 10 billion USD of Pakistanis investment in Dubai, and why would Saudia like to stop scores of Pakistani businesses shifting to Jabel Ali economic zone in the last 2 years. A relatively weak, barely surviving, flailing and failing Pakistan means huge amount of investment, laundered money in GCC Arab countries and the educated and non educated workers at one 5th the cost of hiring a westerner.

Countries don't enact their foreign policies on pleasing and having good relations with other countries at the cost of their own countries, economy, trade commerce everything counts here.

GCC Arab countries and every other country are first and foremost loyal to their own country and it should be like this, Pakistan is nowhere in the equation.

The problem is the Pakistan govt. and the military have this huge sense of entitlement, which is one of the cause of this mess. PTI govt did tried to break this despondency and entitlement at the cost of pandering to the mentioned countries and not so good foreign relations, that is a temporary thing.

US is now trying to approach Afghan Talibans, their perceived eternal enemies, a case in point.
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Believable! Look at the posts above: Calling for economic boycott of Pakistan. The rich expats living in the West! BTW, in a few days I will be sending $1000 to my family in Karachi for some additional needs.

Thank God there are some seniors like you here!

Good post! I'd add that in a way Imran was right about 'foreign conspiracy' but I believe is not just the America, but also the GCC Arab countries and China who wanted Imran to be gone.
Anchor Haroon Rashid--an Imran fanboi-- is on record to have said that the Establishment made the MQM MNAs sit on 'Thandey Farash' (Cold Floor) after the 2018 elections until the MNAs agreed to support Imran in the Parliament.
The military despised (and maybe still despises) both PPP and Noonies. Imran was tried. He turned out even worse.
But what is emerging is a tightly controlled 'hybrid' regime for the next 5-10 years. And that's not necessarily a bad thing as I believe it is going to pull Pakistan back from the brink-- well, I just hope that Nawaz Sharif is kept away from the PM ship otherwise he'd screw up again!!

The problem Imran Khan had was the public declaration he made to fight corruption. The cesspool of military and political parties that had become rich off the status quo then joined forces to oust him from power and then to trump up charges against him for crimes they're all guilty of committing themselves in order that they can return Pakistan to the status quo of passing it between military and 2 families to enable its plunder and for those families to become ever wealthier. They’re no Hybrid bro just stinky corruption!!!
There are alot army fanboys and apologists on PDF. IK exposed the establishment so much, even the staunchest bootlickers will have trouble defending them now. But there are plenty, including myself who have recognized the evil that is napak army and the games they have been playing for decades.

the thing he had to do was to expose them to the bone by disclosing the fact that they contain him to the seats he was allowed to win in general elections 2018 not to gain clear majority.
it is the history of every democratic process in Pakistan. GE are always influenced and run over by the boots.
sensing IK popularity they did not want him to sweep. it would be their defeat if a civilian with huge backing will negate their power.
they were sensing their authoritative reach compromised, businesses that are not challenged ever to be audited.
and they don't care what the historians will write, they have proved it by openly, disrupting the fabric of the society what we have seen during these times.
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