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Two protesters burn Quran outside Iraqi embassy in Denmark


Aug 26, 2010
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Two protesters burn Quran outside Iraqi embassy in Denmark​

The incident is the latest in a string of Quran burnings in Sweden and Denmark that prompted protests in the Middle East.

Protesters from the Danish Patriots

Protesters from the Danish Patriots demonstrate in front of the Iraqi embassy in Copenhagen [Ritzau Scanpix/Thomas Sjoerup/via Reuters]

Two protesters have set fire to a copy of Islam’s holy book, the Quran, in front of the Iraqi embassy in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen.

The duo from a group that calls itself Danish Patriots stomped on the Quran on Monday and set it alight in a tin foil tray next to the Iraqi flag lying on the ground.

Shortly after the incident, Iraq’s foreign ministry called on the authorities of countries in the European Union to “quickly reconsider so-called freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate”, according to the Iraqi state news agency INA.

The far-right, ultra-nationalist Danish Patriots held a similar demonstration last week and live-streamed the events on Facebook.

After last week’s incident, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen condemned it as an act of “stupidity” by a few individuals, telling national broadcaster DR: “It is a disgraceful act to insult the religion of others.”

“This applies to the burning of Qurans and other religious symbols. It has no other purpose than to provoke and create division,” he said. He noted, however, that burning religious books was not a crime in Denmark.

Iraqi protestors burning a Swedish flag
Supporters of the former paramilitary group Hashd al-Shaabi burn a Swedish flag during a protest in Baghdad’s Tahrir square [File: Ahmad al-Rubaye/AFP]
A day earlier, several thousand Iraqis demonstrated in Baghdad over Islamophobic protests in the two Scandinavian countries.

Iraqi security forces repelled the protest 48 hours after the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was overrun and set alight in protest at a planned burning of the Muslim holy book in Stockholm.

Thursday’s anti-Islam demonstration in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, prompted Middle Eastern states, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, the region’s leading Sunni and Shia powers, to summon Swedish diplomats in protest.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday urged Sweden to hand over culprits to Islamic nations’ judiciaries.

“The Swedish government should know that by supporting the criminal who burnt the Holy Quran it has gone into battle array for war on the Muslim world,” he said on Twitter.


Two protesters burn Quran outside Iraqi embassy in Denmark​

The incident is the latest in a string of Quran burnings in Sweden and Denmark that prompted protests in the Middle East.

Protesters from the Danish Patriots

Protesters from the Danish Patriots demonstrate in front of the Iraqi embassy in Copenhagen [Ritzau Scanpix/Thomas Sjoerup/via Reuters]

Two protesters have set fire to a copy of Islam’s holy book, the Quran, in front of the Iraqi embassy in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen.

The duo from a group that calls itself Danish Patriots stomped on the Quran on Monday and set it alight in a tin foil tray next to the Iraqi flag lying on the ground.

Shortly after the incident, Iraq’s foreign ministry called on the authorities of countries in the European Union to “quickly reconsider so-called freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate”, according to the Iraqi state news agency INA.

The far-right, ultra-nationalist Danish Patriots held a similar demonstration last week and live-streamed the events on Facebook.

After last week’s incident, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen condemned it as an act of “stupidity” by a few individuals, telling national broadcaster DR: “It is a disgraceful act to insult the religion of others.”

“This applies to the burning of Qurans and other religious symbols. It has no other purpose than to provoke and create division,” he said. He noted, however, that burning religious books was not a crime in Denmark.

Iraqi protestors burning a Swedish flag
Supporters of the former paramilitary group Hashd al-Shaabi burn a Swedish flag during a protest in Baghdad’s Tahrir square [File: Ahmad al-Rubaye/AFP]
A day earlier, several thousand Iraqis demonstrated in Baghdad over Islamophobic protests in the two Scandinavian countries.

Iraqi security forces repelled the protest 48 hours after the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was overrun and set alight in protest at a planned burning of the Muslim holy book in Stockholm.

Thursday’s anti-Islam demonstration in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, prompted Middle Eastern states, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, the region’s leading Sunni and Shia powers, to summon Swedish diplomats in protest.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday urged Sweden to hand over culprits to Islamic nations’ judiciaries.

“The Swedish government should know that by supporting the criminal who burnt the Holy Quran it has gone into battle array for war on the Muslim world,” he said on Twitter.

Just ban their yogurt and cheese products for a week, and they'll come to their senses.
Look at the state of them two weak men who look like they live in their mum's basement.

Ignore, and carry on. The dawah is incredibly strong in the West hence their annoyance.

yes bro but whats worse is a lady saved the Quran and was assaulted by two police officers and the police returned the Quran to the things

Copenhagen then claimed they dont support Quran burning

I will not post the video but its on Twitter under Robert Carters account

so lets use this opportunity to read more Inshallah
yes bro but whats worse is a lady saved the Quran and was assaulted by two police officers and the police returned the Quran to the things

Copenhagen then claimed they dont support Quran burning

I will not post the video but its on Twitter under Robert Carters account

so lets use this opportunity to read more Inshallah

Was the lady non-Muslim bro?
Anyway we respect all holy text.
yes bro but whats worse is a lady saved the Quran and was assaulted by two police officers and the police returned the Quran to the things

Copenhagen then claimed they dont support Quran burning

I will not post the video but its on Twitter under Robert Carters account

so lets use this opportunity to read more Inshallah
Havent seen it, but she is obviously not entitled to take a book belonging to another person, so the police had no choice but to give it back.
Just ignore it. They are attention seekers. Notice those two guys are all alone.
Look at the state of them two weak men who look like they live in their mum's basement.

Ignore, and carry on. The dawah is incredibly strong in the West hence their annoyance.
The more important aspect is if that even has any impact. Is the burning by what are stupid men in general more of a “offense” to the creator or the neglect of hundreds and thousands of the copies of the Quran in muslim households - versus of the Quran written around on walls for political purposes being urinated on by stray dogs…or the many other harmful acts that muslims do to each other claiming it is from the Quran?
Is the Quran app in a phone being disrespected if its owner is busy having a sexy time call with his girlfriend ?

Reportedly, During the battle of Jamal the forces on the side of Hazrat Ayesha(RA) sensing a losing situation tied pages of the Quran to their lances to see if that would stop Caliph Ali(RA)s forces from pushed them down… but that had no impact because the objective was to quell dissent to keep the state unified.

So if that is the case(and while at the end Allah knows better) then is the value of the written Quran in ink and pages or it is the message that it represents and who it comes from important?

If I kiss the Quran after I am done reciting it ; is it because I revere the word of Allah and his supremacy as my creator or the embossed pages or otherwise on the copy I have?

Would it be more emotionally inciting if these men harassed a muslim woman in hijab or burnt 400 copies of the quran?

These questions are what should be clarified instead of finding these numbnuts offensive
I think its wrong to insult any religion or religious scripture.

But I mean, if its not not against the law to burn religious books in Denmark, we have every right to burn the flags of the country where they burn our Holy Book Qur'an.

Its only fair and honest.
yes bro but whats worse is a lady saved the Quran and was assaulted by two police officers and the police returned the Quran to the things

Copenhagen then claimed they dont support Quran burning

I will not post the video but its on Twitter under Robert Carters account

so lets use this opportunity to read more Inshallah
I blame Muslim countries...cut trade and see how they change their laws...1 week and they will sort it
Was the lady non-Muslim bro?
Anyway we respect all holy text.

think she was Iraqi bro

Havent seen it, but she is obviously not entitled to take a book belonging to another person, so the police had no choice but to give it back.
Just ignore it. They are attention seekers. Notice those two guys are all alone.

then people wonder why we support Russia

islam is spreading and taking over get used to it

these are just desperate acts by some losers who know their time is near
yes bro but whats worse is a lady saved the Quran and was assaulted by two police officers and the police returned the Quran to the things

Copenhagen then claimed they dont support Quran burning

I will not post the video but its on Twitter under Robert Carters account

so lets use this opportunity to read more Inshallah

Bro, these children are acting out because they have shaitaan whispering in their ears.

The best thing you can do in reaction to this, is memorize the Quran or word of god.

I have a three year old son, and the only thing I want from him is to memorize the Quran.

Inshallah he will become a hafiz. Ameen

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