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US has more military experience, but China has infrastructure to grow capabilities at a faster rate: Analysts


Nov 4, 2011
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US has more military experience, but China has infrastructure to grow capabilities at a faster rate: Analysts​

The world is seeing its most significant bolstering of military might since World War II, with countries boosting their budgets and increasing weapons manufacturing, experts told CNA on the first day of this year's Shangri-La Dialogue.

US has more military experience, but China has infrastructure to grow capabilities at a faster rate: Analysts

China has the infrastructure in place to grow its military capabilities at a faster rate. (Photo: Weibo)

02 Jun 2023 06:12PM

SINGAPORE: The United States may have more experience in military deployment, but China has the infrastructure in place to grow its military capabilities at a faster rate, experts told CNA on Friday (June 2).

The world is seeing its most significant bolstering of military might since World War II, with countries boosting their budgets, holding more joint military training, and increasing weapons manufacturing.
Nuclear armament is also making a return, with implications for regional and global security, observers noted.

They were speaking to CNA on the first day of this year's Shangri-La Dialogue, which takes place from June 2 to 4 in Singapore. It involves 41 countries, with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivering the keynote address on Friday.


Mr Ankit Panda, Stanton Senior Fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said an upward trend in military capabilities has been observed in recent years in Asia and Southeast Asia.

“With the war in Ukraine, in particular, policymakers and defence chiefs are simply more attuned to the fact that inter-state conflict is not a thing of the past. It can very much happen in the 21st century and it can happen in Asia,” he told CNA’s Asia Now.

“So this, I think, is primarily driving continuing investments in advanced capabilities.”

He added that countries in the region, especially maritime states, are looking to strengthen themselves in the maritime domain, in order to patrol their territorial waters and protect their exclusive economic zones.


The war in Ukraine has made policymakers and defence chiefs more aware that inter-state conflict is not just a thing of the past. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka, File)

On top of that, the US and China are also growing their military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific, as their relations continue to worsen, noted Mr Panda.

“For China's military modernisation, (Chinese President) Xi Jinping has emphasised that he’d like China to have a world class military. There's an element of prestige there,” he said.

However, this also adds to the possibility of potential conflicts to erupt in the region, between China and the US or its allies, said Mr Panda.

“When we think about matching Chinese capabilities, it won't be one for one. For instance, China's rate of ship-building simply outclasses the United States in a way that the United States cannot match in the short term,” he noted.

“The investments in infrastructure would've had to have happened years ago, and they didn’t. So there will be an element of asymmetry fundamentally in how the United States and China militarily compete.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasised that he wants China to have a world class military. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File)

Another aspect in which China outmuscles the US, is that China's conventional missile arsenal is substantially larger, said Mr Panda.


“The rate at which China's navy is growing is much greater than the rate at which the US Navy is growing, but the United States has substantially more experience,” he added.

While the US is a global power devoting its military capabilities to the defence of Europe and launching naval expeditions all around the world, China still holds a substantial advantage in Asia, and the US will have to rely on its allies here.

Mr Gregory Poling, director of the Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that China has been increasingly aggressive in the region in recent times.


In this image from a video provided by the US navy, a Chinese fighter jet is seen flying aggressively close to a US aircraft in international airspace over the South China Sea. (U.S. Navy via AP)

Last week, a Chinese fighter jet carried out a manoeuvre near a US military plane in international airspace over the South China Sea, passing in front of the US plane's nose and causing the aircraft to shake in turbulence.

“The first reaction is that no pilot has ever been taught to fly that way. This is not safe behaviour. It's intentionally meant to create risk to the US and to other powers who claim to fly in international airspace in the South China Sea,” Mr Poling told CNA’s Asia Now.

“We have seen this increasing dangerously over the last year and a half. US defence officials, Australian officials, Canadian officials, have all complained in the last year about the rapid increase in the frequency of these Chinese air intercepts, which are intentionally unsafe.”

The last time a collision actually occurred over the South China Sea was in 2001, resulting in the death of a Chinese pilot and the detention of the Americans, which created a huge diplomatic crisis, said Mr Poling.

He warned of the risks of an accidental escalation of events in the region. For example, should a collision happen between a Chinese and Filipino vessel, the US would have to get involved due to a mutual defence treaty.

“Beijing has incentivized hundreds of Chinese actors, the coast guard, the maritime militia, these air force operators, to go out and intentionally break the rules in order to create risks to escalate the tensions with Southeast Asian parties, mainly in the hopes that they'll eventually back down,” noted Mr Poling.


Mr Panda also noted that nuclear weapons have taken on a “newfound salience in Asia”, with countries beefing up their nuclear warheads.

“China is expanding the size of its nuclear stockpile, largely out of a belief that conflict with the United States is more likely, and that Washington will behave more carefully if China has a nuclear force that is larger and more capable,” he said.

He added that in the ongoing Ukraine war, the White House and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have been concerned about the possibility of direct escalation with Russia, partly due to the nuclear threat.


The US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have been concerned about the possibility of direct escalation with Russia in the ongoing Ukraine war. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File)

“So similarly in the Taiwan Strait, I think the Chinese leadership calculates that a large nuclear deterrent can provide a degree of stability (and) potentially deter war altogether,” said Mr Panda.

He added that most of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states still want to maintain positive relations with both the US and China.

Experiences will be gone with time, infrastructure wins in the end.
Another aspect in which China outmuscles the US, is that China's conventional missile arsenal is substantially larger, said Mr Panda.

Mr Panda also noted that nuclear weapons have taken on a “newfound salience in Asia”, with countries beefing up their nuclear warheads.

“So similarly in the Taiwan Strait, I think the Chinese leadership calculates that a large nuclear deterrent can provide a degree of stability (and) potentially deter war altogether,” said Mr Panda.

who is Mr. Panda? Is it Ya Ya the Panda? or, Po the Kung Fu Panda?
And why someone even has a name like Bush?
Well Mr. Bush isn't making these claims it's someone called Mr. Panda. So who is Mr. Panda? what is his area of expertise? What are his credentials? why should we beleive him? Is he a brilliant military strategist? A circus clown? A real panda? Why should any of us waste our time discussing something someone with unverifiable credibility said? Since you posted the article please tell us who is Mr. Panda? Why should we take anything he said seriously?
One thing which China lacks and will loose in war in which USA is way ahead.
that is protecting its allies No matter what.

Currently Russia is fighting EU+USA alone and China is not helping Russia in any means. if it was USA ally like Israel , they would have entered the war
Well Mr. Bush isn't making these claims it's someone called Mr. Panda. So who is Mr. Panda? what is his area of expertise? What are his credentials? why should we beleive him? Is he a brilliant military strategist? A circus clown? A real panda? Why should any of us waste our time discussing something someone with unverifiable credibility said? Since you posted the article please tell us who is Mr. Panda? Why should we take anything he said seriously?
The article is from Singaporean channel, you can ask them, you believe you are better than them?

One thing which China lacks and will loose in war in which USA is way ahead.
that is protecting its allies No matter what.

Currently Russia is fighting EU+USA alone and China is not helping Russia in any means. if it was USA ally like Israel , they would have entered the war
US is known for deserting allies at the mercy of their enemies, Vietnam war, Afghan war...
One thing which China lacks and will loose in war in which USA is way ahead.
that is protecting its allies No matter what.

Currently Russia is fighting EU+USA alone and China is not helping Russia in any means. if it was USA ally like Israel , they would have entered the war
Like run away from South Vietnam and Afghan. China and Russia are not officially allies. Make no mistake, they are not treaty bound to defend each other. They are strategic partners. Lol, you want China to fight US and NATO or send troops to Ukraine instead ?
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I saw a recent video where a Chinese veteran of the 1979 war with Vietnam was reviewing the movie “Saving Private Ryan”.

I was wondering if these experienced people are ever brought back in as consultants or advisors for the PLA to mentally prepare new recruits about the realities of war as well as to make simulations more realistic.

Sure, knowledge can be transferred by officers, but for a soldier to talk to a veteran while training can focus the mind and heart in a way unlike any other. The Vietnam veterans that trained the soldiers in the 80s were in part responsible for the attention to detail of the US army that won the Gulf war in 1991.

The risk is, if these veterans reveal something unfavorable, young solders may have independent thoughts not in line with the official narrative. It’s the double edge sword of talking to people who have the experience.

US is known for deserting allies at the mercy of their enemies, Vietnam war, Afghan war...
Like run away from South Vietnam and Afghan. China and Russia are not officially allies. Make no mistake, they are not treaty bound to defend each other. They are strategic partners. Lol, you want China to fight US and NATO or send troops to Ukraine instead ?

afghanistan / vietnam are not NATO , nor allies either.
also i went to afghanistan for 2 years.... its nation is completely destroyed . Afghanistan will never come up in decades now. if someone calls it victory of afghan then they are wrong

today its Russia , tomorrow it will be china.
afghanistan / vietnam are not NATO , nor allies either.
also i went to afghanistan for 2 years.... its nation is completely destroyed . Afghanistan will never come up in decades now. if someone calls it victory of afghan then they are wrong

today its Russia , tomorrow it will be china.
South Vietnam was an ally of the US, See quotes:

"Vietnam War, (1954–75), a protracted conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, against the government of South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States.May 27, 2023."

afghanistan / vietnam are not NATO , nor allies either.
also i went to afghanistan for 2 years.... its nation is completely destroyed . Afghanistan will never come up in decades now. if someone calls it victory of afghan then they are wrong

today its Russia , tomorrow it will be china.
Why US intervened against Britain, France and Israel during the Suez Crisis?
Are they supposed to be US allies?
I saw a recent video where a Chinese veteran of the 1979 war with Vietnam was reviewing the movie “Saving Private Ryan”.

I was wondering if these experienced people are ever brought back in as consultants or advisors for the PLA to mentally prepare new recruits about the realities of war as well as to make simulations more realistic.

Sure, knowledge can be transferred by officers, but for a soldier to talk to a veteran while training can focus the mind and heart in a way unlike any other. The Vietnam veterans that trained the soldiers in the 80s were in part responsible for the attention to detail of the US army that won the Gulf war in 1991.

The risk is, if these veterans reveal something unfavorable, young solders may have independent thoughts not in line with the official narrative. It’s the double edge sword of talking to people who have the experience.

It does not work that way.

I can offer nothing to the US Military if I was to go back to TRADOC and teaches officer there. Because what I know is what I "KNEW" back then, that particular knowledge only applies to that situation back when I was an infantry officer between 1999-2006. It would probably work if I went back to TRADOC and teaches class in 2008 or 2009, maybe 2010, but that knowledge gap is just too much now, you would need a person to bridge that gap every 3 or 4 years to have the fresh knowledge.

The problem is, China last war is 1979 (not including military operation in China and peacekeeping mission) and that battlefield back in 1979 have surely changed since then, it would have been irreverent if a vet in 1979 go back to teaching how PLA fight. I mean, you don't need to look far, just look at the battle landscape between Ukraine and Syria, those Wagner folks or Russian regular served in Syria would probably have low to no advantage on applying their knowledge in Syria or Mali in Ukraine. And those war were 5 or so years apart.
The article is from Singaporean channel, you can ask them, you believe you are better than them?
you brought that trash article here, so I'm asking you. It's not about who is better, it's about the credibility of the person making the assertion. If a neurosurgeon's diagnosis is brain tumor but your five year old says you're totally fine- who would you believe?

How do we know Mr. Panda is not a five year old child?
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