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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nah man. The time of peace is long gone. The elections would have been held on time if peace was an option. The intent is clear. The Pakistani army is biased. It brought crooks to power. Now it wants to ensure that crooks remain in power. It is the state and army which is using excessive force against protestors. There is no room for peace anymore.
Army leadership is outright criminal and traitor.
Having said that, awam has to be peaceful. But blame of events go to the establishment that they utterly and dastardly broke law from behind and within.
If just 1 million sorround ghq.
All generals including Hafiz Whiskey would have taken asylum at centcom.
Civilian dictatorship under who?
We have plenty of educated people who aren't good politicians.
Nawaz, Shabaz or Zardari. It would be disaster. Imran Khan supporters will say IK but what about after him? Free and fair elections is the only way forward. The people need to change aswell and hold their rulers accountable, local MNAs, MPAs. We cannot sit in their laps and then mock Zardari or Nawaz.
But the fundamental problem is, NONE of the above will be willing to impose the slow, painful reforms needed. All they will think of is time till next elections and they will resort to cheap tactics to gain votes like artificial dollar value, heavy fuel subsidy before election, and reliance on aid/loans.

Even if they do implement the required reforms, our jaahil short sighted awaam will lose patience and vote the competent party out, and then the next idiots to be voted in will undo all reforms, and continue the vicious cycle.

Even Imran Khan's approval ratings were horrifically low when the awaam disliked the economic conditions.
There are Fresh Rumors circulating about top commanders being forced to Resign for refusing orders. What
the story just Rumors or is there some truth behind it.
I think it’s fake news but in case if there are few with a beating heart should make a stand instead of resigning.
We have plenty of educated people who aren't good politicians.

But the fundamental problem is, NONE of the above will be willing to impose the slow, painful reforms needed. All they will think of is time till next elections and they will resort to cheap tactics to gain votes like artificial dollar value, heavy fuel subsidy before election, and reliance on aid/loans.

Even if they do implement the required reforms, our jaahil short sighted awaam will lose patience and vote the competent party out, and then the next idiots to be voted in will undo all reforms, and continue the vicious cycle.

Even Imran Khan's approval ratings were horrifically low when the awaam disliked the economic conditions.
It will be a slow process and laws against propaganda need to be enforced. Awam didn’t know the level of dirty game generals and PDM were playing. They created a narrative and used their lafa journalists to spread it.
Here, the might is right brother. There are no arguments required when the only thing that can get you a short lived freedom is negotiation with the powerful.

My point exactly. People should discuss the facts of the case as well and should know what's happening. I bet if everyone is aware of the background.
Could someone share updates regarding the protests. I am still waiting for my 10 Million revolutionary march. All the videos I've seen, you can see a few hundred or a few thousand people marching except KPK people. GB is quiet, Sindh is quiet, in Ajk all Pti MNAs are sitting with PDM.

our jaahil short sighted awaam will lose patience and vote the competent party out, and then the next idiots to be voted in will undo all reforms, and continue the vicious cycle.

Even Imran Khan's approval ratings were horrifically low when the awaam disliked the economic conditions.

This is the core issue, once the people change you will not need demonstrations. The change will already take place.
Could someone share updates regarding the protests. I am still waiting for my 10 Million revolutionary march. All the videos I've seen, you can see a few hundred or a few thousand people marching except KPK people. GB is quiet, Sindh is quiet, in Ajk all Pti MNAs are sitting with PDM.
The very fact that Internets down in most of Country and People cant access social Media Proves things are not as they look. Situation on the ground changes remains uncertain.

Supreme court will release IK. Just need to wait a few more hours.

I wouldn't forget PMLN even if there is so much opposition to Military at the moment. How could you ignore PMLN and their level of thuggery. They are the worst mafia kind, could stoop to any level. Unfortunately, a narrative so strong has been built against Military but, PMLN/PPPP are the worst kind that brought this day to the country. These families corrupt every single institute and they are the core reasons for the cancer we are dealing right now. One cannot ignore the real problem under the surface.
The people by themselves have found the phakki for PML-N PPP and would have given them the phakki if it wasn't for their razai brothers i.e. the generals riding in and saving them. I say razai brothers because they've all grown up sucking on the same teat of corruption and haram.

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