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'Sovereign Global Centres Of Power': Russia's New Foreign Policy Strategy Identifies India, China As Main Allies

Bro, these same people a year ago were jumping up and down when Pakistan cause of IK was establishing a new point in Pak - Russia relations. Why? Cause everyone knows the scale of what Russians bring to the table. Now all are treating Russia like its Eritrea or Somalia.
Bias really changes people.
I heard from an economist about a software that goes in commercial airplanes and this software is created by Russia and maintained by them. Forget oil and gas, they have all types of metals, grains, military technology, zinc, nickels. They’re a behemoth in natural resources.
I heard from an economist about a software that goes in commercial airplanes and this software is created by Russia and maintained by them. Forget oil and gas, they have all types of metals, grains, military technology, zinc, nickels. They’re a behemoth in natural resources.
Stop saying this much facts, you don't want Western shills attacking you. Bias triumphs truth and facts nowadays.
Stop saying this much facts, you don't want Western shills attacking you. Bias triumphs truth and facts nowadays.
Bro, I say incendiary things all the time. I’ve got a big mouth and even bigger/faster hands to deal with people
Mate? Russians aren't technologically advanced? What are u smoking? True, they have fell behind compared to the west but they aren't that far behind and ahead then most of the developing world.

Not agriculturally self sufficient? They are one of the biggest exporters of wheat. You don't need much to rear livestock too, what more do you need ?

Geopolitically relevant? Have u seen the size of Russia? Their Nuclear Assets? Their resources? They have the biggest coastline on Arctic which is slowly becoming very geopolitically relevant since the ice has begun to melt.

Clear your bias. I am a neutral person, you should try it sometime too. Cheers
The fact you wrote this unironically tells me all I need to know. Russia may be ahead in terms of tech to the third world, but to call them technologically advanced is a joke. They still rely heavily on foreign designed and manufactured components for their most basic appliances, and I'm not just talking about semiconductors. What the Russians tend to do is simply assemble foreign bough components.

They're good with grain and wheat, which I clearly mentioned but you didn't bother to read, but what about every other crop? As for live stock, Russia has always had trouble raising live stock due to their environment. They're a net importer of meat and poultry.

Their geopolitical footprint is only relevant due to their nuclear arsenal, and nothing else. Other wise they'd be as insignificant as Canada, which has a similar level of natural resources and is the second largest nation in the world.

Even their mentioned relevance in the Arctic is being challenged and I have no doubt that the Russians will fail there as well.

Russia will disintegrate before the end of the century. It's borders are going to shrink because dof various geographical and political problems that Russia has continued to face but has done nothing about.
The Chinese want to dominate Asia, and so long as Russia remains a great power, the Chinese won't be able to do that.
Just because western colonialists like to dominate others doesn't mean everyone elso has this habit.
Just because western colonialists like to dominate others doesn't mean everyone elso has this habit.
I know you're a propagandist, but let's not pretend that China doesn't have ambitions for hegemony.

It is in the very nature of a growing power to do so, and for you to pretend otherwise is dishonest.
I know you're a propagandist, but let's not pretend that China doesn't have ambitions for hegemony.

It is in the very nature of a growing power to do so, and for you to pretend otherwise is dishonest.
Not as hegemonic as the US, otherwise you don't know anything of Chinese culture and history.
Not as hegemonic as the US, otherwise you don't know anything of Chinese culture and history.
That's only because China is still not quite on the level of the US.

Your answer is that of a emotionally defensive person, nothing grounded in fact.
I know you're a propagandist, but let's not pretend that China doesn't have ambitions for hegemony.

It is in the very nature of a growing power to do so, and for you to pretend otherwise is dishonest.
Your nature, not our nature.
That's only because China is still not quite on the level of the US.

Your answer is that of a emotionally defensive person, nothing grounded in fact.
That only proves you dont know Chinese. Your prediction of China's behaviour is entirely based on US and Western historical experiences, and thats not valid for China.

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