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'Sovereign Global Centres Of Power': Russia's New Foreign Policy Strategy Identifies India, China As Main Allies


Sep 20, 2014
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NEW DELHI: Russia on Friday described India and China as "friendly sovereign global centres of power" and vowed to give particular importance to comprehensive deepening of ties and enhancement of coordination with them. Unveiling its new concept of foreign policy, approved by President Vladimir Putin, Moscow also asserted that its attitude towards other countries and multilateral bodies is contingent on the constructive, neutral or unfriendly character of their policies with respect to it.

Russia also said it places special emphasis on increasing the volume of bilateral trade with India, strengthening investment and technological ties, and ensuring resistance to destructive actions of "unfriendly states and their alliances".

In the document, Russia underlined that it will build on a privileged strategic partnership with India with a view to enhance and expand cooperation in all areas on a mutually beneficial basis.

"A comprehensive deepening of ties and enhancement of coordination with friendly sovereign global centres of power and development, which are located on the Eurasian continent and committed to approaches which coincide in principle with the Russian approaches to a future world order and solutions for key problems of the world politics, is particularly important for achieving strategic goals and major objectives of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation," the policy statement said in its sub-section on China and India.

Russia aims at further strengthening the comprehensive partnership and the strategic cooperation with China and focuses on the development of a mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas as well as enhancement of coordination in the international arena to ensure security, stability and sustainable development at the global and regional levels, both in Eurasia and in other parts of the world, said the policy document titled 'The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation'.

It said it seeks to transform Eurasia into a continental common space of peace, stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity.

Achieving this goal implies comprehensive strengthening of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's (SCO) potential and role in ensuring security in Eurasia and promoting its sustainable development by enhancing the organisation's activities in the light of current geopolitical realities, the document said.

The goal also implies establishment of the broad Greater Eurasian Partnership integration contour by combining the potential of all the states, regional organisations and Eurasian associations, based on the EAEU, the SCO and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as the conjunction of the Eurasian Economic Union development plans and the Chinese initiative "One Belt One Road".

Russia also called for strengthening the economic and transport inter-connectivity in Eurasia, including through modernisation.

It also sought a comprehensive settlement in Afghanistan, assistance in building it as a sovereign, peaceful and neutral state with stable economy and political system which meets the interests of all the ethnic groups living there and opens up prospects for integrating Afghanistan into the Eurasian space for cooperation.

In the document, Moscow also sought enhancing the capacity and international role of the interstate association of BRICS, the SCO, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the RIC (Russia, India, China) and other interstate associations and international organisations.

Lmao. The Indians and Chinese are draining Russia for all its worth, and will abandon it to its fate when the time comes.

They're not stupid, they know Putin's a dead horse, so why would they bet on him?

The Russians can continue dreaming of conquering Asia all the way to Karachi port, they'll never achieve their dreams.
Lmao. The Indians and Chinese are draining Russia for all its worth, and will abandon it to its fate when the time comes.

They're not stupid, they know Putin's a dead horse, so why would they bet on him?

The Russians can continue dreaming of conquering Asia all the way to Karachi port, they'll never achieve their dreams.

No, Sir...

Natural resources and geographic location truly trace back to Russia, which even participated in the world wars, the cold war, and the current conflict...and was subject to sanctions from the West and other nations.

Russia is still in existence. and they will continue to be powerful.

As opposed to the Western hegemony in the world, we need a multipolar world.
Lmao. The Indians and Chinese are draining Russia for all its worth, and will abandon it to its fate when the time comes.

They're not stupid, they know Putin's a dead horse, so why would they bet on him?

The Russians can continue dreaming of conquering Asia all the way to Karachi port, they'll never achieve their dreams.
Russia has everything we need for our industries and overall development and Russia also needs China's money and support, what's wrong with it?
Lmao. The Indians and Chinese are draining Russia for all its worth, and will abandon it to its fate when the time comes.

They're not stupid, they know Putin's a dead horse, so why would they bet on him?

The Russians can continue dreaming of conquering Asia all the way to Karachi port, they'll never achieve their dreams.
The strategic partnership between Russia and China is beneficial to both countries, besides, they are biggest neighbours, its stupid for they to turn enemy of each other as wished by the West. Russia is not going to collapse or disappear any time.
Again India reaping benefits from both sides. Pakistan nowhere to be found, but a lackey of the US.
GHQ being slaves, and ensuring we remain slaves. Napak fauj is the cancer that needs to be eradicated.
GHQ being slaves, and ensuring we remain slaves. Napak fauj is the cancer that needs to be eradicated.

GHQ will soon find out what damage it has caused. Pakistan has zero leverage over India today. Both economically and politically. With Imran Khan Pakistan had a leader with credibility. With PDM today we have a broken Pakistan.
Lmao. The Indians and Chinese are draining Russia for all its worth, and will abandon it to its fate when the time comes.

They're not stupid, they know Putin's a dead horse, so why would they bet on him?

The Russians can continue dreaming of conquering Asia all the way to Karachi port, they'll never achieve their dreams.
I don’t think Russians have any interest in doing that..
two super powers is better for the world… gives the other countries better terms to be vassals
GHQ will soon find out what damage it has caused. Pakistan has zero leverage over India today.
You think GHQ gives a shit? They know what is what, they are too corrupt to care about Pakistan. All they want is more money in their pockets. GHQ is full of pigs, or perhaps that's an insult to pigs.
You think GHQ gives a shit? They know what is what, they are too corrupt to care about Pakistan. All they want is more money in their pockets. GHQ is full of pigs, or perhaps that's an insult to pigs.

They don't have a country they can call their own. They will be selling their limbs to IMF.
They don't have a country they can call their own. They will be selling their limbs to IMF.
Correction, they will sell limbs of Pakistani public, and then maybe Pakistani land. You are wrong if you think they will be affected by any of this, when the ship sinks, they will jump to some other country like rats.
Correction, they will sell limbs of Pakistani public, and then maybe Pakistani land. You are wrong if you think they will be affected by any of this, when the ship sinks, they will jump to some other country like rats.

They have already done that. There is nothing left. IMF today brazenly conveys that Pakistani elite must do their bit. We all know what the IMF means by that. The generals and other nasty elite will be stripped of their clothes if they don't contribute. IMF is in no mood to dole out more loans. Dar and Hafiz are begging on a weekly basis. There is no one willing to come forward.
No, Sir...

Natural resources and geographic location truly trace back to Russia, which even participated in the world wars, the cold war, and the current conflict...and was subject to sanctions from the West and other nations.

Russia is still in existence. and they will continue to be powerful.

As opposed to the Western hegemony in the world, we need a multipolar world.
Russia has always been powerful on paper, and in reality they've been nothing more than paper tigers.

You can live in your little bubble all you want, but the truth is that Russia will likely see its borders shrink this century as well. It is too big, and has a rapidly shrinking population, and is run by kleptocrats.

After this war is over, there is no way the rest of the world will just let Russia recover. They will end the Russian threat once and for all.

The strategic partnership between Russia and China is beneficial to both countries, besides, they are biggest neighbours, its stupid for they to turn enemy of each other as wished by the West. Russia is not going to collapse or disappear any time.
Apparently you don't know their shared history and how the Russians stole Chinese territory, and how they've gone to war in the past.

China's goal is to make Russia politically irrelevant and just use it for its resources. The Chinese want to dominate Asia, and so long as Russia remains a great power, the Chinese won't be able to do that.
Russia has always been powerful on paper, and in reality they've been nothing more than paper tigers.

You can live in your little bubble all you want, but the truth is that Russia will likely see its borders shrink this century as well. It is too big, and has a rapidly shrinking population, and is run by kleptocrats.

After this war is over, there is no way the rest of the world will just let Russia recover. They will end the Russian threat once and for all.

Apparently you don't know their shared history and how the Russians stole Chinese territory, and how they've gone to war in the past.

China's goal is to make Russia politically irrelevant and just use it for its resources. The Chinese want to dominate Asia, and so long as Russia remains a great power, the Chinese won't be able to do that.
China cannot dominate Asia with both India and Russia intact.

They need to do what the US did to you lot up North, which is to pacify Russia and turn them into Chinese's "Canada" Which this war in Ukraine gave them these opportunities to do just that.

Now it's basically only India left to check on Chinese domination in Asia, and the sign of India working toward the west is something that would bother China.
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