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Iranian terror merchants murder four Pakistani border guards

Trench Broom

Feb 14, 2020
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United Kingdom

Pakistan's army said on Saturday that attackers from Iran killed four of its border patrol soldiers.

"A group of terrorists operating from the Iranian side attacked a routine border patrol of Pakistani security forces operating along the Pakistan-Iran Border," the army said in a statement.

It added that Pakistani authorities are making contacts with Iran to seek effective action to prevent such incidents in the future.
Zionists have learnt from British divide and rule

But their era will be too short ...

Thousands of missiles from Tehran Lebanon Palestine and Syria are locked on occupier devils to make smoked meat and bloodbath
Article and title distorting what happened, this kind of thing happens multiple time a year at the borders

Also coming from Jerusalem Post, not impressive, instead of "baloch wahhabi terrorist", "Iranian terrorist"

This is like when someone from Taiwan does a terror attack inside Taiwan, they label him as "Chinese", when someone from Taiwan does something good, they label him as "Taiwanese"

Same for Kurds and what happened in Norway

But keep believing and copy/pasting stuff from Jerusalem post to fish Pakistanis into this
Probably separatists. A problem that has plagued Iran and Pakistan both for years in that region. RIP to the border guards.
True sir.

Iran has suffered a lot more compared to Pakistan. Historically, foreign hands had interfered in this area. After Iranian revolution, Western intelligence agencies always looked for a way to make insecurity inside and outside Iranian borders. And they had their partners in the regions, UAE in the past funded specific groups inside Pakistan, we have this problem in Kurdish regions too. Mostly supported the seperatist elements.

History tells us that Pakistani side was a ground for foreign hands, from CIA training the so called Mujahidin to fight Soviets to Arab kingdoms' geopolitical rivalry with Iran.

Most possibly the foreign funded groups are feeling disappointed after Iran-Arabs reconciliation. And they are taking revenge by attacking Pakistani citizens/border guards.

Pakistan has always fallen victim for others' geopolitical rivalry. Look at Afghanistan, what was supposed to happen in Pakistani minds and what happened in the real world?
Soon or late Iranians will be on your throats

Badkube is also in checklist
The twelver terrorist entity that couldn't even handle angry women protesting the hijab, is a pest like mosquitoes. They liquidate your terrorists so easily on a near daily basis.
where exactly is this jalgai sector mentioned in the article

last time such claim were made turned out the attack happened 40km inside pakistan

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