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Fury over video of Japanese teen being molested in Delhi during Holi

I understand this news is very distressing and concerning. It is unacceptable for anyone to be subjected to any form of harassment or assault. Such incidents highlight the importance of creating a safe and respectful environment for all individuals, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or nationality. It is crucial for authorities to take prompt action and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions. I hope that this incident will raise awareness and prompt action towards preventing such incidents in the future.
Don't understand why foreign women go to India .

Official travel advice from British government


Sexual assault​

Sexual assaults occur. This includes attacks on foreign female visitors in tourist areas and cities.

Women travellers often experience verbal and physical harassment by individuals or groups of men. Serious sexual attacks involving both Indian and foreign nationals have been reported. British women have been victims of sexual assault, including rape, in Goa, Delhi, Rajasthan, Mumbai and Kerala. Avoid isolated areas, including beaches, when alone at any time of day.

You may also want to read FCDO:

99% of Egyptian women are sexually harassed especially during Eid

92% of women at US music festivals report sexual harassment

43% of women at UK music festivals report sexual harassment

Terrorism has no religion, but sexual violence does?

Religious Bigots of the world find it easier to demonize Hindu and Hindu festivals.




LOL at the manufactured "outrage".

THIS is what Japanese Vlogger posted after Holi celebrations. She didn't allege anything like Harassment or Molestation. Her post had a smiley as well.. Other Japanese tourists were also playing Holi with her and they celebrated as well.



Really, it was just fun?
She slaps a boy in the face for fun?
Here's the actual video of her 'having fun'.
Really, it was just fun?
She slaps a boy in the face for fun?
Here's the actual video of her 'having fun'.
What the F is wrong with Hindos? Just what the f is wrong with these people? Tourists come to them and they treat them like enemies? Look how that moronic manchild holds her and then pushes her head,as if she's some prisoner for interrogation. Then the other idiot comes and shoves that thing on her face,as if he hates her. Then the other guy with the egg.

What the f is wrong with these people? The whole country is one big '70s village mentality culture? Tourists come from cultures that are also not accustomed to touching each other much,especially people they don't know...and they do THIS?

How many more lawsuits and bad reviews from tourists does India have to get for their authorities to act and change that culture? Oh wait,they can't.
Really, it was just fun?
She slaps a boy in the face for fun?
Here's the actual video of her 'having fun'.

Yeah, it was just fun.

It is common for people to get carried away especially when the other participant seems to be resisting. You will find thousands of videos and pictures like that, usually when friends play holi.

She felt offended and slapped the boy and the boy got the message. End of story.

You are confusing this with social behavior in pakistan where you don't find women in public spaces.
What the F is wrong with Hindos? Just what the f is wrong with these people? Tourists come to them and they treat them like enemies? Look how that moronic manchild holds her and then pushes her head,as if she's some prisoner for interrogation. Then the other idiot comes and shoves that thing on her face,as if he hates her. Then the other guy with the egg.

What the f is wrong with these people? The whole country is one big '70s village mentality culture? Tourists come from cultures that are also not accustomed to touching each other much,especially people they don't know...and they do THIS?

How many more lawsuits and bad reviews from tourists does India have to get for their authorities to act and change that culture? Oh wait,they can't.

Godless pagan savages

Yeah, it was just fun.

It is common for people to get carried away especially when the other participant seems to be resisting. You will find thousands of videos and pictures like that, usually when friends play holi.

She felt offended and slapped the boy and the boy got the message. End of story.

You are confusing this with social behavior in pakistan where you don't find women in public spaces.
So you like strangers to come and hold you down and shove paint and eggs on your face and hair in a violent way,huh? Is that fun in Pajeetabad?
So you like strangers to come and hold you down and shove paint and eggs on your face and hair in a violent way,huh? Is that fun in Pajeetabad?

WTF is "pajeetabad" you racist dog. Stop wagging your tail for pakistanis to throw you a bone, they themselves are starving for wheat.

When you stop out to play holi in public, one should be aware that anything goes. Else play Holi in a private event. Don't complain if you don't have common sense.
WTF is "pajeetabad" you racist dog. Stop wagging your tail for pakistanis to throw you a bone, they themselves are starving for wheat.

When you stop out to play holi in public, one should be aware that anything goes. Else play Holi in a private event. Don't complain if you don't have common sense.
I don't have common sense?! What I see in the video has no common sense! Even if they stopped for that tradition thing,a local should understand that these are foreigners and thus treat them carefully and with more respect. Show this to any civilized country in the world and they'll think it's an attack.
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