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Why is India excluded from OIC?

People on this site are just full of hatred and this hatred has blocked their critical thinking and reasoning skills.
The reasons you guys are giving are weird AF
1. India is not a Muslim majority country, neither are Guyana(6.4%), Gabon(11.2%), Uganda (11.5%), Suriname (15.2%) and Mozambique (18%) then why are these countries allowed in OIC, why is Thailand given observer status when its muslim population is less than 6%.

2. Because India is oppressing Muslims and current government is Facist, Current so called Facist government wasn't ruling India in the 80's 90's or even 2000's why didn't OIC gave us a membership then.
And don't you think a OIC could pressurize India better (against mistreatment of muslims) if India was a member of OIC
And Muslims weren't oppressed in 80's or 2000's so why didn't OIC gave us a membership then.
3. India is oppresing kasmiri's and has a territorial dispute with a member state, Even pakistan was oppresing bengali muslims yet both bangladesh and pakistan are a part of OIC, iran and iraq fought a war against each other but they are still a part of OIC, kuwait was once under iraq occupation but they are still a part of OIC.

A country with nearly 300 million muslims more than the combined population of the bottom 40 countries is not a part of OIC but OIC wants to call itself an islamic organization,
looks like the So called muslim brotherhood doesn't care about economic prosperity of 300 million Muslims

India is not considered the Muslim world.
And what is your definition of Muslim world because 8 of the OIC countries aren't even muslim majority let alone follow Sharia law or any sort of islamic law for that matter.
A country with more muslim population than entirety of Bangladesh is not Islamic enough.
Why should India be included in the first place? Why would India even have an interest in joining an organization for Muslims? Some weird fetish you guys have!
OIC is an economic organisation too, why wouldn't we show intrest in joining OIC specially when we have a significant muslim population of nearly 300 million which will greatly benefit economically from India's admission to OIC.

Pakistan should just call a spade a spade and not shy away from accepting that they are blocking India's admission to OIC because it will reduce Pakistan's influence in the OIC, infact you guys should be proud that you have such a stronghold in a powerful organisation like OIC.

Pakistan the So called champion of Muslims of South Asia and world in large is working against the economic interests of 300 million Indian Muslims because it Hates India and Hindus more than it loves muslims. Huh, So much for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Bloody Hypocrites
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Pakistan must move the motion of providing Azad Kashmir government an observer status in the OIC.
You guys keep raising Kashmir issues at meeting with OIC without the Indian Muslims perspective. We have 3rd biggest muslim population in the world. Since we stopped back channel talks, this could a avenue for bilateral peace talks. I believe sovereign countries should be able to resolve their issues through talks and organizations like OIC should have a role to play.
Nazi Germany had a large population of jews as well. IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
Besides, you never know, one moment you have those hundreds of millions of Muslim, the next moment you may need some hindu lebensraum . It's look bad to kick you out of OIC then
Nazi Germany had a large population of jews as well. IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
Besides, you never know, one moment you have those hundreds of millions of Muslim, the next moment you may need some hindu lebensraum . It's look bad to kick you out of OIC then
You failed to hold your mulk together. Not us. We are united in our diversity.
Yes India should be included in OIC

After all they keep finding birthplace of their gods under mosques every other day. Who else than India deserve to be in OIC?? They even have their gods under mosques
so OIC is there for keeping illegal occupation of hindu places of worships captured by muslim invaders ?
who are the invaders?
so OIC is there for keeping illegal occupation of hindu places of worships captured by muslim invaders ?

india is a pagan enemy country why would they be accepted in oic, do not get me wrong oic is useless organization.

Don't join it
We can influence friendly countries like Saudi and other Islamic countries to help promote peace and security in war torn countries like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. We can also contribute to Islamic development bank.
No talks or ties with India until you leave Kashmir.


For our own sake, I hope your Pakistani politicians and PA generals stick to this line of thought as well.

We can influence friendly countries like Saudi and other Islamic countries to help promote peace and security in war torn countries like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. We can also contribute to Islamic development bank.

Why on earth would India need to join some organisation for that? India can do everything it needs through bilaterial discussions and negotiations. OIC is no interest to India.
We can help poor muslim nations with electricity , atta , vegetables , when we will be permanent member of OIC. Added advantage will be facility to play in IPL .

You yourself are a bhooka nanga

OIC doesn't need you for that. Don't join it

We can influence friendly countries like Saudi and other Islamic countries to help promote peace and security in war torn countries like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. We can also contribute to Islamic development bank.


You have zero influence and ability to do what you said
I am not a big fan of religious based organization like OIC because they come with their short commings by not allowing other opposing thoughts.
your logic is like accepting Russia into NATO for it to provide "different perspective" and solve issues with talks. Lmao India is not a friendly state to Muslims hell its current government shows it well.
Why should India be included in the first place? Why would India even have an interest in joining an organization for Muslims? Some weird fetish you guys have!

Once we let them in they gonna constantly cry about other members as to why do you dress like they way you dress
Why do you eat the way you eat
Why do you speak the way you speak ------

being a cry baby is a second nature of India.
People on this site are just full of hatred and this hatred has blocked their critical thinking and reasoning skills.
The reasons you guys are giving are weird AF
1. India is not a Muslim majority country, neither are Guyana, Gabon, Uganda, Suriname and Mozambique then why are these countries allowed in OIC, why is Thailand given observer status when its muslim population is less than 6%.

2. Because India is oppressing Muslims and current government is Facist, Current so called Facist government wasn't ruling India in the 80's 90's or even 2000's why didn't OIC gave us a membership then.
And don't you think a OIC could pressurize India better (against mistreatment of muslims) if India was a member of OIC
And Muslims weren't oppressed in 80's or 2000's so why didn't OIC gave us a membership then.

A country with nearly 300 million muslims more than the combined population of the bottom 40 countries is not a part of OIC but OIC wants to call itself an islamic organization,
looks like the So called muslim brotherhood doesn't care about economic prosperity of 300 million Muslims

And what is your definition of Muslim world because 8 of the OIC countries aren't even muslim majority let alone follow Sharia law or any sort of islamic law for that matter.
A country with more muslim population than entirety of Bangladesh is not Islamic enough.

OIC is an economic organisation too, why wouldn't we show intrest in joining OIC specially when we have a significant muslim population of nearly 300 million which will greatly benefit economically from India's admission to OIC.

Pakistan should just call a spade a spade and not shy away from accepting that they are blocking India's admission to OIC because it will reduce Pakistan's influence in the OIC, infact you guys should be proud that you have such a stronghold in a powerful organisation like OIC.

Pakistan the So called champion of Muslims of South Asia and world in large is working against the economic interests of 300 million Indian Muslims because it Hates India and Hindus more than it loves muslims. Huh, So much for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Bloody Hypocrites
I was going to give arguments to this shit post but after reading this it is quite funny that some people are so detached from reality. I rather not waste my time anyways thanks for a good laugh. Kashmir has left the chat

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