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Is this meme (Persian contributions to islamic Golden age)fair?

It was islamic
Then why there was takfir to this day against its founders and why do they hate the Abbasids for translation of the Greek knowledge and they say the Abbasids caused zandaqa by translating the Greek knowledge???!!!.
Then why there was takfir to this day against its founders and why do they hate the Abbasids for translation of the Greek knowledge and they say the Abbasids caused zandaqa by translating the Greek knowledge???!!!.

There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, whose making takfir?
Then why there was takfir to this day against its founders and why do they hate the Abbasids for translation of the Greek knowledge and they say the Abbasids caused zandaqa by translating the Greek knowledge???!!!.

Because the Najdi Athari creed is the most prevalent and dominant form of Islam thanks to Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab and the subsequent rise of the Petrodollars; but this wasn't the case back then.
Figures such as Ibn Taymiyyah were outcasts, they were considered extremist and often imprisoned.
Obviously utter nonsense. Most of the scientists and scholars of the Islamic Golden Age were Arabs from Arab-controlled, ruled and dominated Al-Andalus (no Persians in sight there) in the west to Arab-ruled, controlled and dominated Abbasid Caliphate in the east.

Which this simple comparison proves quite easily.

Most importantly, most of the pre-Islamic knowledge originated from ancient civilizations located in the Arab world such as ancient Arabia, Mesopotamia, Levant, Egypt etc. Other than that Greek science was very important.

Anyway Persians/Iranians were the second biggest contributors because of their numbers and geographic proximity to Arabs. Only a natural thing. Pre-Islamic Iran was not any scientific power whatsoever which is why you can hardly mention a single pre-Islamic Iranian scientist or scholar of note.

Well explained. :tup: And al-Ghazali is included in the second wiki of Irani scientists but we must deduct him from any intellectual gathering. :)

This is true, but the birthplace of mathematics (and science as a whole) is Mesopotamia. Modern-day Iraq, Eastern Syria, Kuwait, Northern KSA. So only fitting (looking back at ancient history) that the same Iraq (Baghdad) became the capital of science in the Middle Ages (Abbasid Baghdad) in hindsight.

Wow, I didn't know that there are something called Chinese Mathematics. And wonderful also to read of the Maya people who developed their science geographically separate from the rest of the world. Thanks for the wiki.

But I must disagree with the Hindu mathematician Bhramagupta of 700 AD being given primary importance for having developed Zero in the sense we use it today. Hindus were given lot of knowledge from non-Hindus, like I earlier spoke about Greeks giving them the gift called astronomy which Hindus turned into astrology - superstition. We haven't seen any "Ancient Hindu" astronomer developing telescope or any machine or idea worth importance except for one concept in the entire Hinduism that I like and that is "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which means "The world is one family" which is quite a progressive and non-tribalist concept but totally ignored by Modi and his terrorists even as they claim to champion Hinduism. Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have automatically meant that the Hindutvadis discard all that nonsense about a Holy Hindu Land called Bharat whose representation is an aggressive Hindu goddess and precludes any other ideology from living in India ? Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have meant that when the Hindu prince Siddharata from 2500 years rejected the atrociousness of the rest of Hinduism and began to teach compassion, anti-idolatry, anti-ritualism etc and formed a non-geographic teaching and it was perhaps his followers who called him Buddha, why hasn't every Hindu from then till now in 2500 years accepted compassion, justice mindedness, empathy, gentleness and the fact that nationalism is irrational, anti-Nature and anti-human ? Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have meant that all Hindus ally with all other non-geographic teachings of progressive people like Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Muhammad, Marx, Lenin, Mao and Muammar who all sought a united humanity ? Why do the Hindutvadis desire to genocide followers of Muhammad, followers of Isa and followers of Communism ?

Ritualist, committed, fanatic Hindus haven't produced a single technology, a single intellectual thought worth maintaining inside of India much less replicating outside.

Hindus must reject Hinduism to progress, this will be their renaissance.

@Suriya @-=virus=- @Sharma Ji @Paitoo @Skimming @Pranaayam @Hellfire2006 @prashantazazel @walterbibikow @Sam6536

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @Drizzt @SIPRA @Maula Jatt @Zibago @Jf Thunder @mike2000 is back @Foinikas @CHN Bamboo @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @ghazi52

Nationalist Iranians are some of the most deluded people out there. I would not bother wasting my time with them. Most of their existence and "superiority complex" rests on historical lies and exaggerations. The less said about their Aryan nonsense (in fact modern-day Iranians are far closer genetically to Afro-Asiatic/Semitic speaking Middle Easterners next door and Turkic speaking Anatolians, Caucasian speakers etc. than they are to other Iranic speaking peoples such as for instance Tajiks or Pashtuns etc. yet their deluded secular nationalists have an obsession about talking about some deluded "Aryan" purity origin. Quite ironic.

Ah, I didn't know about the genetics but yes I do occasionally see the exaggerated sense of contributions of the Mighty Aryan Irani but it is not to the beyond imagination levels of the Hindutvadis who claim to have had invented the internet and satellites hundreds of thousands of years ago. Maybe they traveled to Earth from the Proxima Centauri star system on their Vedic ships. :lol:
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Well explained. :tup: And al-Ghazali is included in the second wiki of Irani scientists but we must deduct him from any intellectual gathering. :)

Wow, I didn't know that there are something called Chinese Mathematics. And wonderful also to read of the Maya people who developed their science geographically separate from the rest of the world. Thanks for the wiki.

But I must disagree with the Hindu mathematician Bhramagupta of 700 AD being given primary importance for having developed Zero in the sense we use it today. Hindus were given lot of knowledge from non-Hindus, like I earlier spoke about Greeks giving them the gift called astronomy which Hindus turned into astrology - superstition. We haven't seen any "Ancient Hindu" astronomer developing telescope or any machine or idea worth importance except for one concept in the entire Hinduism that I like and that is "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which means "The world is one family" which is quite a progressive and non-tribalist concept but totally ignored by Modi and his terrorists even as they claim to champion Hinduism. Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have automatically meant that the Hindutvadis discard all that nonsense about a Holy Hindu Land called Bharat whose representation is an aggressive Hindu goddess and precludes any other ideology from living in India ? Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have meant that when the Hindu prince Siddharata from 2500 years rejected the atrociousness of the rest of Hinduism and began to teach compassion, anti-idolatry, anti-ritualism etc and formed a non-geographic teaching and it was perhaps his followers who called him Buddha, why hasn't every Hindu from then till now in 2500 years accepted compassion, justice mindedness, empathy, gentleness and the fact that nationalism is irrational, anti-Nature and anti-human ? Shouldn't "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" have meant that all Hindus ally with all other non-geographic teachings of progressive people like Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Muhammad, Marx, Lenin, Mao and Muammar who all sought a united humanity ? Why do the Hindutvadis desire to genocide followers of Muhammad, followers of Isa and followers of Communism ?

Ritualist, committed, fanatic Hindus haven't produced a single technology, a single intellectual thought worth maintaining inside of India much less replicating outside.

Hindus must reject Hinduism to progress, this will be their renaissance.

@Suriya @-=virus=- @Sharma Ji @Paitoo @Skimming @Pranaayam @Hellfire2006 @prashantazazel @walterbibikow @Sam6536

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @Drizzt @SIPRA @Maula Jatt @Zibago @Jf Thunder @mike2000 is back @Foinikas @CHN Bamboo @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @ghazi52

Ah, I didn't know about the genetics but yes I do occasionally see the exaggerated sense of contributions of the Might Aryan Irani but it is not to the beyond imagination levels of the Hindutvadis who claim to have had invented the internet and satellites hundreds of thousands of years ago. Maybe they traveled to Earth from the Proxima Centauri star system on their Vedic ships. :lol:
Utilize your talent and efforts to help Pakistan and to alleviate poverty in Bangladesh thus stemming the tide tide of illegal immigrants instead of dedicating your life to attempts of destroying India.
Nationalist Iranians are some of the most deluded people out there. I would not bother wasting my time with them. Most of their existence and "superiority complex" rests on historical lies and exaggerations. The less said about their Aryan nonsense
They say "A picture is worth a thousand words"

Saudi (green)- Iranian (white)- Turk (red) in 2021 Olympics:azn::azn::azn:
Utilize your talent and efforts to help Pakistan and to alleviate poverty in Bangladesh thus stemming the tide tide of illegal immigrants instead of dedicating your life to attempts of destroying India.

Yes, I want to help enhance Bangladesh as it is the sanest society in South Asia and I want the leftists and other progressives of Pakistan to overthrow the Capitalists and their associates, the priests, but why did you get the idea that I want to destroy India ?

They say "A picture is worth a thousand words"

Saudi (green)- Iranian (white)- Turk (red) in 2021 Olympics:azn::azn::azn:

This picture isn't giving me 10 words much less 1000. Please explain the pic's significance.
Yes, I want to help enhance Bangladesh as it is the sanest society in South Asia and I want the leftists and other progressives of Pakistan to overthrow the Capitalists and their associates, the priests, but why did you get the idea that I am to destroy India ?

This picture isn't giving me 10 words much less 1000. Please explain the pic's significance.
to explain the photo: Some moron called Iranians are Africans! I am sure he also thinks Saudis are Europeans just in the wrong place! :undecided::undecided:!!..

PS: he has Pak flag but he is Saudi ..changes name often in this forum and talks nonsense..embarrassed to put his real flags..I had to put a mirror in front of him with the photo.
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Because the Najdi Athari creed is the most prevalent and dominant form of Islam thanks to Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab and the subsequent rise of the Petrodollars; but this wasn't the case back then.
Figures such as Ibn Taymiyyah were outcasts, they were considered extremist and often imprisoned.
For the record even in taymiyyah was better than the modern day salafists he studies philosophy and science despite his extremism.
Yes, I want to help enhance Bangladesh as it is the sanest society in South Asia
If Bangladesh is so sane, how come such a small region keeps sending an astonishing number of illegal immigrants all over the vast country of India?

@Hecig @Abdul Rehman Majeed @Skull and Bones

I want the leftists and other progressives of Pakistan to overthrow the Capitalists and their associates, the priests, but why did you get the idea that I want to destroy India ?
Does spontaneous lying comes to you naturally or did you get any training?
What ?

So I am not longer a Naxali ? :D What am I then ? After the grand success of ISI major Adnan and ISI colonel Kabootar here comes ISI Jamaadar Jamahir. :enjoy:

No, please come back now and tell me how can anyone deny grief, unless it is pretended ? Those "5 stages of grief" seems right from a yoga studio in Hollywood where dog lovers gather to write books on pseudo psychology and that is picked up by those who want to actually do denial of a rational question. So please tell me, regardless of "Great Irani 100,000 Papers Per Year" record as confirmed by statistics from "international organizations" which are not from DPRK, Cuba, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, Bangladesh and Algeria but from the West which created the mullah fascists ruling Iran since 1979 but the mullahs pretend to hate the West and then take such credit if some so-called scientific investigation in some mullah college in Mashad gets noticed in the West. :lol:

And have a look at the articles from this Leiden University of the "Leiden Ranking 2022" fame :

The first article is propaganda against Russia which Irani mullah terrorist government pretends to support, though is not sending any IRGC and Basij haraamis to Ukraine because Zelensky bois and gals have real guns unlike the revolutionary Iranis in Iran who don't and thus are being killed by the hundreds by IRGC, Basij etc. :)

The second article about climate change... Will that council propose the simple solution I proposed on PDF in 2021 - global abolition of personal vehicles, because that is the greatest thing we can do to reverse climate change ?

The third article talks nonsense like "business analytics". If money is abolished what will become of London School of Economics, the stock exchanges in the world including in "Islamic Republic of Iran" :lol:, the millions of MBAs and the religion-ritualist governments ? :)

And forgot to say this earlier : Al-Jahiz, the creator of Evolution Theory was of Black genetics while the Mighty Aryan Culture of Iran produced the Hashisheen who assassinated Muslim philosophers and tried to assassinate Salahudeen. :lol: The Hashisheen were like the Taliban of today who assassinated President Najibullah and the Afghan Communists and were taken aboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight against NATO's enemy - the progressive Socialism-led system of Syria. The Taliban does hasheesh too and sells opium and rapes boys which most probably the original Hashisheen did too. And the mullah terrorist government of Iran supports the Taliban and the so-called Afghan Mujahideen before the Taliban. :)

Lastly, about statistics, there are Lies, Damned Lies and then there are Statistics. :)

Actually True Islam is "heretical" because Islam induces the follower to question, whether one's oppressive mother or one's oppressive king and culturally questioning these two celebrated figures is heresy. However, we know that it is the mullahs who are heretical in reality. It is the mullahs who destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. Muslim philosophers who only 200 years after the establishment of Islam included Gautama Buddha into the fold of Islamic prophets and Muslim inventors who created mechanical machines... what have these so-called Salaafis created ? Unless we speak of various styles of Tableeghi beards and various styles of burqas and an established system in India of three hajjs within five years done by middle class people living off interest-economics companies owned by Crusaders in USA and Europe and going to the hajj on flights subsidized by Modi's Hindutvadi interest-economics government. :rofl: What say, @Sayfullah, @Mujahid Memon, @Qmjd etc ? :D

Greek knowledge legacy OK but what is "Western knowledge legacy" ? The Vikings ? :)

And what is this "Already Progressive Persian Intelligentsia" ? Hadith writers ? :lol: Even now our Irani friend here, Aryobarzan, is unable to tell me the name of a single Irani computer processor, operating system, storage system and local spacecraft system.

Yes the Arabs did borrow from Greeks, Egyptians and possibly other West Asians but they were also thinkers like I posted in my first post in the thread. The Greeks developed the world's first computer, the Antikythera Mechanism, which was a portable analog instrument used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses decades in advance and the only known model is supposedly not more than 2200 years ago and was found in 1901 AD but it is not know how old that instrument as a concept had been used for.

Indus Valley ? Nothing of the IVC culture is known. The IVC existed before the Brahmans arrived into India from Iran in 1000 BC. It is not known if the IVC died out before the Brahmans arrived or they were subsumed into Hinduism forcibly just like the Shudras, Dalits and tribals were and given demeaned position or the Brahmans just wiped them out. The IVC people are supposed to have come from the current Iraq region.

And this from the article is just incorrect :

This so-called "South Asian astronomy", code words for Hindu astronomy, was a Greek gift to the Hindus. And the Hindus turned it into astrology - superstition. Just a few months ago, a few days before a Hindu festival, many Godi Media channels were hosting a panel of astrologers predicting many things in the world including the outcome of Ukraine war. :lol: Can they predict what gift I have for the Hindutvadis ? :)

Please read above.

True. "Nation" is an artificial concept which should be abolished and will be.
Shit will remain shit , no matter what you call it.
For the record even in taymiyyah was better than the modern day salafists he studies philosophy and science despite his extremism.
I agree, Muhammed bn Abdul Wahab is inspired by ibn Taymiyyah but he's 10x more hardcore. There's really nothing that differs ISIS from the Najdi movement, virtually identical, except that ISIS eventually failed whereas the Najdi revolution succeeded.
It's a tragedy really how this lunatic is so influential today when even though his own father disowned him and warned about him. A tragedy really.
some moron called Iranians are Africans! I am sure he also thinks Saudis are Europeans just in the wrong place! :undecided::undecided:!!..

1. So @Corruptistan associating Iranis with Black Afros makes him an idiot ? :) Why are you being hateful against Blacks in addition to mindlessly championing the largely non-existent Irani achievements ( you haven't answered that question of mine ) ?

Compare these two light-skinned terrorists from Iran :

...with this Black revolutionary from Africa :

Personal image and popularity​

Accompanying his personal charisma, Sankara had an array of original initiatives that contributed to his popularity and brought some international media attention to his government:

Cuba rewarded Sankara with the highest honour of the state, the Order of Jose Marti.[76]


  • He sold off the government fleet of Mercedes cars and made the Renault 5 (the cheapest car sold in Burkina Faso at that time) the official service car of the ministers.[15][77]
  • He reduced the salaries of well-off public servants (including his own) and forbade the use of government chauffeurs and first class airline tickets.[15][78]
  • He opposed foreign aid, saying that 'He who feeds you, controls you'.[79][15]
  • He spoke in forums like the Organization of African Unity against what he described as neocolonialist penetration of Africa through Western trade and finance.[80][81]
  • He called for a united front of African nations to repudiate their foreign debt. He argued that the poor and exploited did not have an obligation to repay money to the rich and exploiting.[81]
Thomas knew how to show his people that they could become dignified and proud through will power, courage, honesty and work. What remains above all of my husband is his integrity.
Mariam Sankara, Thomas' widow[1]
  • In Ouagadougou, Sankara converted the army's provisioning store into a state-owned supermarket open to everyone (the first supermarket in the country).[1]
  • He forced well-off civil servants to pay one month's salary to public projects.[1][78]
  • He refused to use the air conditioning in his office on the grounds that such luxury was not available to anyone but a handful of Burkinabés.[82][83]
  • As President, he lowered his salary to $450 a month and limited his possessions to a car, four bikes, three guitars, a refrigerator, and a broken freezer.[15][83]


  • He required public servants to wear a traditional tunic, woven from Burkinabé cotton and sewn by Burkinabé craftsmen.[18]
  • He was known for jogging unaccompanied through Ouagadougou in his track suit and posing in his tailored military fatigues, with his mother-of-pearl pistol.[1][5]
  • When asked why he did not want his portrait hung in public places, as was the norm for other African leaders, Sankara replied: "There are seven million Thomas Sankaras".[84]
  • An accomplished guitarist, he wrote the new national anthem himself.

2. Do you think all Iranis have white skin, light eyes and blonde hair ? The Irani who made these posts doesn't think so and the many pics he posted include these :


For the record even in taymiyyah was better than the modern day salafists he studies philosophy and science despite his extremism.

Taymiyyah from the little I know of him is much loved by the Tableeghis of today, the embarrassing dawah bois of Britain etc. That surely removes him from any suggestion that he was philosophical. :)

There is a PDF member who carries him as his profile pic.

If Bangladesh is so sane, how come such a small region keeps sending an astonishing number of illegal immigrants all over the vast country of India?

What "astonishing number" ? Do you really believe those Bhakts who declared that those 50,000 people of Haldwani who are about to be thrown out of their houses by the state's Bhakt government in the winter of the Himalayas, they are Bangladeshi just because most of them are Muslims ? How did those 50,000 "Illegal Bangladeshis" cross 1886 kilometers from Bangladesh to Uttarakhand ? And when did they begin living there ?

And do you think those BSF soldiers who killed that BD girl Felani on the border fence in 2011 not deserve the same fate ? And this is a nice art :

Does spontaneous lying comes to you naturally or did you get any training?

Where did you find a lie ?

The only sane society in South East Asia is Bhutan.

In Siliguri, we met with many Bhutanese fellas who used to come for medical reasons. Such humble and down to earth folks.

Bhutan is not Southeast Asia but South Asia and part of SAARC.

But yes, someone happy to be living under an ancestral feudal that is also protected by Indian military which participated in the non-participation of prevention of the genocide of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu in late 1947 but participated happily in the genocide of 3.5 million North Koreans in 1950-53 and then almost participated in the genocide of Iraqis starting 2003 and then in 2011 happily watched NATO planes bomb Muammar's compound in Tripoli and participated in the Kunan-Poshpora gangrapes in Kashmir in 1991 and has been happily participating in the genocide of Indians in the Naxal movement but hasn't been participating in a single action against Bhakts, that Bhutani is a sane person indeed. :)

And how can you not blame the ancestrally feudalist ruler of Bhutan while you condemn the ancestrally governing leader of DPRK ?

Shit will remain shit , no matter what you call it.

Do you not shit ? But I didn't understand what you are talking about.
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