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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

No, and he didn't even acknowledge the second part of the question, which I have his post questioning that member, he wouldn't even touch that.

I mean, that is just hilarious. In one post, he destroyed his entire credibility, well, what left of his credibility I should say.

I mean, internet forum, you bound to be having opposite opinion to others, but at time, you should respect other people post, I mean sure, things get heated from time to time, but you still keep the cordial respect to other people, I mean, I still remember our heated differences between Russian War in Ukraine, but heated is one thing, I still respect your post once that heated moment was gone.

But not to these people, they think they know the best and everyone opinion does not count but theirs. And the funniest thing is, they don't have jack shit experience on the matter we are talking about. I mean, you are looking at a person who say "Battle Experience is a joke" Yes, it is, when you have nothing...
It's just like MMM-E. You know how MMM-E calls everyone "ignorant troll" when they call him out for his misinformation or mistakes or disagree with him or just simply have a different opinion. And when you ask him what he does for a living,because he keeps saying "you know nothing about history and military",he IGNORES the question.

Because one might think,ok you pretend to know everything,so what are you? A professor? Some kind of an expert?

He refuses. And if you press him really hard,he gets angry and says "I don't have to answer to you! You are not a mod!"

Same case.

Oh and he also claims he is much older than me. But refuses to tell his age.
It's nothing?
- I do not recall Russian forces loosing conventional battles in a war since World War 2.
- I do not recall Russian forces suffering horrendous casualties in conventional battles in a war since World War 2.
Soviet battlefield experience in Afghanistan looks tame in comparison to Russian battlefield experience in Ukraine.

US-led forces were able to liberate South Korea from the communist forces and the Korean War was concluded with Armistice Agreement for the Restoration of the South Korean State. This was the core objective of the war and it was achieved from American standpoint. This isn't failure but a success story.

China can be credited for saving North Korea on the other hand - credit where due. But keep in mind that American President Harry S. Truman relieved American military commander Douglas MacArthur from command during the war because MacArthur wanted to expand the scope of war to secure North Korea and to bomb China back to stone age for its intervention but Truman disagreed with him and wanted to stick to the UN-mandated mission of liberating South Korea. You are mistaking this disagreement for lacking of capability.

Truman did China a huge favor by dismissing MacArthur and capping the war effort at liberation of South Korea.

You need to understand historical developments in their true essence instead of relying on propaganda movies.


China is a powerful country today - I never disagreed on this count.


- I do NOT think that Full Scale War between US and China is on the cards from either camp. This is not feasible due to economic factors on the line and nuclear weapons in the picture.
- Limited Scale Conventional War between US and China is possible which might be fought over Taiwan or somewhere else in the Pacific. US can defeat China in this type of war. This is a realistic assumption based on relevant information put together in here.

I am not sure why this is so hard to understand or comprehend. I do not look at these matters through the nationalistic lens but based on valuable information on hand. Being realistic is a quality, not an offense.

It is unfortunate that some people can digest Facts & Figures.

Do you want to fight a war with US and find out? I suppose not.

So chill.
Russia is not the Soviet Union. It has lost its large-scale industrial production capacity.

The Russian economy is only equivalent to Guangdong Province.

How does Russia conduct a modernization war?

We all know that Russia cannot conduct modern war now. But we also know that even if Russia faces great difficulties. No country wants to directly conflict with Russia.

Now my only problem is. Will the US go to war with China because of Taiwan?

You mean, the US dare not directly intervene in Ukraine. But the US dares to directly intervene in Taiwan?
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You asked me if I would fight for China and I answer I would, you said you don't believe it. pretty much that's the end of the any story anyway,
Again, don't ask stupid question if you don't want to be challenge. I can say I would marry a playboy bunny, as if would and should counted.
I don't care, again, this is not about me, I am not the one that go up on a forum and ask whether people will go to war with someone when they had not served.

If I say this, you are free to question my background. And I can show you a lot of photo I took when I was in Afghanistan, but then as I said, I am not the one who ask those stupid question, nobody have served will ask that stupid question

Do you think I actually have no idea??

There is a common mindset of people who served. I met a 70 Years old Chinese dude here in Australia who used to serve in the PLA Airborne force, we talked and know a lot of things in common. You, i have nothing in common.
I would fight for China, it has nothing to do with if I served in army or not. and that guy only asked me if I would fight for China, I gave my answer, you don't believe it, and I don't believe you, I guess that's fair enough.

I'm Greek but I don't spend all day posting a gazillion threads to advertise my country here.
Who cares about what you do, just a Greek obsessed with China, that's enough for me to know.
It's just like MMM-E. You know how MMM-E calls everyone "ignorant troll" when they call him out for his misinformation or mistakes or disagree with him or just simply have a different opinion. And when you ask him what he does for a living,because he keeps saying "you know nothing about history and military",he IGNORES the question.

Because one might think,ok you pretend to know everything,so what are you? A professor? Some kind of an expert?

He refuses. And if you press him really hard,he gets angry and says "I don't have to answer to you! You are not a mod!"

Same case.

Oh and he also claims he is much older than me. But refuses to tell his age.
Look, a monkey in an agricultural country is jumping up and down.... like a clown.

Again, don't ask stupid question if you don't want to be challenge. I can say I would marry a playboy bunny, as if would and should counted.
I ask this question again. What does this have to do with the agricultural country Australia?
I would fight for China, it has nothing to do with if I served in army or not. and that guy only asked me if I would fight for China, I gave my answer, you don't believe it, and I don't believe you, I guess that's fair enough.
The difference is, that guy served, you don't. And he certainly did not make a thread about how China would do this and that. You did.

Again, it's not about me, or him, you ask a vet whether or not he will go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, first of all, that's dumb beyond the point that you ask whether jesus will die for our sin. Second, if you have no correspondent experience, what qualify you to ask that question??

It's just like MMM-E. You know how MMM-E calls everyone "ignorant troll" when they call him out for his misinformation or mistakes or disagree with him or just simply have a different opinion. And when you ask him what he does for a living,because he keeps saying "you know nothing about history and military",he IGNORES the question.

Because one might think,ok you pretend to know everything,so what are you? A professor? Some kind of an expert?

He refuses. And if you press him really hard,he gets angry and says "I don't have to answer to you! You are not a mod!"

Same case.

Oh and he also claims he is much older than me. But refuses to tell his age.
I will say mr Beijing is worse troll than MMM-E. At least MMM-E would just blabbing about stuff that in certain area locally. This guy? This guy take the cake. He is EVERYTHING pro- and anti-China, which mean you will see him opening his mouth on just about eveyrthing.
The difference is, that guy served, you don't. And he certainly did not make a thread about how China would do this and that. You did.

Again, it's not about me, or him, you ask a vet whether or not he will go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, first of all, that's dumb beyond the point that you ask whether jesus will die for our sin. Second, if you have no correspondent experience, what qualify you to ask that question??
To make it simple, he asked me if I would fight for China, and my answer is yes, you guys can believe it or not. simple and clear.
Look who is talking. Nothing better to do in life but troll all the time.

Russia is a "global power" and WE can see how it is doing in Ukraine. And Ukraine is not even remotely close to the US in warfighting capability.

China fought a war in Vietnam in the 1970s. It wasn't a pleasant experience for it. Thousands of Chinese troops died in a span of 6 months. Chinese mission was to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam but it could not be achieved.

Iraq wasn't a joke in 1991. Read and learn from here.

US can fight a conventional war very well because of its technological supremacy and significant operational experience. American armed forces understand conventional warfare on a scientific level and not as a mere collection of guns and bullets that are visible on the battlefield.

Anybody who says that US cannot fight a war in a particular region, needs to get his head examined.

Do some homework before you talk shit next time.
Listen to what your master Gen Milley said on Ukraine, then decide to declare your early victory in Ukraine. You suffer from a disease called premature ejaculation and premature celebration.
Wow comparing the china of 1970s with China of today. Get your IQ level checked.
How can I win a argument with you Sir! you are a legend.
To make it simple, he asked me if I would fight for China, and my answer is yes, you guys can believe it or not. simple and clear.
I am not talking about he ask you whether you will fight for China, I ask you why you ask him would he fight in Iraq and Afghanistan?? He served his country, have you??
Look, a monkey in an agricultural country is jumping up and down.... like a clown.
See,that's the problem.

You come off as arrogant,spoiled brats with no manners,always rude and mocking everyone as "inferior".

This behavior makes you look obnoxious and only discourages people from having a positive opinion about mainland Chinese. And mainland Chinese already have a bad reputation in HK and other southeast Asian countries as having poor manners and behaving badly.
See,that's the problem.

You come off as arrogant,spoiled brats with no manners,always rude and mocking everyone as "inferior".

This behavior makes you look obnoxious and only discourages people from having a positive opinion about mainland Chinese. And mainland Chinese already have a bad reputation in HK and other southeast Asian countries as having poor manners and behaving badly.
Nah, he ain't HK, I remember I used a HK slang on him and basically let's just say "Call out his mother" and he didn't even flinch......
I am not talking about he ask you whether you will fight for China, I ask you why you ask him would he fight in Iraq and Afghanistan?? He served his country, have you??
How do I know if he served or not? he asked me a question and I asked him, isn't that normal

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