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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

yeah. Turkey at least eats shit in China's debt trap.

Little Turkey is very suitable to live in the debt trap and eat shit.
Shit eaters' opinions do not matter.

We might be broke but at least we don't eat shit

You people are fucking disgusting
Small irrelavent clowns tried so hard to make themselves feel relevant, lol.. China can smash them with a little finger.
Shit eaters' opinions do not matter.

We might be broke but at least we don't eat shit

You people are fucking disgusting
Little Turkey likes to live in the debt trap very much. So it can eat shit more happily.

Every Turk should store some dog shit. This can help it avoid hunger. lol.


Which is you?
You really have to show how stupid you are , do you? Do you even know Taiwan is a place name, not a country's name, do you actually know Taiwan's country name?
Give us a break. I worked with Taiwanese engineers in the past. The official name is The Republic Of China and I have used ROCAF in previous discussions. You ain't that smart, pal. :rolleyes:

Would you go fight for US in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia...? China has 1.4 billion people, how many do you think can have a chance to fight in war?
For starter, I have done my time in service of my country, so I can justifiably criticize you and your friends.

Second...The Parade Line Army (PLA) recently admitted to training issues so severe that it is thinking about reactivating retirees who are OLDER than me, and I am a 60 yrs old former USAF.

Yeah...The PLA invasion fleet will have 60+ yrs old sailors and soldiers.

The vice-captain of a warship has yet to complete a key training test, China’s military has revealed, in an indirect but rare acknowledgement of its shortage of highly skilled troops.​
“In recent years, as new warships have been commissioned and old ships retired, the problem of ‘equipment awaiting talent’ has become increasingly severe,” said the report, published on December 26.​
The PLA Daily report said the navy had begun to rotate and coordinate training sessions to tackle the backlog and also make full use of the limited training ships.​
Ni suggested that the military enlist more highly educated personnel and re-enlist retired soldiers if they were still fit.

China is building more shiny new toys than their soldiers could operate. Now it is revealed that the current youths are more interested in doing the minimum (lying flat), do not want to marry and have families, and disillusioned with the Party.

Many analysts estimated 8-10 yrs preparations. I am more optimistic and say 5-6 yrs that China can prepare for an invasion of Taiwan. But as more and more social problems are revealed, how likely do you think is a war against Taiwan? Critical to deterrence is perception, as in how each side perceived the other on war capabilities. If the Parade Line Army (PLA) believes the costs outweighs the benefits, especially if Taiwan is destroyed in the end, how likely is it for the PLA to support a war? All the US have to do is arm Taiwan to the gills.

This article about this former Taiwanese soldier is suspicious. How is defending your country make you a 'cannon fodder'? Usually, the context of a 'cannon fodder' is about fighting in foreign lands for dubious reasons. That sounds more like for Chinese youths than for Taiwanese.
Give us a break. I worked with Taiwanese engineers in the past. The official name is The Republic Of China and I have used ROCAF in previous discussions. You ain't that smart, pal. :rolleyes:
You claimed that Taiwan doesn't belong to China, how come the very name of Taiwan is The Republic Of China ?
Well, whatever Turkey might be, at least we don't eat shit like chinamen
But. But. But any province in China is 100 years more advanced than Turkey, isn't it?

Turkey is begging China for loans like a slave. Turkey begs for Chinese technology like a slave. Turkey imports Chinese products like a slave.

Look. I'm just a simple search.

Slave Turkey pays China tens of billions of USD every year. lol.

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