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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Mass production where? In Pakistan? Has started but not at full capacity yet, many more parts will be localized slowly. Currently there are more VT4s being assembled in CKD form at HIT.

required dates exist, but they are flexible, depends on economic situation. If the money keeps coming, HIT can make VT4s at 50+ tanks per year, hence completing all current orders before 2030 (as nearly half the tanks are/were Direct imports or CKDs).

Exact numbers for both already ordered and future plans were posted here before.
Ah, so 680 VT-4's planned. But what about the future? I mean, something has to be done with 6TD's engines in service on AK or T-80UD, for obvious reasons
New batch of VT-4s in China (?)


Ah, so 680 VT-4's planned. But what about the future? I mean, something has to be done with 6TD's engines in service on AK or T-80UD, for obvious reasons
Currently Pakistan has enough spares to run the AK and UD fleets for a good amount of time. Especially since 110 AK1 orders were canceled and their power plants might already be delivered (though don’t take that as fact, I’ve yet to confirm it).

However HIT is actively working on trying to integrate VT4 power plant with AK for future replacement, remains to be seen if they’ll be successful or not. If so then UDs might get the AK engines, or they might be retired early altogether, because I’m not sure if VT4s powertrain could work with them.
Currently Pakistan has enough spares to run the AK and UD fleets for a good amount of time. Especially since 110 AK1 orders were canceled and their power plants might already be delivered (though don’t take that as fact, I’ve yet to confirm it).

However HIT is actively working on trying to integrate VT4 power plant with AK for future replacement, remains to be seen if they’ll be successful or not. If so then UDs might get the AK engines, or they might be retired early altogether, because I’m not sure if VT4s powertrain could work with them.

Honestly - sell the T80UDs to the USA who can give them to ukraine(get the USD) now - and use that money(PKR<->Yuan?) to buy VT4's direct from China - they will deliver in no time - everyone is a winner .....
Honestly - sell the T80UDs to the USA who can give them to ukraine(get the USD) now - and use that money(PKR<->Yuan?) to buy VT4's direct from China - they will deliver in no time - everyone is a winner .....
Sure, ignore alllllll the logistical and geopolitical issues with that excellent plan and everyone really is a winner.
Sure, ignore alllllll the logistical and geopolitical issues with that excellent plan and everyone really is a winner.

Pakistan is building a logistics base around VT4's - most of it is already in place now. We are not talking about inducting a new type here - VT4 is already inducted and operational. Cross training the crewws and expanding the logistics line are what is required. If the Americans want to provide tanks to Ukraine - then that is the price for do it.
Pakistan is building a logistics base around VT4's - most of it is already in place now. We are not talking about inducting a new type here - VT4 is already inducted and operational. Cross training the crewws and expanding the logistics line are what is required. If the Americans want to provide tanks to Ukraine - then that is the price for do it.
Except most of it is not in place, Pakistan does not produce VT4 locally yet, only assembly. China cannot build 320 VT4s overnight (when was the VT4 deal signed originally? And how many VT4s have been delivered so far? At chinas already high delivery rate, it would take nearly 4 years to replace 320 tanks, what will we fill the gap with till then?), selling 320 UDs won’t get us enough money to buy even half the amount back, we just started buying wheat and oil from Russia, we don’t have a means to transport 320 tanks to Ukraine. We have several hundred much much older tanks to replace first, we also spent a lot of money building a logistics network, upgrading and localizing T80UD parts and training crews, all that money would also go to waste if we just sell them suddenly. Need I go on? Your proposition makes absolutely no sense beyond a surface level, things aren’t that simple. We can’t just start selling hundreds of tanks to Ukraine from our active fleet. You’re not the first to suggest this either, these blanket statements are not helpful.
Except most of it is not in place, Pakistan does not produce VT4 locally yet, only assembly. China cannot build 320 VT4s overnight (when was the VT4 deal signed originally? And how many VT4s have been delivered so far? At chinas already high delivery rate, it would take nearly 4 years to replace 320 tanks, what will we fill the gap with till then?), selling 320 UDs won’t get us enough money to buy even half the amount back, we just started buying wheat and oil from Russia, we don’t have a means to transport 320 tanks to Ukraine. We have several hundred much much older tanks to replace first, we also spent a lot of money building a logistics network, upgrading and localizing T80UD parts and training crews, all that money would also go to waste if we just sell them suddenly. Need I go on? Your proposition makes absolutely no sense beyond a surface level, things aren’t that simple. We can’t just start selling hundreds of tanks to Ukraine from our active fleet. You’re not the first to suggest this either, these blanket statements are not helpful.
What about the 30 or so that were retired recently?
What about the 30 or so that were retired recently?
We don’t know if 30 were retired, that was just an assumption, and if they were retired, then what about them? If we can’t keep them running, how can Ukraine? Pakistan can currently produce more spares and has more expertise in UDs than Ukraine does I’d say, their tank industry has nearly just died over the last decade.

Except Ukraine wants Abrams and Leopards
They want anything they can get. They’d take Pakistans UDs over Abrams and Leos any day because they already use these, but they know getting abrams or Leo is more realistic right now.
Why pak opted for VT 4 when pak could have opted for more advanced type 99 tanks

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