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It's official: USA lost 20 year Afghanistan war: Top US General - France 24

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Feb 6, 2017
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US 'lost' the 20-year war in Afghanistan: top US general​

Issued on: 29/09/2021 - 22:40Modified: 29/09/2021 - 22:38


1 min

Washington (AFP) –


The top US general conceded in a stark admission on Wednesday that the United States "lost" the 20-year war in Afghanistan.

"It is clear, it is obvious to all of us, that the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban in power in Kabul," General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee.

"The war was a strategic failure," Milley told a committee hearing about the US troop pullout from Afghanistan and the chaotic evacuation from the capital Kabul.

"It wasn't lost in the last 20 days or even 20 months," Milley said.


"There's a cumulative effect to a series of strategic decisions that go way back," said the general, the top military advisor to President Joe Biden, who ordered an end to the 20-year US troop presence in Afghanistan.

"Whenever you get some phenomenon like a war that is lost -- and it has been, in the sense of we accomplished our strategic task of protecting America against Al-Qaeda, but certainly the end state is a whole lot different than what we wanted," Milley said.

"So whenever a phenomenon like that happens, there's an awful lot of causal factors," he said. "And we're going to have to figure that out. A lot of lessons learned here."

Milley listed a number of factors responsible for the US defeat going back to a missed opportunity to capture or kill Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora soon after the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan.

He also cited the 2003 decision to invade Iraq, which shifted US troops away from Afghanistan, "not effectively dealing with Pakistan as a (Taliban) sanctuary," and pulling advisers out of Afghanistan a few years ago.

Biden, in April, ordered a complete pullout of US forces from Afghanistan by August 31, following through on an agreement reached with the Taliban by former president Donald Trump.

Milley and General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, told a Senate committee on Tuesday that they had personally recommended that some 2,500 troops remain on the ground in Afghanistan.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden had received "split" advice about what to do in Afghanistan, which the United States invaded following the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington.

"Ultimately, it's up to the commander-in-chief to make a decision," Psaki said. "He made a decision that it was time to end a 20-year war."

© 2021 AFP

The word "crusade" was never mentioned again by an American official.
Now they are looking to hire our military for rent todo the same task which they failed todo in Afghanistan
Now they are looking to hire our military for rent todo the same task which they failed todo in Afghanistan
I hope China helps Pakistan stand up on its two feet.

China needs to improve the Pakistani economy.
China had been winning without fighting, while the US was fighting without winning.

Welcome China the next super power.
I hope China helps Pakistan stand up on its two feet.

China needs to improve the Pakistani economy.
No one will help us because we are under control of corrupt military generals
China kia saray USA ka paisa bhi a jay hum fail state he rahain ga
No one will help us because we are under control of corrupt military generals
China kia saray USA ka paisa bhi a jay hum fail state he rahain ga

Now everyone is looking towards China to be the world's superpower.

No one will help us because we are under control of corrupt military generals
China kia saray USA ka paisa bhi a jay hum fail state he rahain ga
But China has invested the most in Pakistan, other than Saudi Arabia or UAE.

No one will help us because we are under control of corrupt military generals
China kia saray USA ka paisa bhi a jay hum fail state he rahain ga
But those military generals are better than democrazy
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Now they are looking to hire our military for rent todo the same task which they failed todo in Afghanistan
We don't care about the politics of Afghanistan, we just care about them not being a source of stability & hostility towards us which they are hellbent on being themselves.

Can you blame the US for this? or for Pakistan deciding to defend itself?

Claiming every decision as a Amreeki saazish is just cringe now, Afg has always been a pain in the *** by itself
And general Zia ul haq and Musharraf's tenure were the best years for Pakistan.

I am talking about right now. Zia Ul Haq's tenure we needed an IMF bailout and Musharraf's years saw an increase in terrorism all over the place.

Pakistan's reserves and economy are going down with skyhigh inflation all due to these generals
USA lost because they didn’t even know what their goal was… :lol:

US knew quite well its prime objectives, It was definitely not terrorism or OBL, they feed that BS to the general public repeating the same shyt over and over, Yeah amreeka was fighting rag-tag bandits pouring in trillions of dollars.. Anyone who believes that BS should have his/her head examined.

The prime objective was to get a foothold/base in A-Stan a prime real estate with respect to China, Russia, Pak, Iran, But the US miscalculated and forgot it will be an asymmetric fight and that A-Stan is the graveyard of empires, the rest is history.
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