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'Very difficult' to oust Russia from Ukraine in 2023 - top U.S. general Milley

He said most war ends with negotiation, and it's US job to have Ukraine at the best position as possible to negotiate when the time come. Nobody expect Ukraine to roll over EVERY Russian position which include Crimea and Donbas, you can't undo 8 years of occupation in just 1 year of fighting, Crimea alone would have take Ukraine at least 5 years to claws back if they want to.

The goal is and always roll back Russia to pre-2022 line, it's not at all realistic to take Crimea at the end of 2023. You will need a navy for that.

The US caused the current conflict and feels bad if not helping Ukraine. Of course the ideal way to heal the little conscience is to get Ukraine the lost lands up to pre-2022. Yet I predict US will leave Ukraine hung dried again like many before: Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc. When the kitchen got heated up, the half chef runs away.

"Son, that's the best position possible." So said the Uncle to the Actor.
Now he is trolling because he has no logical arguments. As you know trolling is against the forum rules. He has broken 2 forum rules within a single thread.

@waz @LeGenD
You gotta love people who selective quote something and then yell out "This guy is trolling"
And I am not the one that turn a ruin of Iraq photo into Meme, the one you are quoting is.

I am not the one that turn a tragic photo into a meme, I mean, that's a meme, I don't know you should look at a meme seriously, I mean if that's things you do, I don't judge. I saw a meme I laugh. Most people do.

SO if you want to report people laughing at innocent victim, try the person who turn that into a meme.

So your mother is a Vietnamese refugee, your father is a white, and you are a Chinese? how can it be possible?
How are you still alive, how is it possible? what's all that have to do with being Chinese?? And just because you have a house in Vietnam then you are automatically "Vietnamese"? What kind of logic is that? A lot of Chinese had house and apartment here in Australia and USA, does that make them Australian and American?? Again, I want to know where you learn your logic, remind me to stay away from that place

And no, my dad was not white. When did I ever said my dad was white.
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Why would we need to outmatch you?? You build yours and we build ours, this is not a competition. I mean you build 10 Interstate Highway we build 6, so what? Good on ya, You want a medal because you had "won"?? LOL

And your original argument is about US did not build anything in the US or all over the world, and I have just prove you wrong on that.

25 projects that started in 2022 Q1 in the US.

Ukraine asked for it! why didn't Russia fight any other former Soviet Republics? Ukraine brought this disaster to itself.
Same as China asked for it when Japan invaded, massacred, pillaged your country and raped millions of chinese women right? Why didn't your government just give up and sign a peace treaty with Japan and forego all the territories Japan wanted? That way Japan would have stopped the war. So you actually brought it upon yourselves. Good logic. 🤣
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Same as China asked for it when Japan invaded, massacred and raped millions of chinese right? Why didnt your government just give up and sign a peace treaty with Japan. You brought it upon yourselves. Good logic. 🤣
I have a giant facepalm when I first saw that post. His post quality have gone so low these day and it's no longer funny anymore....That kind of logic is just tragic....
Are you for real?

Moldova, Georgia, Tajikistan, Transnistria and Republic of Abkhazia would want to have a word with you.

And what you are saying is like a rapist pointing to a girl he rape and said "She asked for it because she wear a miniskirt, why I didn't rape other ugly chick wearing pants?" Dude, I would like to know what kind of logic you are operating on.
Dont mind him, hes just too biased. Even a fool can see that. The points he makes are just silly to be honest....seems he hasnt done much research about Russia's policy vis à vis its balkans, central asian and esstern european neighbours . Hes just talking just for the sake of being anti West that's all. No reasonable logic there. Lol
Go back to check previous posts, you guys claimed that because you rebuilt Germany and Japan you today you can rebuild Ukraine too, I told you guys today's US is not the one it used to be. US destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan,Lybia.. guess now who is rebuilding them? hint, it's not US.
Ukraine will be rebuilt by the EU and the US, there are plenty of construction companies around the world besides Chinese ones that could be hired and plenty of Ukrainians that would also become construction workers.

Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya weren't rebuilt because no one wanted them rebuilt.
Dont mind him, hes just too biased. Even a fool can see that. The points he makes are just silly to be honest....seems he hasnt done much research about Russia's policy vis à vis its balkans, central asian and esstern european neighbours . Hes just talking just for the sake of being anti West that's all. No reasonable logic there. Lol
There are biased, but this is a whole new level of whatever it is, I don't even have a name for it.....
How are you still alive, how is it possible? what's all that have to do with being Chinese?? And just because you have a house in Vietnam then you are automatically "Vietnamese"? What kind of logic is that? A lot of Chinese had house and apartment here in Australia and USA, does that make them Australian and American?? Again, I want to know where you learn your logic, remind me to stay away from that place

And no, my dad was not white. When did I ever said my dad was white.
But you just said your mother is a Vietnamese refugee, not just a house, how come your mother is a Vietnamese and you are Chinese? children follow their parents citizenship but not in your case?
But you just said your mother is a Vietnamese refugee, not just a house, how come your mother is a Vietnamese and you are Chinese? children follow their parents citizenship but not in your case?
Again, sure, probably the concept of "Immigration" had never occurred to you people, care to guess where my mother go after she left Vietnam?? And you do know you can "Buy" Chinese Hukou back in the 1970s, when the Chinese invasion of Vietnam broke out, right??
Same as China asked for it when Japan invaded, massacred, pillaged your country and raped millions of chinese women right? Why didn't your government just give up and sign a peace treaty with Japan and forego all the territories Japan wanted? That way Japan would have stopped the war. So you actually brought it upon yourselves. Good logic. 🤣
Did China provoke Japan and threaten to join a anti Japan alliance? Ukraine can be avoided, it's not a must,it's different from Sino Japanese war which China had no choice to stop it from happening.
Tibet is part of China and now the whole region is free of poverty for the first time during the whole history, every family has private cars and poor families were give free houses, Tibetan students enjoy 15 years free education, healthcare, school meals.. what did you give Iraqu except for death and destruction?
Again, sure, probably the concept of "Immigration" had never occurred to you people, care to guess where my mother go after she left Vietnam??
Again, sure, probably the concept of "Immigration" had never occurred to you people, care to guess where my mother go after she left Vietnam?? And you do know you can "Buy" Chinese Hukou back in the 1970s, when the Chinese invasion of Vietnam broke out, right??
China adopted your mother?

Is trolliing really that fun? want to talk about Israeli human rights glories?
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