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Imran Khan WTF Happened?


PTI had no chance of winning the elections to form a government. despite bringing in electable, spending untold amount of money it couldn't form simple majority. so establishment had to convince regional parties to favor PTI. right from the word go I knew that Imran Khan's social media popularity was not enough to convert into votes and he admitted himself at the gates of Bani Gala when he flatly refsed to listen to with party workers that he knows what he is doing and its essential that the party tickets are given to electable who had changed many parties before and had a checkered past.

I myself was aware of that and considered it business as usual, justifying that Imran will clean all of it because he himself is clean. Imran had no chance to come to power given how deep the Noon league and PPP political influence is in the system and people are used to seeing this party in power for over 30 years. so the only way to win was that the elections were engineered in his favor.
yes he got my vote and vote of many idealist people who were dreaming a PPP/ Noon league free democratic Pakistan. but sadly these people are now spitting blood and tears over the "treachery of army" but his political capital was never ever enough to even to get simple majority. GHQ pushed the things to PTI favor and it was all acceptable and Halal for us because Noonies and Zardaris are scumbags and ugly and we don't like them.

PTI story.jpg

now I ask myself why army pulled its hand from him then? I have no satisfactory answer I have some plausible answers.

Sack of hay as CM Punjab
he installed Buzdar as CM for the most important province of Pakistan despite the advice of GHQ and his allies & benefactors. Manikas benefited financially and ran the province with the help of Buzdar who happens to be the disciple of Imran's current wife. his removal was too late and didnt save Imran.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects
Peshawar BRT, Billion tree Tsunami, Malam Jabba ski resort project gave rise to stories of embezzlement and mismanagement of funds and false claims. I am ignoring stories about Zulfy Bukhari, Tosha Khana, Farah Gogi because they are not significant (or I am not aware of their materiality).

Stagnation of CPEC
CPEC and associated projects were put on back burner due to government indecision, unnecessary delays, red tape and cover up (explained below)

Diplomatic suicide
angering Saudis, pissing off Chinese (e.g. but not limited to)lying about a terror attack as a cylinder blast, annoying and embarrassing Turkey and Malaysia. the Saudi Crown prince recalling the Jet he had loaned to Pakistan so that Imran Khan can use it was very low time for KSA/ Pakistan relations. I am not going to include Absolutely not America because it was simply rhetoric because America was not asking for anything and had no need from us after it alredy got our assistance in the safe transit of its personnel from Afghansitan.

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism
suggesting a diplomatic office for TTP, constantly criticizing military operations as (appeasement of Americans) and paying ransom money to TTP at government level. I have personal account from locals in Peshawar and Swat blaming PTI's soft approach and even appeasement of TTP terrorists. granted GHQ shares the blame as well for TTP resurgence but GHQ is not a democratic party but PTI is which got elected through the votes of the people (with a lot of helpful push from "Generals").

the establishment and the PDM is not buying his deadline bluffs and threats of dissolving the assemblies or resignations anymore. now his party has suddenly woken up to the inflation and price hike and plans to make more marches against the federal government as if people were loving the fruits of his good governance in the time of plenty before his ouster. from the GHQ point of view it was a great defeat and embarrassment for the generals that the party they engineered to replace Noon league and PPP fell on its face flat and GHQ had to go back to the same Noon league it punished on behest of PTI sending its leaders out of the country

The establishment unfortunately wields a lot of power, has its say in the administration, has the say in all the aspects of the state but its not all powerful and is willing to work with a political party that is not just going to use it to punish journalists and political opponents but take care of the governance and build country's image through working for people and good diplomacy, if it was not willing to share or give up some of its powers to a democratic party then it would never bother with elections.


Imran Khan still holds power in 2 provinces, he still has time to show to the public more than just power shows, sit ins and protest marches. He can show how fortunate KPK people are compared to people in Sindh through some relief and real improvement int he quality of life of the people not just fiery speeches.

so far his strategy has not worked and he has had to give new dates to his march of doom which the PDM has now started mocking. whataboutism wont sell anymore . cursing the establishment will also runout its sell value. while the establishment's people like Sheikh Rashid, Ch Fawad , Pervaiz Khattak and Shah Mehmood Qurashi etc. are still in PTI .. Imran should allow his well wishers to correct his path to self destruction and give a second thought to his past and present actions and most important thing is to change the habit of using establishment to punish his opponents and critics give KPK and Punjab voters something to . cheer on instead of using provincial machinery for his political protests, ditch the habit of all words no action and come up with practical plans to improve quality of life of Pakistanis
What good are elections when we will have SAME fucking people contesting and winning elections

Same old faces, same families, same corrupt electables, same old feudals….are you all just dumb? You want to give them parliament and MNA ship again go ahead but don’t expect different results

Need new honest people……if its same old faces……won’t make a difference who wins. Even pti won’t fix anything lol

Yeah go ahead let khan win, phir b koi change nahi aigi…..same old shit will be there
I will ask the posters here to refrain from diverging details too many details about themselves.

There have been cases where the families of overseas Pakistanis were threatened and abducted for criticizing the military.

The change in moderation team and adding certain members with the bloody civilain mindset is ominous.

@WebMaster @waz Is this a safe space to voice our opinions?
lol. am i going to see a vigo parked outside my house now.
What good are elections when we will have SAME fucking people contesting and winning elections

Same old faces, same families, same corrupt electables, same old feudals….are you all just dumb? You want to give them parliament and MNA ship again go ahead but don’t expect different results

Need new honest people……if its same old faces……won’t make a difference who wins. Even pti won’t fix anything lol

Yeah go ahead let khan win, phir b koi change nahi aigi…..same old shit will be there

This can only happen if fair elections are conducted, no interference and proper accountability is undertaken.

Over time, the process becomes stronger and weeds the ‘not so good’ people out.

India is one such example.
What good are elections when we will have SAME fucking people contesting and winning elections

Same old faces, same families, same corrupt electables, same old feudals….are you all just dumb? You want to give them parliament and MNA ship again go ahead but don’t expect different results

Need new honest people……if its same old faces……won’t make a difference who wins. Even pti won’t fix anything lol

Yeah go ahead let khan win, phir b koi change nahi aigi…..same old shit will be there
who told you we want to fix things? just people of punjab and people of sindh wants someone who can give more share of loot to them as well thats it

"khata hai tou lagata hai"


l am not a member of PTI and everyone is requested not to read this as a 'Pro-Imran Khan' rebuttal although I do feel that Imran Khan is the most suited to lead Pakistan at this time. If someone else emerges who is better suited then we will support him instead of Imran Khan. Pragmatism, Reality & Realpolitik dictates the person to lead Pakistan right now to be Imran Khan.

Usman Buzdar, Corruption & GHQ Interference?

A democratically elected Government has the right to appoint whoever they want as the Chief Minister of the largest province of Pakistan & GHQ cannot dictate terms at all. Whether it was Ayub Khan, General Ziaul Haq or General Musharraf or General Kiyani or General Bajwa they have no constitutional right to dictate terms to the Prime Minister. In a Security council meting, COAS has the constitutional duty to warn the Prime Minsister (i.e. do his job) about any individual on Security grounds so I ask you what were the Security concerns about Usman Buzdar. If there were none then GHQ can take their opinion and shove it!

When it comes to corruption then empower the necessary institutions Intelligence, NAB, FIA & co and have Usman Buzdar investigated tried and punished GHQ can take their opinion and shove it!

PTI is no longer in power and all levers of power are controlled by PDM get Buzdar investigated and make him pay for every cent of corruption.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects

Same point above, stop ranting and start acting! and apply all rules and laws uniformly.
Stagnation of CPEC?

Run under the leadership of Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bjawa from November 2019 – 3 August 2021 same response. Let me repeat..

Empower the necessary institutions Intelligence, NAB, FIA & co and have everyone responsible investigated and punished...Rule of law and civil supremacy should prevail

Diplomatic suicide

I agree that Imran Khan Government made some diplomatic mistakes but there was no diplomatic suicide either with Saudi Arabia or China a but of exaggeration from you. The counter point is that since the removal of Imran Khan Government has the diplomatic stagnation abated?

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism

Military offensive and hard power can never succeed without a comprehensive National Security Policy. It has never worked and will never work. This by itself is a detailed discussion and I don't know the right answer.


With the 'GHQ' and a few corrupt Generals holding all the cards, there are only 2 options:

  1. Operate outside the law and incite people to march on GHQ and seize power! Bloodshed on all side
  2. Avoid bloodshed and confrontation and reformulate strategy as needed and do the best to bring about elections without anarchy.
Imran Khan has stated multiple times that he is choosing option 2.

There is a 3rd option as well. Declare a military dictatorship and be done with the democratic circus which in reality is a smoke screen.

Pakistan is in a vicious cycle, no strong institutions baring the army, the army acts to keep everything in line and by doing so keeps going outside its remit.

Cant Pakistan setup a special branch unit which has eyes and ears, which deals with domestic corruption and other internal issues, let ISI focus on terrorism and external threats. This special branch needs powers which can deal with everybody including corrupt generals.

Until something like this doesnt happen democratic governments will be like an infant needing constant child minding by the military.
There is a 3rd option as well. Declare a military dictatorship and be done with the democratic circus which in reality is a smoke screen.

Pakistan is in a vicious cycle, no strong institutions baring the army, the army acts to keep everything in line and by doing so keeps going outside its remit.

Cant Pakistan setup a special branch unit which has eyes and ears, which deals with domestic corruption and other internal issues, let ISI focus on terrorism and external threats. This special branch needs powers which can deal with everybody including corrupt generals.

Until something like this doesnt happen democratic governments will be like an infant needing constant child minding by the military.
Bohot acchay.

The whole point of military sabotaging political process is to reduce peoples faith in it. This way military appears saviour instead of perpetrator.
What you are suggesting is their end game.
Bohot acchay.

The whole point of military sabotaging political process is to reduce peoples faith in it. This way military appears saviour instead of perpetrator.
What you are suggesting is their end game.
Its definitely an option, not my preferred one.
you know what? I didn't cover this angle but glad you brought this up. your comment above is so complete that there is nothing much to add to that.

Thank you for the acknowledgement.

this part is puzzling please indulge me,

Stupid games played by who? Imran Khan? GHQ? Teletubbies? Klingons empire ? Dallas Cowboys?
Stupid Prizes ? who won? one or more of the above? and won what? ...

wait are you suggesting GHQ played a stupid game and won Imran Khan as a stupid Prize or am I forcing words into your keyboard?

Please allow me to clarify.

My comments were intended for all the politicians, up to, and including IK and the present set up. Every one of them knows the score when they assume the position as to who does what and according to what rules, may they be written or unwritten. No one can claim after the fact that they did not know this situation. That is simply lying.

And yet, all of them, sooner or later, start to get a swollen head and overestimate their own importance, sometimes based on a erroneous interpretation of public support. Then they proceed to cross those lines that they think do not apply to them any longer, when in fact they do. And then they go ballistic when they find out that they have been dismissed and shut out of the system for a while. Clearly they are at fault for reneging on their side of the deal.

Then they play stupid games and win stupid prizes. They may not like the water cooler that they win, but that is all carefully vetted contestants of this particular Neelam Ghar can win.

None of the above is meant to absolve the military of its supra-Constitutional role it has granted itself and all the illegalities and abuses that result because of it, but my views on that are clearly known to all here for over a decade, so I will not rehash them here.
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Every one of them knows the score when they assume the position as to who does what and according to what rules, may they be written or unwritten. No one can claim after the fact that they did not know this situation. That is simply lying.
this should be embossed on a big brass plaque outside the parliament building.
they proceed to cross those lines that they think do not apply to them any longer, when in fact they do. And then they go ballistic when they find out that they have been dismissed and shut out of the system for a while. Clearly they are at fault for reneging on their side of the deal.
my PTI friends been using all the creative names for the Pakistan military leadership. I wonder if they include Gen Shuja Pasha and Gen Faiz Hameed in their creative interpretation for the Pakistan military generals or those slangs are only reserved for those that "wrong" their God tier leader.

the Noon league mentions many names frequently and these two have been credited with boosting the PTI from a single leader to a national party through all the extra military calicular activities. during his last addresses at different HQs int he country Gen Bajwa complained to the battalion commanders that Imran Khan had his head so deep in his own behind and so inflated with ego that he had no clue how ridiculous his demands were.

he was demanding that entire leadership of his political opponents be locked up and thrashed, Jang Geo journalists and its owners locked up and beaten up and he be reinstated and all the allies needed to keep him in parliamentary majority to be kept under constant pressure to stay in line. now Gen Bajwa might be exaggerating or outright lying but listening to GHQ based politicians embedded with PTI like Fawad Chaudhary and Perwaiz Khattak did complain that army and PTI leader were not reaching an agreement since the relations were no longer at pre 2018 level where Imran just made (unlawful) demands and the army complied , now of course these two guys are not that stupid to be so blunt about it but they and the other GHQ spokesman Pervaiz Elahi has alluded to something similar.

the script is mysterious,
was Imran Khan (in his mind) still on top of that container that he used during his sit-in against the 2013 elected Noon League government. I doubt if bad governance was the reason or failing his (Imran) election promises caused army to sack him,


l am not a member of PTI and everyone is requested not to read this as a 'Pro-Imran Khan' rebuttal although I do feel that Imran Khan is the most suited to lead Pakistan at this time. If someone else emerges who is better suited then we will support him instead of Imran Khan. Pragmatism, Reality & Realpolitik dictates the person to lead Pakistan right now to be Imran Khan.

Usman Buzdar, Corruption & GHQ Interference?

A democratically elected Government has the right to appoint whoever they want as the Chief Minister of the largest province of Pakistan & GHQ cannot dictate terms at all. Whether it was Ayub Khan, General Ziaul Haq or General Musharraf or General Kiyani or General Bajwa they have no constitutional right to dictate terms to the Prime Minister. In a Security council meting, COAS has the constitutional duty to warn the Prime Minsister (i.e. do his job) about any individual on Security grounds so I ask you what were the Security concerns about Usman Buzdar. If there were none then GHQ can take their opinion and shove it!

When it comes to corruption then empower the necessary institutions Intelligence, NAB, FIA & co and have Usman Buzdar investigated tried and punished GHQ can take their opinion and shove it!

PTI is no longer in power and all levers of power are controlled by PDM get Buzdar investigated and make him pay for every cent of corruption.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects

Same point above, stop ranting and start acting! and apply all rules and laws uniformly.
Stagnation of CPEC?

Run under the leadership of Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bjawa from November 2019 – 3 August 2021 same response. Let me repeat..

Empower the necessary institutions Intelligence, NAB, FIA & co and have everyone responsible investigated and punished...Rule of law and civil supremacy should prevail

Diplomatic suicide

I agree that Imran Khan Government made some diplomatic mistakes but there was no diplomatic suicide either with Saudi Arabia or China a but of exaggeration from you. The counter point is that since the removal of Imran Khan Government has the diplomatic stagnation abated?

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism

Military offensive and hard power can never succeed without a comprehensive National Security Policy. It has never worked and will never work. This by itself is a detailed discussion and I don't know the right answer.


With the 'GHQ' and a few corrupt Generals holding all the cards, there are only 2 options:

  1. Operate outside the law and incite people to march on GHQ and seize power! Bloodshed on all side
  2. Avoid bloodshed and confrontation and reformulate strategy as needed and do the best to bring about elections without anarchy.
Imran Khan has stated multiple times that he is choosing option 2.
thanks for your contribution in this discussion . the debate is not about justifying the sacking of Imran government but finding reasons what caused the army to do it.
since its the stronger party of the two so it shoved that opinion into PTI (reference to your red sentences.. sorry) hence all the cries and complaints by PTI.
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my PTI friends been suing all the creative names for the Pakistan military leadership. I wonder if they include Gen Shuja Pasha and Gen Faiz Hameed in their creative interpretation for the Pakistan military generals or those slangs are only reserved for those that "wrong" their God tier leader.

One a55h0le named @Accuntant even gave me a Negative Rating for saying this about the Great False Hope: "May be he should have paid more attention to keeping his coalition together." That is how immature their behavior has become, and shows no signs of growing up.
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No power lasts forever. That's the fate of Establishment as well.

IK has neither tasted nor possessed real power, that test has yet to come if it's fated.

Patwaris and others can play whichever card they like until then.
And this socalled great leader still hasn’t shared his great plan to fix the economy or the country’s issues. Khan has no plan other than to want to sit in the pm chair.
During his time in govt he was surrounded by idiots who destroyed or attempted to destroy the country’s assets further. His caninet was a national security risk when it has idiots like moeed yusuf and others. Kissing india *** for trade was that businessman razak daud. Placing restrictions on pakistanis to travel was the idiot asad umar who couldn’t perform in finance then made ncoc chair, and lets not forget ghulam sarwar khan and choudhry sarwar and ofcourse buzdar.
If that idiot khan was “helpless” and couldn’t do anything as a weak pm, why stay pm for so long??

Can the pti supporters answer this or obtain answer from their greatest on earth leader……we all want to hear his grand plan or roadmap to fix the country

But find something other than “asking overseas Pakistanis for money” great scheme.
He had to go to ex-ppp men to make finance ministers, thats how messed up his govt was.

As I’ve said, ALL these politicians are same losers, they’re all trash.
All just want power and money.

Abusing the military won’t give you a roadmap or plan, you still have to WORK HARD…..is pti and khan capable?? Or he wants his pm chair first, phir coas ki minnatein kerayga k saudia se mango ja kay??
Why doesn’t he share his plans? Oh wait, he has NOTHING to offer.

I rather trust my military (as an ordinary civilian) than any of these corrupt losers. Gen bajwa is gone but I have hope in new chief. We have to back our boys.
We can criticise some of their policies of past and improve the institution for betterment. But we can’t let them lose morale, simply not an option when we’re surrounded by maniacs like hindutva next door.

Pakistan zindabad
Politicians may burn in hellfire!

PTI had no chance of winning the elections to form a government. despite bringing in electable, spending untold amount of money it couldn't form simple majority. so establishment had to convince regional parties to favor PTI. right from the word go I knew that Imran Khan's social media popularity was not enough to convert into votes and he admitted himself at the gates of Bani Gala when he flatly refsed to listen to with party workers that he knows what he is doing and its essential that the party tickets are given to electable who had changed many parties before and had a checkered past.

I myself was aware of that and considered it business as usual, justifying that Imran will clean all of it because he himself is clean. Imran had no chance to come to power given how deep the Noon league and PPP political influence is in the system and people are used to seeing this party in power for over 30 years. so the only way to win was that the elections were engineered in his favor.
yes he got my vote and vote of many idealist people who were dreaming a PPP/ Noon league free democratic Pakistan. but sadly these people are now spitting blood and tears over the "treachery of army" but his political capital was never ever enough to even to get simple majority. GHQ pushed the things to PTI favor and it was all acceptable and Halal for us because Noonies and Zardaris are scumbags and ugly and we don't like them.

View attachment 908839

now I ask myself why army pulled its hand from him then? I have no satisfactory answer I have some plausible answers.

Sack of hay as CM Punjab
he installed Buzdar as CM for the most important province of Pakistan despite the advice of GHQ and his allies & benefactors. Manikas benefited financially and ran the province with the help of Buzdar who happens to be the disciple of Imran's current wife. his removal was too late and didnt save Imran.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects
Peshawar BRT, Billion tree Tsunami, Malam Jabba ski resort project gave rise to stories of embezzlement and mismanagement of funds and false claims. I am ignoring stories about Zulfy Bukhari, Tosha Khana, Farah Gogi because they are not significant (or I am not aware of their materiality).

Stagnation of CPEC
CPEC and associated projects were put on back burner due to government indecision, unnecessary delays, red tape and cover up (explained below)

Diplomatic suicide
angering Saudis, pissing off Chinese (e.g. but not limited to)lying about a terror attack as a cylinder blast, annoying and embarrassing Turkey and Malaysia. the Saudi Crown prince recalling the Jet he had loaned to Pakistan so that Imran Khan can use it was very low time for KSA/ Pakistan relations. I am not going to include Absolutely not America because it was simply rhetoric because America was not asking for anything and had no need from us after it alredy got our assistance in the safe transit of its personnel from Afghansitan.

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism
suggesting a diplomatic office for TTP, constantly criticizing military operations as (appeasement of Americans) and paying ransom money to TTP at government level. I have personal account from locals in Peshawar and Swat blaming PTI's soft approach and even appeasement of TTP terrorists. granted GHQ shares the blame as well for TTP resurgence but GHQ is not a democratic party but PTI is which got elected through the votes of the people (with a lot of helpful push from "Generals").

the establishment and the PDM is not buying his deadline bluffs and threats of dissolving the assemblies or resignations anymore. now his party has suddenly woken up to the inflation and price hike and plans to make more marches against the federal government as if people were loving the fruits of his good governance in the time of plenty before his ouster. from the GHQ point of view it was a great defeat and embarrassment for the generals that the party they engineered to replace Noon league and PPP fell on its face flat and GHQ had to go back to the same Noon league it punished on behest of PTI sending its leaders out of the country

The establishment unfortunately wields a lot of power, has its say in the administration, has the say in all the aspects of the state but its not all powerful and is willing to work with a political party that is not just going to use it to punish journalists and political opponents but take care of the governance and build country's image through working for people and good diplomacy, if it was not willing to share or give up some of its powers to a democratic party then it would never bother with elections.


Imran Khan still holds power in 2 provinces, he still has time to show to the public more than just power shows, sit ins and protest marches. He can show how fortunate KPK people are compared to people in Sindh through some relief and real improvement int he quality of life of the people not just fiery speeches.

so far his strategy has not worked and he has had to give new dates to his march of doom which the PDM has now started mocking. whataboutism wont sell anymore . cursing the establishment will also runout its sell value. while the establishment's people like Sheikh Rashid, Ch Fawad , Pervaiz Khattak and Shah Mehmood Qurashi etc. are still in PTI .. Imran should allow his well wishers to correct his path to self destruction and give a second thought to his past and present actions and most important thing is to change the habit of using establishment to punish his opponents and critics give KPK and Punjab voters something to . cheer on instead of using provincial machinery for his political protests, ditch the habit of all words no action and come up with practical plans to improve quality of life of Pakistanis

how about a bankrupt economy ? who better to dump on the economy on ? preserve their blue eyed boy for better times
Not sure about this.

I mean PTI won 17 out of the 20 provincial assembly by-elections conducted in Punjab under Hamza's CMship.

IK then won 8 out of 10 on seats considered most vulnerable and especially chosen by PDM and facilitators.

If the PTI can stand on its own in these circumstances, why would it need establishment support?
Because that is not enough to form the landslide majority government IK wants or even a majority in general. The establishment had to manipulate the 2018 elections in Karachi, areas of PML(N) strongholds and then get PTI allies as well.

The ECP during general elections is fraught with manipulation/ bribery and so on which had to be kept down.

And this socalled great leader still hasn’t shared his great plan to fix the economy or the country’s issues. Khan has no plan other than to want to sit in the pm chair.
During his time in govt he was surrounded by idiots who destroyed or attempted to destroy the country’s assets further. His caninet was a national security risk when it has idiots like moeed yusuf and others. Kissing india *** for trade was that businessman razak daud. Placing restrictions on pakistanis to travel was the idiot asad umar who couldn’t perform in finance then made ncoc chair, and lets not forget ghulam sarwar khan and choudhry sarwar and ofcourse buzdar.
If that idiot khan was “helpless” and couldn’t do anything as a weak pm, why stay pm for so long??

Can the pti supporters answer this or obtain answer from their greatest on earth leader……we all want to hear his grand plan or roadmap to fix the country

But find something other than “asking overseas Pakistanis for money” great scheme.
He had to go to ex-ppp men to make finance ministers, thats how messed up his govt was.

As I’ve said, ALL these politicians are same losers, they’re all trash.
All just want power and money.

Abusing the military won’t give you a roadmap or plan, you still have to WORK HARD…..is pti and khan capable?? Or he wants his pm chair first, phir coas ki minnatein kerayga k saudia se mango ja kay??
Why doesn’t he share his plans? Oh wait, he has NOTHING to offer.

I rather trust my military (as an ordinary civilian) than any of these corrupt losers. Gen bajwa is gone but I have hope in new chief. We have to back our boys.
We can criticise some of their policies of past and improve the institution for betterment. But we can’t let them lose morale, simply not an option when we’re surrounded by maniacs like hindutva next door.

Pakistan zindabad
Politicians may burn in hellfire!
I think IK made idiotic calls and has his balls squeezed by his Mellisandre Jinn feeding Mrs but please


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