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This picture is very powerful message to the terrorists!!


Jan 21, 2015
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This picture is very powerful message to the terrorists, this shows resilience and commitment of Senior Army Command towards elimination of this monster of terrorism.


Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Sahir Shamshad Mirza, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir are carrying the coffin of Capt Fahad shaheed to bury him with full honours.

A large number of senior civil and military officers, soldiers, citizens and relatives of shaheed also attended the Namaz e Janaza. Shaheed was buried with full military honour.
This picture is very powerful message to the terrorists, this shows resilience and commitment of Senior Army Command towards elimination of this monster of terrorism.


Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Sahir Shamshad Mirza, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir are carrying the coffin of Capt Fahad shaheed to bury him with full honours.

A large number of senior civil and military officers, soldiers, citizens and relatives of shaheed also attended the Namaz e Janaza. Shaheed was buried with full military honour.
what is the message?

All i see are generals carrying a coffin. here the message is: look, we dont care if they live, but we will be there for a photo op when they lay down their lives.

does the pic show a terrorist being killed, or an armoured vehicle with heli support raining bullets and rockets on terrorist bases? now that would have shown resolve against terrorism.
Question is not about sending a msg, it is already known that if we want, we can crush any terrorist organisation.

Question to be asked, why such a sudden spike in terrorism activities.
This is my opinion on it, I think it’s cuz Taliban are being pressured to act on TTP and Taliban are pressuring TTP to leave Afghanistan and have its own territory instead. TTP is trying to carve out some territory for it self in tribal areas with the material support of certain Taliban factions (even full support of some TB commanders) and our peace talks gave them a perfect opportunity to enter Pakistan in the guise of ceasefire and create cells here. There is many indicators that such can be true with the latest being the Bannu hostage situation. The terrorists inside asked to be airlifted to Afghanistan but TTP said they meant Waziristan and made excuses for them saying Afghanistan. Also TTP has reiterated many times that it’s based in Pakistan and doesn’t operate in Afghanistan. This seems very odd especially for an organization like TTP which doesn’t even recognize borders especially with Afghanistan. Taliban have also many times said TTP has no safe heavens in Afghanistan (even tho we know they’re lying). TTP recently this year also issued an order banning any foreign non Pakistani terrorist from joining their terrorist organization. Their trying very hard to make it seem as only Pakistan based and they been saying to multiple news outlets that their war is only with Pakistan forces. We seen many ttp commanders and afghan TB commanders who sheltered ttp get assassinated since Taliban took over Afghanistan. A common trend in that was they were usually not as close to Taliban or seen as hardliners. It seemed as if they were cleansing the group from hardliners and people who Taliban can’t control. Also Talibans selling out of Zawahiri and them killing foreign fighters of AQ, Jaish ul Adl and Uyghur fighters while banning Hizb Tahir and assassinating their leader shows that Taliban want to only be in control of Afghanistan and no want foreigners out especially if they can’t be controlled. This also many have sent alarm bells to TTP.
Taliban are pressuring TTP to carve its own territory in Pakistan and leave Afghanistan while TTP seems to see Taliban as not as trustworthy as they thought it was.
The recent spike in TTP attacks could be their attempt to carve out safe heavens in Pakistan and especially their struggle to expand into Balochistan shows they want safe havens in Pakistan. They might be betting on a big spike in violence to force the state into another ceasefire to further strengthen their positions. They’ve already massively expanded and regrouped under the last ceasefire. They might be betting on a massive operation like Zarb e Azb not happening but instead smaller levels ops to happen which won’t cause them as much harm.
Imo, TTP is thinking about long term right now and trying to build its base in Pakistan and trying to be less dependent on Afghanistan.

Taliban in pursuit of international recognition and aid might be doing this.

This is just my opinion on it.
Inna lillahi wa inna alihi rajioon.
May Allah grant the shaheed highest place in Jannah and give strength to his family.

Coming to OP comments, sorry you don't get to take fake brownie points by posting shaheed funeral. You are known supporter of traitors of Pakistan that brought the country on its knees. Don't play with people's emotions. They want to send a "strong" message: hold elections, hang the bastards that ignored western border and clean the dirty rats within the forces. Men in uniform are ready to die for the country but I pray to Allah they learn to stand for it. We need them alive, standing up for constitution of the country and its people.

A famous general once said (one that was a proper soldier and won wars)
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
The shahadat fetish of this quom and the resultant cashing in on of it by thugs like these two in the picture and their predecessors is why we are in this mess today. Keep the masses teary eyed and supporting us.

Khalid ibn Walid R.A. didn't need to be a pall bearer to lift morale. He did his job so that that were as few palls to bear. Won't this boost the TTP's morale as well? Look where we have them?

How about we celebrate the killing of a bunch of terrorists instead of the loss of our own sons?

This is my opinion on it, I think it’s cuz Taliban are being pressured to act on TTP and Taliban are pressuring TTP to leave Afghanistan and have its own territory instead. TTP is trying to carve out some territory for it self in tribal areas with the material support of certain Taliban factions (even full support of some TB commanders) and our peace talks gave them a perfect opportunity to enter Pakistan in the guise of ceasefire and create cells here. There is many indicators that such can be true with the latest being the Bannu hostage situation. The terrorists inside asked to be airlifted to Afghanistan but TTP said they meant Waziristan and made excuses for them saying Afghanistan. Also TTP has reiterated many times that it’s based in Pakistan and doesn’t operate in Afghanistan. This seems very odd especially for an organization like TTP which doesn’t even recognize borders especially with Afghanistan. Taliban have also many times said TTP has no safe heavens in Afghanistan (even tho we know they’re lying). TTP recently this year also issued an order banning any foreign non Pakistani terrorist from joining their terrorist organization. Their trying very hard to make it seem as only Pakistan based and they been saying to multiple news outlets that their war is only with Pakistan forces. We seen many ttp commanders and afghan TB commanders who sheltered ttp get assassinated since Taliban took over Afghanistan. A common trend in that was they were usually not as close to Taliban or seen as hardliners. It seemed as if they were cleansing the group from hardliners and people who Taliban can’t control. Also Talibans selling out of Zawahiri and them killing foreign fighters of AQ, Jaish ul Adl and Uyghur fighters while banning Hizb Tahir and assassinating their leader shows that Taliban want to only be in control of Afghanistan and no want foreigners out especially if they can’t be controlled. This also many have sent alarm bells to TTP.
Taliban are pressuring TTP to carve its own territory in Pakistan and leave Afghanistan while TTP seems to see Taliban as not as trustworthy as they thought it was.
The recent spike in TTP attacks could be their attempt to carve out safe heavens in Pakistan and especially their struggle to expand into Balochistan shows they want safe havens in Pakistan. They might be betting on a big spike in violence to force the state into another ceasefire to further strengthen their positions. They’ve already massively expanded and regrouped under the last ceasefire. They might be betting on a massive operation like Zarb e Azb not happening but instead smaller levels ops to happen which won’t cause them as much harm.
Imo, TTP is thinking about long term right now and trying to build its base in Pakistan and trying to be less dependent on Afghanistan.

Taliban in pursuit of international recognition and aid might be doing this.

This is just my opinion on it.
cool beans. Nobody cares. The question is what the fck are we doing about it?
This is my opinion on it, I think it’s cuz Taliban are being pressured to act on TTP and Taliban are pressuring TTP to leave Afghanistan and have its own territory instead. TTP is trying to carve out some territory for it self in tribal areas with the material support of certain Taliban factions (even full support of some TB commanders) and our peace talks gave them a perfect opportunity to enter Pakistan in the guise of ceasefire and create cells here. There is many indicators that such can be true with the latest being the Bannu hostage situation. The terrorists inside asked to be airlifted to Afghanistan but TTP said they meant Waziristan and made excuses for them saying Afghanistan. Also TTP has reiterated many times that it’s based in Pakistan and doesn’t operate in Afghanistan. This seems very odd especially for an organization like TTP which doesn’t even recognize borders especially with Afghanistan. Taliban have also many times said TTP has no safe heavens in Afghanistan (even tho we know they’re lying). TTP recently this year also issued an order banning any foreign non Pakistani terrorist from joining their terrorist organization. Their trying very hard to make it seem as only Pakistan based and they been saying to multiple news outlets that their war is only with Pakistan forces. We seen many ttp commanders and afghan TB commanders who sheltered ttp get assassinated since Taliban took over Afghanistan. A common trend in that was they were usually not as close to Taliban or seen as hardliners. It seemed as if they were cleansing the group from hardliners and people who Taliban can’t control. Also Talibans selling out of Zawahiri and them killing foreign fighters of AQ, Jaish ul Adl and Uyghur fighters while banning Hizb Tahir and assassinating their leader shows that Taliban want to only be in control of Afghanistan and no want foreigners out especially if they can’t be controlled. This also many have sent alarm bells to TTP.
Taliban are pressuring TTP to carve its own territory in Pakistan and leave Afghanistan while TTP seems to see Taliban as not as trustworthy as they thought it was.
The recent spike in TTP attacks could be their attempt to carve out safe heavens in Pakistan and especially their struggle to expand into Balochistan shows they want safe havens in Pakistan. They might be betting on a big spike in violence to force the state into another ceasefire to further strengthen their positions. They’ve already massively expanded and regrouped under the last ceasefire. They might be betting on a massive operation like Zarb e Azb not happening but instead smaller levels ops to happen which won’t cause them as much harm.
Imo, TTP is thinking about long term right now and trying to build its base in Pakistan and trying to be less dependent on Afghanistan.

Taliban in pursuit of international recognition and aid might be doing this.

This is just my opinion on it.
Yes this is plausible
Other opinion is Taliban are having a blind eye on ttp terrorism against Pakistan
so they don't join anti Taliban forces like Isis in Afghanistan
Balochistan concerns regarding the exploitation and the most deprived province is genuine. A political dialogue and not through military high handedness can solve the problems.

Looking at the current mess which the military has created in the country, the Balochistan situation can be gauged, the killings, custodial torture will lead to more uprising and more resilience. Dirty Harry was posted in Balochistan, the 'occupational force' optics need to end, the enemy is making use of this upheavel.

It is disheartening know that after 60 years only 14 towns out of 34 Balochistan districts have access to natural gas.

Even Sui town, which is only four miles from the gas field, where around 800mmscf natural gas is produced daily from 87 completed wells, itself does not have natural gas.

A famous general once said (one that was a proper soldier and won wars)

The shahadat fetish of this quom and the resultant cashing in on of it by thugs like these two in the picture and their predecessors is why we are in this mess today. Keep the masses teary eyed and supporting us.

Khalid ibn Walid R.A. didn't need to be a pall bearer to lift morale. He did his job so that that were as few palls to bear. Won't this boost the TTP's morale as well? Look where we have them?

Exactly this
Reminds me of the modus operandi of colonial sepoy's favorite A team MQM, who'd show up to the funerals of their victims and wail alongside the family.

The secret weapon of the Establishment is the extremely low standards of the people.

Pictures like this earn deep admiration.

Hollow statements attract fanatical praise.

Just like the ideal native, the people here have become accustomed to slavery, subjugation, and extremely low standards.
This picture is very powerful message to the terrorists, this shows resilience and commitment of Senior Army Command towards elimination of this monster of terrorism.


Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Sahir Shamshad Mirza, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir are carrying the coffin of Capt Fahad shaheed to bury him with full honours.

A large number of senior civil and military officers, soldiers, citizens and relatives of shaheed also attended the Namaz e Janaza. Shaheed was buried with full military honour.
Naghmay now replaced by dramybazi , people are now well educated and well informed better then these mother sellers

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