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Is Imran khan a coward?

Is Imran Khan a Coward?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 39.7%
  • No

    Votes: 42 61.8%

  • Total voters


Mar 6, 2008
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“I knew about Bajwa’s plans since 2019”

Gave him extension.

“Establishment helped ousted my government”

Says he believes in peaceful protests against a dictatorial regime (as per himself)

“As a prime minister I had no powers”

Sent Nawaz to London instead of letting him rott in a cell

“I believe in getting insaaf from the judiciary”

Pakistan’s judiciary is ranked one of the most corrupt in the world.

TLDR; I voted for him in 2018, but honestly he’s turned out to be a massive disappointment. Is he a coward?
He is not a coward by any means. He has fought in politics for almost 2 decades against some very dirty politicians. There is always a threat of assassination looming over every civilian leader in Pakistan. I think he underestimated what he is up against.
Not a coward but certainly some wrong decisions.

He had to play the game with the establishment until he consolidated power. Bajwa and others did not like it he was going solo on some decisions.

Anyways, moving forward, hope he learns from his mistakes, if he is allowed to become PM (which seems unlikely)
He is gullible and lacks a killer instinct but he is no coward. He has exposed the establishment like never before. It is awam who are cowards and not willing to take matters in their own hand to fix our broken system and remove decades old shackles
He's anything BUT coward
He's more brave than many who claim bravery as their trait

Look how a PDM's Ayaz Sadiq describes it
And how PDM's Maulvi Fazl says it was actually more than that

IK was snatched away from 2 almost certain deaths
1st, head-first fall from lifter
2nd, assassination attempt about which IK said there was a red light swirling outside a situation room of those who brag that they never miss

compared to all fake illnesses just to avoid next court date



میں لوگوں میں ہمیشہ اچھائی ڈھونڈتا ہوں

So he kept giving benefit of doubt I guess

..Gave him extension.
[answered in his interview above & also Habib Akram here @ 2:00]
..Says he believes in peaceful protests against a dictatorial regime (as per himself)
[his supporters are mostly non violent family people, compared to other parties followers]
..Sent Nawaz to London instead of letting him rott in a cell
[IK already said that Bajwa did it, Habib Akram is also on record saying that Bajwa visited Salman Shehbaz home & in person handed air ticket to Salman and told him to leave the country. So not only NS, Salman also sent abroad by Bajwa, & by extension any convict who got out of jail like Maryam Safdar was Bajwa's handiwork]
..TLDR; I voted for him in 2018, but honestly he’s turned out to be a massive disappointment. Is he a coward?

Whom do you suggest voting next time? NS? SS? Bilawal? Maulvi Fazl? anyone else?
Don't say no one, you have to vote someone

Bajwa admitting to Fawad Chaudhry that he did it:
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He is not a coward by any means. He has fought in politics for almost 2 decades against some very dirty politicians. There is always a threat of assassination looming over every civilian leader in Pakistan. I think he underestimated what he is up against.

The only fight that mattered was during his time in Office as a PM and he lost that fight miserably. He couldn’t keep his seat and now we’re suffering under utter trash like Dar and Shareefs while the begging bowl is out again and we’re day dreaming of petty change from Arabs and Chinese..
Office of the Prime Minister has no actual power in this country. Its just a ceremonial seat designed to give out a false sense of "democracy" mostly to the western block.

The PM of Pakistan (whoever that maybe) is just a Manager, who gets prepared summeries delivered to his desk for rubber stamping and signatures. Everyone who knows anything about how the system actually moves in Pakistan, understands what's being said.

Imran Khan was not an exception to the rule. He was a victim to the illusion of power as well as the illusion that people of Pakistan have any say at all in the matters of the state.

So a coward, no. Definitely stupid for not understanding and or accepting the redundancy of the office of the PM of Pakistan.
The only fight that mattered was during his time in Office as a PM and he lost that fight miserably. He couldn’t keep his seat and now we’re suffering under utter trash like Dar and Shareefs while the begging bowl is out again and we’re day dreaming of petty change from Arabs and Chinese..

Politics is a journey, not a destination. Over 20 years he has built PTI into a formidable party that has almost 45% of all provincial seats in Pakistan. That is quite astounding. Like I said, he underestimated his opponents, especially when he got into the real big league (national level). You would have suffered under Dar and Shareef even if he was simply living like a socialite. Got to give him marks for trying.
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