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Iranian Space program

If Iran rushes to test a GHAEM missile as a support from 2-9 on the satellite carrier and corrects the errors, then it will reach the Geo orbit within the next three years.

Yes, Russia must collaborate with Iran / Iranis in the space field but this must not with the idiot and oppressor mullah government which has no interest in exploring the glorious Nature's universe but only interested in 10-times-a-day prayers and imposing hijab whatever.

So Russian Space Agency must accept any interested revolutionary Irani and enable their ideas and train them where necessary.

This especially because a linked article on the above same page has this news :

Doctors Say Iran’s Use Of ‘Birdshots’ Blinded Hundreds Of People​

Saturday, 11/26/2022
Iran Protests Human Rights

Dozens of ophthalmologists have warned against the use of shotgun ‘birdshots’ and other projectiles by Iran’s security forces that have blinded over 500 protesters since mid-September.

In a letter issued on Friday, a group of about 140 ophthalmologists said that a large number of protesters have been taken to medical centers hit by rubber bullets and metal pellets as well as paintball bullets in their eyes, leading to the loss of eyesight in one or both eyes.
Last week, another group of 230 ophthalmologists issued a similar letter warning about the loss of eyesight among protesters.

The Islamic Republic, which had been previously condemned for blinding protesters in the streets and has intensified the use of guns, including military weapons against unarmed protesters.

A combo picture of cartridges used in protests

A combo picture of cartridges used in protests

In an article on November 19, The New York Times cited ophthalmologists of three hospitals in the capital Tehran – namely Farabi, Rasoul Akram and Labbafinezhad -- and several doctors in Kordestan province, as saying that about 580 protesters suffered serious eye injuries during the regime’s crackdown.

The full scope of mass eye injuries has been largely concealed due to the internet blackout, but medical evidence given to The Times by doctors, protesters, family members of patients and rights groups revealed that ophthalmology wards in hospitals have been overwhelmed with eye injury victims. The range of injuries included mutilated retinas, severed optic nerves and punctured irises.


The regime’s security forces have been extensively using cartridges of shotshell loaded with numerous small balls or birdshots, or medium-sized buckshots as well as single large solid projectiles known as a slug to quash the protests across the country.

Cartridges with birdshots and buckshots used against protesters by security forces

Cartridges with birdshots and buckshots used against protesters by security forces

In an investigative report published on Friday, FRANCE 24 found evidence that shotgun cartridges manufactured by French-Italian manufacturer Cheddite have been widely used against Iranian protesters, an apparent violation of EU sanctions that went into place in 2012.

The team analyzed more than 100 photos and videos showing teargas canisters, rifle bullets, paintball projectiles and cartridges from shotguns. While most of the shotgun shells photographed were made in Iran, 13 shells recovered from eight different Iranian cities bore Cheddite logos from factories in Italy and France. The company claims to be the world’s largest maker of empty shotgun cartridges and firing caps, producing more than a billion empty cartridges every year.

Nicholas Marsh, a senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), told FRANCE 24 about Iran that "The regulation currently in force states that it is not allowed to sell shotguns of any type, ammunition designed for them and associated components. The restriction on firearms was added in an amendment on 24 March 2012. Since then, shotguns and their ammunition have been covered by the EU sanctions, and the sanctions are still in effect." The agency also quoted Amnesty International's researcher on arms control and human rights, Patrick Wilcken, as saying that “Cheddite has a responsibility to respect human rights; it should carry out human rights due diligence on its entire value chain and should cease supplies if there is a risk of goods being diverted into hands of serial human rights violators…”
Modern Russia emerged from the ashes of the USSR, a revolutionary society established to bring justice and overthrow oppression by money and priesthood. The current Russian government will be doing disservice by allying with the oppressive Iran government which runs on Capitalism and priesthood.

"As 'the world' expresses concern"
God I hate these people so much it's unreal

"The world" meaning NATO has just "expressed concern" about the Irani revolution. Unlike against Communist-Socialist Libyan Jamahiriya and Socialist Syria there is no "Right 2 Protect" "Coalition of the Willing" being prepared in the UN Terrorist Council to arrange an armada of 30+ government militaries of NATO and GCC and their helpers called Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood preparing to invade Iran and bring the anti-mullah revolutionaries to power. Mullahs are always installed into power by "The world" NATO and not thrown out. :)
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These three anti-Irani-revolutionary Irani mullahs @SalarHaqq, @Mehdipersian and @Mr Iran Eye doing Ha Ha at my post yet their rocket technology is what the godless North Korean commies ( I am a commie too ) gave them. :lol: Thankless mullahs. Let me see these three mullahs along with their chief mullah, Khamenei ( whom the Iranis are telling "Marg bar dictator" ), doing 30 prayers at the mosque today and in three years establish a crewed research station on Mars. Let me see the result and power of their 43-year-old prayer and hijab imposition. :)
These three anti-Irani-revolutionary Irani mullahs @SalarHaqq, @Mehdipersian and @Mr Iran Eye doing Ha Ha at my post yet their rocket technology is what the godless North Korean commies ( I am a commie too ) gave them. :lol: Thankless mullahs. Let me see these three mullahs along with their chief mullah, Khamenei ( whom the Iranis are telling "Marg bar dictator" ), doing 30 prayers at the mosque today and in three years establish a crewed research station on Mars. Let me see the result and power of their 43-year-old prayer and hijab imposition. :)
Can you stop being a clown man ?
These three anti-Irani-revolutionary Irani mullahs @SalarHaqq, @Mehdipersian and @Mr Iran Eye doing Ha Ha at my post yet their rocket technology is what the godless North Korean commies ( I am a commie too ) gave them. :lol: Thankless mullahs. Let me see these three mullahs along with their chief mullah, Khamenei ( whom the Iranis are telling "Marg bar dictator" ), doing 30 prayers at the mosque today and in three years establish a crewed research station on Mars. Let me see the result and power of their 43-year-old prayer and hijab imposition. :)
not exactly , our liquid fuelled ballistic missile was based on what we get from N. Korea and Libya , but our rocket technology and our artillery rocket and missiles are not , they are based on mooshak (an artillery rocket we built in the first years of war and was based on what we had) that were developed into zelzal and later Fateh family of quasi ballistic missiles
about solid fuel ballistic missiles i yet to see any evidence on how N.Korea was relevant in development of Seiji and later the rest of solid fuel engines and stages we built for our SLVs and Weapon systems
Please don't interact with this shill.

Who am I shilling for ?

not exactly , our liquid fuelled ballistic missile was based on what we get from N. Korea and Libya , but our rocket technology and our artillery rocket and missiles are not , they are based on mooshak (an artillery rocket we built in the first years of war and was based on what we had) that were developed into zelzal and later Fateh family of quasi ballistic missiles

Well, what you wrote is not clear so I will quote the concluding sections of this article :
Covert Development of Long-Range Rocket Booster

In November 2013, Bill Gertz reported that Iranian missile technicians had visited North Korea in secret to jointly develop a new “80-ton rocket booster” for long-range missiles or SLVs. Two months later the US Treasury Department issued sanctions against several persons and entities, including the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, or SHIG, the firm responsible for development of Iran’s liquid-fueled missiles, and two individuals, Seyed Mirahmad Nooshin and Sayyed Medhi Farahi. The Treasury Department notice specifically mentions that Nooshin and Farahi had travelled to North Korea, and that the two “have been critical to the development of the 80-ton rocket booster.”

It is unclear if the 80-ton rocket booster specified in the media and Treasury Department reports describes the overall size of multi-stage booster rocket, or just that of the single stage of a larger SLV. In either case, the description might apply to the Unha or Simorgh SLV. The overall mass of the Unha SLV is about 87 metric tons, and the Simorgh SLV is roughly 85 metric tons. The first-stage masses of the Unha and Simorgh are approximately 70 and 76 metric tons, respectively. It is within reason to conclude that the reports apply to either the first stages of the two SLVs, or the multi-stage configuration of the Unha or Simorgh. It would not be surprising if Iran and North Korea held discussions about their respective space programs, and the general technical details of their SLVs. Iran has, in the past, presented technical papers about its space program and SLVs at international meetings, so sharing general design and performance information is not unprecedented. However, as discussed above, the significant design differences of the Unha and Simorgh first stages indicate that the two countries are not co-developing rockets and that there may be limits to just how much technical information Tehran and Pyongyang share, or employ.

The recent ground test of an 80-ton thrust engine by North Korea raises additional questions, and might be the focus of the Gertz article and the Treasury Department notice. The engine tested is likely a version of China’s YF-20 design, of which there are several varieties. The YF-20 engine uses high-energy propellants, similar to the combination employed by North Korea’s Musudan, or KN-10, intermediate-range ballistic missile, and generates roughly 80 tons of thrust. North Korea announced that the engine tested produces 80 tons of thrust, and was for lifting satellites into geosynchronous orbit. The Treasury notice specifically mentioned an 80-ton booster; it did not refer to an engine. Nonetheless, perhaps the intelligence reporting that informed the sanctions lacked the necessary detail to distinguish between a rocket and engine, or the authors of the notice did not appreciate the differences. If the report was referring to the amount of thrust produced by the booster’s engine, then it is possible that Iran and North Korea are working together on a new rocket. If so, the booster rocket itself would necessarily weigh fewer than about 65 metric tons, and even less if it is the first stage of a larger system.


Evidence available in the public domain indicates that North Korea has, for several decades, supplied Iran with complete missiles and critical components for larger missiles and SLVs. The transactional relationship very likely results in information exchanges, including the sharing of flight-test data, possibly more. But, the evidence to date is inconsistent with design collaboration or joint-development efforts between the two countries. This could change, especially as North Korea presents new capabilities. Given Pyongyang’s history of shipping missile components to Iran and others, and its willingness to support the secret construction of a nuclear reactor in Syria, it is possible, if not likely, that North Korea would ship advanced engines to Tehran, including the engine most recently tested. Therefore, the international community must remain vigilant and closely monitor the missile and SLV activities in both countries. Signs of deeper collaboration between Iran and North Korea must also be closely monitored, since deeper cooperation has the potential to accelerate the development efforts on both parties.

about solid fuel ballistic missiles i yet to see any evidence on how N.Korea was relevant in development of Seiji and later the rest of solid fuel engines and stages we built for our SLVs and Weapon systems

AFAIK solid fuel is not usually used as the main fuel to propel launchers for satellites, human, telescopes, space station sections etc unless one is speaking of innovations like ALICE :
ALICE is a rocket propellant which consists of nano-aluminum powder and water. After mixing, the material is frozen to keep it stable. Hence, the name ALICE, for aluminum ICE rocket propellant.

Aluminum has a stronger affinity for oxygen than most elements, which is most visible in aluminothermic reactions such as thermite. This allows aluminum to burn with a large release of heat in substances that one normally considers to be inert, such as carbon dioxide and water. However, aluminum combustion is normally hindered by the presence of a durable oxide layer that forms on the surface of aluminum particles, requiring significant heat to overcome. Additionally, aluminum oxide condenses out of the exhaust stream at high temperature, leaving it (and its heat of condensation) unable to contribute to expansion, unless there is another gas present to function as a working fluid. This generally has relegated aluminum's role in rocketry to that of being an additive to solid rocket propellants, increasing their density and combustion temperature, and stabilizing the burn.

The oxide layer in nano-aluminum powder, however, is thinner and easier to overcome than in that of larger particles. This makes the combustion of aluminum with water ice easier to ignite and sustain. Furthermore, as the aluminum consumes the oxygen, it liberates hydrogen which functions as a low molecular mass working fluid to translate the heat of combustion (and subsequently condensation) into expansion and thrust. The high density of the mixture allows for reduced tankage mass and high thrust.

The base combustion reaction is:[1]

2 Al + 3 H2O → Al2O3 + 3 H2

ALICE has been proposed as a propellant well suited for in-situ production on outer space bodies such as the moon, as both aluminum oxide (a source of aluminum) and water are abundant resources in the universe, while the high propellant density decreases the dry mass of the rocket. Maintaining the propellant in a frozen state is relatively simple on most bodies in the solar system, while other high performance propellants often involve cryogenic fluids that can pose long-term storage problems.
Well, what you wrote is not clear so I will quote the concluding sections of this article :
as i said liquid fuel , technology , the majority of iran program and arsenals are solid fuel

AFAIK solid fuel is not usually used as the main fuel to propel launchers for satellites, human, telescopes, space station sections etc unless one is speaking of innovations like ALICE :
its true they are getting harder and harder to produce if the power go up and the engine become bigger . but not for the size that already Iran work on and interestingly they have been used to send satellite to geostationary orbits even to moon and beyond that
These three anti-Irani-revolutionary Irani mullahs @SalarHaqq, @Mehdipersian and @Mr Iran Eye doing Ha Ha at my post yet their rocket technology is what the godless North Korean commies ( I am a commie too ) gave them. :lol: Thankless mullahs. Let me see these three mullahs along with their chief mullah, Khamenei ( whom the Iranis are telling "Marg bar dictator" ), doing 30 prayers at the mosque today and in three years establish a crewed research station on Mars. Let me see the result and power of their 43-year-old prayer and hijab imposition. :)
Hey the Zionist clown, I am not Iranian. Let go of drugs too.Yes I am so that women have the choice to wear the veil or not but I am against the colorful revolutions of the USA and their friends
ادامه پیش

Who am I shilling for ?

Well, what you wrote is not clear so I will quote the concluding sections of this article :

AFAIK solid fuel is not usually used as the main fuel to propel launchers for satellites, human, telescopes, space station sections etc unless one is speaking of innovations like ALICE :
hey creature i know u are burning go to fire rescue maybe they put their pipe in your hell hole big smelly burning assssssss and can make u happy if not go to everest mountain put it in maybe works cold good for burning
hey creature i know u are burning go to fire rescue maybe they put their pipe in your hell hole big smelly burning assssssss and can make u happy if not go to everest mountain put it in maybe works cold good for burning
Ignore him, he's in the habit of shitting whatever's on his mind in the most irrelevant places.

I hope Iran manages to collaborate with North Korea on rocket engine technology and help create a joint GNSS with them. Would be an outstanding achievement for the two nations having accomplished this under sanctions.

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