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No country has used terrorism better than India: Hina Rabbani Khar

I've had and have more cats than bhikari slum dweller virgin @jamahir can even imagine

unko khilaya pilaya bhi, best care..

what can a slum dwelling bhkari do even with a cat ?

BC, doodh tak to khreedne ke paisey hai ni teri fati hui jeb me

waiting for some communist takeover of India so you can feed you cats ?

disgusting slum dwelling virgin beggar shite filth you, @jamahir

living in som dirty slum with your mum, never moved out but a few miles from the pathetic gutter you were born in.. and where you will stay..

broken laptop loser filth.. I hope your broken laptop breaks for good and you can no longer access this site even, that'd be awesome lol

virgin fatty lover loser because you barely get to eat, haha
No. Only yesterday the family ordered three ready-to-cook fish cutlets. I didn't eat. Today being Friday is the weekly meat day so there is chicken biryani yet I won't eat. Will make omelette at night after one in the morning. You will have to accept that people have something called agency / choice.

Tradition was also interest-based economics. Thousands of years old tradition yet was spoken against by Hazrat Isa 2000 years ago and 600 years later abolished by Hazrat Muhammad. Tradition was also feudalism and monarchy. Thousands of years old tradition yet was abolished by the French Revolution.

You got it ! And so will they never :

But these two bitches got over it very very soon :

Ah, you couldn't be bothered to throw out the dog and bring in a cat to care for the baby cats.


Two legged animal on this planet has caused far more harm than any dog on this planet .
So you should start by exterminating your existence first.
That's because your broke communist azz can't afford it



tradition, tradition hota hai.. kya karein ?

I am a proponent of jhatka but.. karna hi hai toh animal ki suffering kyu karvao ? .. so kinda agree with you on that, I guess

I <3 dogs

and cats

and cows and horses.. all of them

tujhe bachpan me kisi kutte na kaat lia, never got over it, did you ?

mere ghar aaja kisi din, I'll give you dog therapy.. my old doggie mama (rip) was so gentle a soul she actually reared some orphan kittens, it was beautiful to watch.. shoulda made a vid.

you're insane, man.. beyond all help.. ekdum totalitarian binary thinking nut case

DPRK ja ke bass ja, let the rest of humanity be.. humko beer and tandoori mangta, and hot fit chicks, not grotesquely obese ones like you lust after lol

According to health experts, Halal is considered healthier because, after slaughter, blood is drained from the animal's arteries, rejecting most toxins because the heart continues to pump for a few seconds after slaughter. In Jhatka, not all the blood is drained, leaving the meat tougher and drier
According to health experts, Halal is considered healthier because, after slaughter, blood is drained from the animal's arteries, rejecting most toxins because the heart continues to pump for a few seconds after slaughter. In Jhatka, not all the blood is drained, leaving the meat tougher and drier
"halaal" haram gya teel lele bhann di pxddi

fvck off with that garbage already pancho
But we should “bury the past”?
We reply to India by jailing Hafiz Saaed.
We reply to india by dismantling Kashmiri mujahideen network.
We reply to india by harassing Kashmiri resistance leaders.
We reply to india by signing ceasefire on loc.

A country that doesn’t respect it self won’t be respected by anyone.

India and west says stop Kashmiri mujahids, we do 10x what they say to please them. But we still get called terrorist state and terrorist funders by them. The more we bend over to please them the more they humiliate us and put the blame on us while they actually do terrorism in Pakistan.

India won’t stop its terrorist ways until the valley is turned red with Indian blood.
Peace only comes when you’re in position of strength. Kashmir issue will only be solved through force.

Pakistani establishment and PDM has already written off Kashmir. They are too busy murdering and oppressing Pakistani... Why would they want more people to oppress?.... Only Imran Khan really truly cared about Kashmir... That's why the Indians hate him.

Current Imported Government only cares about stealing $$$$ and getting NROs.

Truth hurts.
Imran khan was the one who signed ceasefire on loc.
Imran khan was the one which cracked down on Kashmiri resistance groups.
Imran khan was the one who proudly told trump he dismantled Kashmiri resistance group networks in AJK.
Imran khan was the one leading Pakistans embarrassing pacifist policy.
Imran khan was the one under which india revoked article 370 and illegally annexed IOJK.
Imran khans gov was the one who arrested people like Hafiz Saaed on terrorism charges.
Many in pti like fawad chaudhry can’t say the word terrorist without putting Kashmiri mujahids in the same sentence painting them as terrorists.
Two legged animal on this planet has caused far more harm than any dog on this planet .
So you should start by exterminating your existence first.

So the infant in Noida, the girl in Bhopal and the boy in Jaipur, they all were attacked by the two legged animal ? Did I pull out the intestines of that seven-month-old infant while he lay alive ?

Read this article about Pakistan where in 1952 an evil feudal and his cronies set their evil dogs upon a election campaign organized in support of the leftist peasant leader Hyder Bux Jatoi who I got to now know as "Baba-e-Sindh". The campaign party included leftists like Habib Jalib and the entire article is about the 75-year-old struggle of Pakistani peasants against oppression by the feudals and the administrations that support the feudals instead of just simply abolishing feudalism. This is one of the slogans of the Pakistani peasant agitation :
“Jehra Wahway, Ohee Khavay” [Those who till the land should reap the produce].
Dogs are the tools of oppression, murder and chaos of the clergy, the uncouth, the feudals, the monarchs, the Capitalists and the lynch mobs. @-=virus=- is insane but why are you nodding heads with him ?

Dogs should be eradicated globally and you must participate.

According to health experts, Halal is considered healthier because, after slaughter, blood is drained from the animal's arteries, rejecting most toxins because the heart continues to pump for a few seconds after slaughter. In Jhatka, not all the blood is drained, leaving the meat tougher and drier

Health experts be damned. I am talking about abolishing meat from human diet for moral reasons and for environmental reasons. You are talking about human health so nicely that will come through eating meat but you are not looking at the immorality of that meat coming after - in your own words - the animal dying slowly. Let us simply disregard what medical excuses people make up to eat meat. However, as I said, you have egg agriculture ( the best food - egg ), milk agriculture and plant agriculture. These are enough.
Two legged animal on this planet has caused far more harm than any dog on this planet .
So you should start by exterminating your existence first.
@jamahir Wow you have earned another badge of honour. After being hated from Muslims, hindus, christians, jews, easterners, westerners, now you have earned hate from secularists as well, so much so for claiming to be secular. Congrats on being the most hated person on this forum.
@jamahir Wow you have earned another badge of honour. After being hated from Muslims, hindus, christians, jews, easterners, westerners, now you have earned hate from secularists as well, so much so for claiming to be secular. Congrats on being the most hated person on this forum.

Let SecularNationalist answer, why are you jumping in on his behalf ? :lol:
teri pan di pxdi

Dutty Indian go suck your #%#### pxdi through a straw .
Batty breath product of rape offended because scientists say your dirty dry wrinkled jhatka meat is not fit for western dogs consumption , meat belongs on the side of the road like diseased road kill which stray hungry dogs wouldn’t eat .

Nasty shit smelling Indian go wash out your mouth with bleach after you suck your mother dry boy .

Understand that battyhole mouth .
So the infant in Noida, the girl in Bhopal and the boy in Jaipur, they all were attacked by the two legged animal ? Did I pull out the intestines of that seven-month-old infant while he lay alive ?

Read this article about Pakistan where in 1952 an evil feudal and his cronies set their evil dogs upon a election campaign organized in support of the leftist peasant leader Hyder Bux Jatoi who I got to now know as "Baba-e-Sindh". The campaign party included leftists like Habib Jalib and the entire article is about the 75-year-old struggle of Pakistani peasants against oppression by the feudals and the administrations that support the feudals instead of just simply abolishing feudalism. This is one of the slogans of the Pakistani peasant agitation :

Dogs are the tools of oppression, murder and chaos of the clergy, the uncouth, the feudals, the monarchs, the Capitalists and the lynch mobs. @-=virus=- is insane but why are you nodding heads with him ?

Dogs should be eradicated globally and you must participate.

Health experts be damned. I am talking about abolishing meat from human diet for moral reasons and for environmental reasons. You are talking about human health so nicely that will come through eating meat but you are not looking at the immorality of that meat coming after - in your own words - the animal dying slowly. Let us simply disregard what medical excuses people make up to eat meat. However, as I said, you have egg agriculture ( the best food - egg ), milk agriculture and plant agriculture. These are enough.

For you maybe fine . But nothing will make me give up earring meat it’s tastiest food on earth . Fresh cow brain cooked early in the morning after butchering the cow taste soooo good .

Taste like scrambled egg
And that’s why we should have allowed Kashmiri Insurgency going without trying to dictate and control their leaders and stop them from doing attacks.
The world will favour india over us no matter what. India can pull shit out it’s a*s and get us condemned for “terrorism” by the world while we bend over trying to stop Kashmiri insurgency and dismantle groups, turning them against us in the process. India is bringing to fight to us now. We will always be labeled as supporting so called “terrorists” in Kashmir. We will always be criticized by world powers cuz of india. Additionally, india openly does terrorism in Pakistan. India isn’t stopping there but preparing to bring the fight to us and make us seem as occupier of AJK and clash against the people of AJK. Every day more people from AJK turn into etho nationalist till one day we’ll have a bla type in AJK fighting against us.
If we keep the costs up for india in Kashmir, we will get condemned for so called “terrorism” regardless but now we can have some leverage of our own at our disposal. We can keep AJK pacified and destroy Indias plan of bringing the fight into AJK. And no we will not get sanctioned or FATF blacklisted. The last thing these world powers want is Pakistan out of their hand. By that I mean, they don’t want Pakistan to default like Sri Lanka and become Afghanistan 2.0 with openly anti west government. We get bullied by west regardless but if we put pressure on india in Kashmir we would at least bring something to the table when the topic of Kashmir comes up. And no it won’t start a war with india cuz Indians aren’t that stupid.
If you want respect in the world and peace, you have to fight for it.
About the AJK thing - it's simply due to Pakistan's mismanagement of the region and incompetency once again. They don't properly fulfil the request of locals basic demands, and the ethnic identity is muddled up and must be cleared up in the schooling system and politics. The ethnic natives of the region must be clarified.

On the topic of India using "PòK" more frequently, that is pure incompetency and incapability on Pakistan's part, I highlight this all the time but they always have the most low IQ and incapable people in important positions.

There is no such thing as occupation in AJK, this shouldn't even be a term allowed to be used at all, anyone from any part of the world, especially mainland Pakistan, can freely walk through AJK, army soldiers can freely walk through, and people treat them with respect without a care in the world; they are safe. Simply because they aren't occupied, it's their home, they have Pakistan flags waving on top of their homes alongside AJK flags.

Can they do the same in Indian occupied Kashmir without a local putting a bullet in their head? Can they even have anyone of significance walk through without hours of pre-planning, surveillance and security convoys just so they aren't assassinated by locals? Not at all
The Indian state policy of using terrorism as arms and extension of her designs goes back to the Union's inception.

From Kashmir, Hyderabad-Junagarh to Bangladesh, the Indian state as enjoyed absolute impunity largely owing to blackmail she employs which is just another form of terrorism.

The nations of the world must unite to pose a united front against the evil, the personification of terror and injustice that is the Indian union.

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