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Color revolution in China only lasted one night. Must be a big hit for China’s haters

Are you bullied in school? Because how do you make that association otherwise?? Because you have to be bullied in school to know this will probably lead to that.
We don't have much bullies in Singapore and China. It is also a juvenile offense. You don't have to get killed to know guns are dangerous right? Lol

900 dead Muricans today.
Isn't this just on similar lines of the Chinese PDF members calling the Vietnamese here monkeys or whatever for (I guess) just not being as modern as them.

We going to blame the Chinese government for them doing this?

I would assume decades of Hong Kong people living a modern lifestyle while looking over at the mainland poverty would create such aloofness.
And you typical American just covienently ignore the fact that those Vietnamese started the despicable racial insults on Chinese members on the PDF in the first place, the Chinese members were just saying kind in return. Whenever comes to China and Chinese, you Americans just play the dumb double standard, no exception. Besides, you are one of the most racist and white supremacist Americans towards Asians and other colored minorities as shown on your posts, and now you think you have the right to judge other Asians on racial matters, lol.
We don't have much bullies in Singapore and China. It is also a juvenile offense. You don't have to get killed to know guns are dangerous right? Lol
I am not talking about what is bullying, I am talking about the association on that to bullying, you don't need to get killed to know guns is dangerous, but you do need to at least saw a gun gone off to know where the bullet come out of a gun.
And you typical American just covienently ignore the fact that those Vietnamese started the despicable racial insults on Chinese members on the PDF in the first place,

There's like 50 Chinese members for every one Vietnamese member here on PDF. I do not think anybody is buying your excuse.

There have been a few Iranians here who were big mouths towards Americans but I don't waste my time calling them names (and I can't recall any other Americans calling them names) in general since there are so few of them.
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There's like 50 Chinese members for every one Vietnamese member here on PDF. I do not think anybody is buying your excuse.

There have been a few Iranians here who were big mouths towards Americans but I don't waste my time calling them names (and I can't recall any other Americans calling them names) in general since there are so few of them.
Where do you come up with that ratio. Your prejudice towards Chinese members are just yours, and Chinese and others dont buy your prejudice too. Dont think you represent everybody on PDF, you only represent yourself only.
Yeah, like You Americans dont do name calling, but you Americans sure would pull out guns to shoot on racial grounds.
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I am not talking about what is bullying, I am talking about the association on that to bullying, you don't need to get killed to know guns is dangerous, but you do need to at least saw a gun gone off to know where the bullet come out of a gun.

Ok...... I think you need to take a chill pill. You are sounding abit incoherent. =)

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