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China doctors have made a stark warning to Pres. Xi against easing of strict measures to contain Covid-19

None of the vaccines actually works. It’s down to herd immunity in the west as the vulnerable population has already died off.

I suggest opening city by city and region by region so as not to be overwhelmed. As long as the medical resources don’t get overstretched, death number are manageable.
Actually they work. I got twice Sinovac vaccines, and a half dosses of Pfizer for the 3rd boosters vaccines. And now, Covid 19 is nothing more than a ordinary flu for me. Remember, I'm not a healthy young man. I'm not even young. And I have diabetic. After I got vaccinated, I caught with Covid 19 several times. But They're light, just like ordinary flu.
Actually they work. I got twice Sinovac vaccines, and a half dosses of Pfizer for the 3rd boosters vaccines. And now, Covid 19 is nothing more than a ordinary flu for me. Remember, I'm not a healthy young man. I'm not even young. And I have diabetic. After I got vaccinated, I caught with Covid 19 several times. But They're light, just like ordinary flu.

Or maybe your condition will be mild without the vaccines. Even at the outset of the pandemic without any vaccine, only 15% of those infected would exhibit any kind of symptom. What's known is vaccine did not protect anyone from infection as those with 3 or 4 shots still get infected regardless of which vaccine was administered.
Or maybe your condition will be mild without the vaccines. Even at the outset of the pandemic without any vaccine, only 15% of those infected would exhibit any kind of symptom. What's known is vaccine did not protect anyone from infection as those with 3 or 4 shots still get infected regardless of which vaccine was administered.
Well, that the key. Even with vaccine, you'll still get infected. But the difference is that your body has been conditioned to battle Covid 19. So even if you get infected, you'll only get mild symptom. The vaccines train your body to stand strong against the virus. Not getting your neighborhood free from virus. So yes, vaccines also aims for herd immunity. But with controlled condition, and less fatality. Because without herd community, your country will never get free from Covid 19. You will always afraid of Covid 19. Because your body don't have the immunity toward Covid 19.

For China, the right way is to give your people doses of vaccines. If you think that 2 doses are not enough, boost the vaccines several more times, so your people will have the antibody for the virus. Your covid 19 lockdown will only bring more harm to your people than let your people exposed to virus, if your government don't give your people vaccines, at the same time when they lock you down in their crusade against covid 19.

Well, you claims that China is rich. so giving several doses of vaccines to all your people will not be a problem for your government, isn't it?
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Well, you claims that China is rich. so giving several doses of vaccines to all your people will not be a problem for your government, isn't it?
China can donate 1 billion Covid vaccines to Africa, but that is for black people
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China can donate 1 billion Covid vaccines to Africa, but that is for black people
Why it has to be China all the time to do charities to African and the world all the time ? First, people in the west and india are crying all the time Chinese investments and loans to those countries should be free, now its China should give free vaccines to africa and others, like Chinese stuff should all be free. It should the the westerners who are really rich should give free vaccines and donations to africa and other third world countries. China has already donated more than 600 millions of covid vaccines free to africa at one time.

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Why it has to be China all the time to do charities to African and the world all the time ? First, people in the west and india are crying all the time Chinese investments and loans to those countries should be free, now its China should give free vaccines to africa and others, like Chinese stuff should all be free. It should the the westerners who are really rich should give free vaccines and donations to africa and other third world countries. China has already donated more than 600 millions of covid vaccines free to africa at one time.

It is the decision of the Chinese government. Why they did that, I don't know. Maybe it's soft power or something else

FireShot Capture 695 - China makes billion-dose pledge to Africa to help overcome the corona_ ...png

It is the decision of the Chinese government. Why they did that, I don't know. Maybe it's soft power or something else

View attachment 899348
Exactly, Xi has pledged to donate 600 million doses and provide another 400 million doses at one time. What are the rich Americans and Europeans doing on the vaccines for Africans ?
Exactly, Xi has pledged to donate 600 million doses and provide another 400 million doses at one time. What are the rich Americans and Europeans doing on the vaccines for Africans ?
Brainsucker says the Chinese government can provide a vaccine to all Chinese? And my answer is to claim that is correct, in theory. Because before that, China provided 1 billion doses of free vaccines to Africa. China has no shortage of vaccines
Brainsucker says the Chinese government can provide a vaccine to all Chinese. And my answer is to claim that is correct, in theory. Because before that, China provided 1 billion doses of free vaccines to Africa. China has no shortage of vaccines
More than 90 % of Chinese are vaccinated now, almost the same rate as in Vietnam.
not a stampede, not because of fleeing low quality infrastructure or because someone threw a few quarters.
So why these poor chinese need to flee their own govt?

China can donate 1 billion Covid vaccines to Africa, but that is for black people
Maybe china should donate vaccines to Chinese first up!! Africans be free roaming while Chinese folks being under jail!!
Brainsucker says the Chinese government can provide a vaccine to all Chinese? And my answer is to claim that is correct, in theory. Because before that, China provided 1 billion doses of free vaccines to Africa. China has no shortage of vaccines
Then vaccinated Chinese Citizens. If 3 times does not enough, make it 5 times; once every half a year. To make them super immune to Covid 19. Why every half a year? Because that is the time limit of when Vaccine actively protect your body.

China is the richest country in the world. I think it won't be too hard for Chinese doctors to reach that target.
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This zero covod policy have staryed to hurt china economically and Xi's reputation. The thiis, the more u stop this virus, the more waves ull get. Its better to work towards herd immunity slowly.
I think the best strategy for covid in the whole world was that of Pakistan. We had lockdowns that were not too strict, vaccines and hospitals on high alert. Maybe Pakistanis have steong immunity too but the strategy helped. You cant be too strict or too lose. India was too lose and paid the price with millions of deaths, china is too strict and paying the price. Just let the herd immunity develop slowly.
China need to roll out the boaster vaccine program more quickly. Once most Chinese get 3rd or 4th boast. Full lockdown shall not be implement anymore.
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