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Does the USA want to destroy Pakistan

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Mar 7, 2007
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United Kingdom
The below video is from a few years ago.

Do you think there is substance in this?

Do you think the USA is actively trying to destabilise Pakistan and even trying
to push for a partition of Pakistan, with Balochistan going its own way and KP joining Afghanistan?

The Chanel is RT (paid for by the Russians) and the guy being interviewed is Webster Tarpley,
He also believed that 9/11 was an inside job .

Despite this, I believe this has been one of the goal's of the USA,
According to the ISI, Balochistan is being destabilised from Afghanistan,
even more so when the Americans were present.
Actions speak loader than words, the USA refuses to call certain organisations in Balochistan Terrorist's.
The only reasons the cant disengage or openly go against Pakistan is because they will lose the main weapon they
have against Pakistan, the sell outs , Mir Jafar's, in power in Pakistan who can be brought for peanuts.

We need to open our eyes to the plans of our enemies.
We can deal with India, we know they are our enemy,
It's the USA that if far more dangerous.

Do you think there is substance in this?

Webster Tarpley,
He also believed that 9/11 was an inside job .
He is a conspiracy theorist. We have many such people, and they make a living by inventing facts. Recently, he settled a lawsuit by Melania Trump for writing some scurrilous things about her.

He is a conspiracy theorist. We have many such people, and they make a living by inventing facts. Recently, he settled a lawsuit by Melania Trump for writing some scurrilous things about her.

I had a look at his profile before I posted,
It doesn't seem to be the best , but his questions about 9/11 are fair.
Im not a conspiracy theorist but am aware people are quickly labelled "conspiracy theorist" to reduce credibility.

This thread should be deleted and thread starter should be banned from starting new threads for 3 months.
You want me banned for 3 months for posting this, wow.
I live in the west, I have lived all my life in the west,
This is not some sort of anti USA post, it's a fair and valid question,
have you made yourself a self appointed moderator?
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US doesn't wants to destroy Pakistan and even for the same matter India unless Pakistan poses direct and serious threat to the US interests or the main land. US only wants us to be kept on the life support economically and whenever we are needed can be used and abused for few 100 million dollars to full fill their agendas.
Imagine 220 million homeless people on the move if something happens to the Pakistan, will Europe or US or India can accommodate us? Answer is clear NO.
Then add a bit of spice there are plenty of train soldiers who can go rouge and can start new wars and destabilise the region or beyond. What if a single nuclear device is stolen and lands somewhere inside the container in Europe or US and culprit demands $100 billion to be safely disposed off.
Its too risky and too many unknown factors to grapple with and considering Pakistan is no threat to any US or Western interests and our generals are too eager to please and can be bought so easily. So why put hand in the hornets nest when one day same hornets can be set upon at others when need arises by just only giving green cards.
Why do you think our officers are given scholarships to be trained in the US/UK? Why Hillary Clinton said multiple times putting sanctions on the Pakistan in 80's they did lost all the influence on the Pakistan armed forces as no Pakistan officers were trained in the US?
We are shackled and controlled by the US by having weak economy and by our own dirty politicians who come into the power by their blessing and then those politicians are protected by the brown men wearing Khaki and the world carries on with their business.
US doesn't wants to destroy Pakistan and even for the same matter India unless Pakistan poses direct and serious threat to the US interests or the main land. US only wants us to be kept on the life support economically and whenever we are needed can be used and abused for few 100 million dollars to full fill their agendas.
Imagine 220 million homeless people on the move if something happens to the Pakistan, will Europe or US or India can accommodate us? Answer is clear NO.
Then add a bit of spice there are plenty of train soldiers who can go rouge and can start new wars and destabilise the region or beyond. What if a single nuclear device is stolen and lands somewhere inside the container in Europe or US and culprit demands $100 billion to be safely disposed off.
Its too risky and too many unknown factors to grapple with and considering Pakistan is no threat to any US or Western interests and our generals are too eager to please and can be bought so easily. So why put hand in the hornets nest when one day same hornets can be set upon at others when need arises by just only giving green cards.
Why do you think our officers are given scholarships to be trained in the US/UK? Why Hillary Clinton said multiple times putting sanctions on the Pakistan in 80's they did lost all the influence on the Pakistan armed forces as no Pakistan officers were trained in the US?
We are shackled and controlled by the US by having weak economy and by our own dirty politicians who come into the power by their blessing and then those politicians are protected by the brown men wearing Khaki and the world carries on with their business.
By Destroy Pakistan, I mean the end of the modern concept of Pakistan.
If they Partition Pakistan into 4 or 3 Parts, they would not have 220 million people on the move,
Just staying where they are but in smaller state's on par with Butan or Tajikistan.

If the Indians could, they 100% would, so would the Americans.
The below video is from a few years ago.

Do you think there is substance in this?

Do you think the USA is actively trying to destabilise Pakistan and even trying
to push for a partition of Pakistan, with Balochistan going its own way and KP joining Afghanistan?

The Chanel is RT (paid for by the Russians) and the guy being interviewed is Webster Tarpley,
He also believed that 9/11 was an inside job .

Despite this, I believe this has been one of the goal's of the USA,
According to the ISI, Balochistan is being destabilised from Afghanistan,
even more so when the Americans were present.
Actions speak loader than words, the USA refuses to call certain organisations in Balochistan Terrorist's.
The only reasons the cant disengage or openly go against Pakistan is because they will lose the main weapon they
have against Pakistan, the sell outs , Mir Jafar's, in power in Pakistan who can be brought for peanuts.

We need to open our eyes to the plans of our enemies.
We can deal with India, we know they are our enemy,
It's the USA that if far more dangerous.

I think Pakistan wants to destroy Pakistan. Just look at the corrupt in power across the entire establishment of all sectors.

Who cares about Amreeka.
The Chanel is RT (paid for by the Russians) and the guy being interviewed is Webster Tarpley,
He also believed that 9/11 was an inside job .

Despite this, I believe this has been one of the goal's of the USA,

If you still find the source credible, nothing can help you, since your mind is already made up. :D
which is why US gave 500 million for f-16 maintenance
also why Pak is still in the FATF list
also why Pak is still a MNNA
which is why US gave 500 million for f-16 maintenance
also why Pak is still in the FATF list
also why Pak is still a MNNA
This all was allowed once the generals followed the orders of Washington

There are interviews online of Americans themselves admitting to removing elements within the ISI and military that were against serving American interests.

It was also very well explained in a book named "No exit from Pakistan: America's tortured relationship with Islamabad"
This all was allowed once the generals followed the orders of Washington

So you expect USA to just give Pakistan billions and billions and then let Pakistan do whatever it wishes? If Pakistan turns down US assistance, it is then free to do as it pleases. That is how the world works in international geopolitics.
So you expect USA to just give Pakistan billions and billions and then let Pakistan do whatever it wishes? If Pakistan turns down US assistance, it is then free to do as it pleases. That is how the world works in international geopolitics.
The implication is that America either wants a subservient Pakistan that follows its orders, or broken weaker states formed from Pakistan
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