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Over 10 years on the forum and something has been bothering me


Aug 16, 2015
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United States

I know this might sound stupid to a lot of you guys, but over the past 15 years reading this forum there’s something that’s been getting on my nerves.

Why the f.u.c.k can’t Pakistanis spell the word ROGUE correctly?

ROUGE is a motherfucking color...

The spelling for ROGUE is R-O-G-U-E.

And it’s not just a specific member but seems like all Pakistani members. Is the school system that fucking bad?

It’s almost as annoying as when the bhartoads say ‘chilled beer’. Does it damage their brain to say COLD BEER?


Thanks for reading and take care...

Pakistanis will jealousy guard this secret, it shall remain a mystery for you for the next 15 years as well.

Or maybe it is that English is likely 2nd or third language and spelling bees aren't a big thing in Pakistani school system.

Not to mention with spell check softwares you don't need to learn the correct spellings much. A rough approximation is good enough and the computer can just correct it.

Also English is a very inconsistent language.

Pakistanis will jealousy guard this secret, it shall remain a mystery for you for the next 15 years as well.

Or maybe it is that English is likely 2nd or third language and spelling bees aren't a big thing in Pakistani school system.

Not to mention with spell check softwares you don't need to learn the correct spellings much. A rough approximation is good enough and the computer can just correct it.

Also English is a very inconsistent language.

Well I started this thread to spread awareness. Hopefully it will help someone out!
It’s almost as annoying as when the bhartoads say ‘chilled beer’. Does it damage their brain to say COLD BEER?
gtfo, nobody says chilled beer here




In addition to


and so many other cringe stuff
Flim instead of film

The list is long but our bro got triggered as his caps and bold writing with red (rouge) effect is mean.
Well I started this thread to spread awareness. Hopefully it will help someone out!


I know this might sound stupid to a lot of you guys, but over the past 15 years reading this forum there’s something that’s been getting on my nerves.

Why the f.u.c.k can’t Pakistanis spell the word ROGUE correctly?

ROUGE is a motherfucking color...

The spelling for ROGUE is R-O-G-U-E.

And it’s not just a specific member but seems like all Pakistani members. Is the school system that fucking bad?

It’s almost as annoying as when the bhartoads say ‘chilled beer’. Does it damage their brain to say COLD BEER?


Thanks for reading and take care...
It’s that slave mentality the British left us with.. still use their style of everything including English.. this is how they spell it I believe in Uk
It’s almost as annoying as when the bhartoads say ‘chilled beer’. Does it damage their brain to say COLD BEER?

I generally don't lose my shirt over anything, but if any mofo in a bar was to give me merely 'cold beer', I would pour it on the ground, if not his head. While placing my order I always specify 'chilled' to say that if it is not teeth numbing, I would rather not have it.

The only other loose talk that gets me is using the word 'loose' instead of 'lose' and vice versa, and based instead of biased.
Someone is getting old and cranky.

That said, most desi verns "drive" a bike. There is an uber pretentious Indian car n bike website rife with fat uncles "test driving" motorcycles.
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