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Argentina Considering To Purchase 12 JF17C Worth 664Million Dollars

Nice fakes lies. We show a company of captured indian soldiers and all u can is to make up single soldiers photo and fake lies as real. Lol..
lol you have to use some 1960s photos and the others don't show anything.

We could have killed all these guys. You just found a few scouts. We find your scouts all the time but don't need to parade about it. You indians parade about every little "victory" meanwhile this is India.

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While you indians could have killed a few scouts and you did kill a few PLA soldiers when you outnumbered them in an ambush attack, PLA could have killed hundreds of you and took you all captive and returned them after tending to their injuries.

And instead of nothing photos showing stupid silly big claims of Indians (as usual indians love big claims like Argentina is considering Tejas just like Australia or USA are considering Tejas which is simply a joke to everyone except Indians) Chinese side actually showed you photos of subdued indians.

Meanwhile the ONLY photos Indians have is from one single footage showing one PLA soldier who was ambushed by savage Indians. The indians cannot fight full on at all. Otherwise how did lines and lines of your shitstains get captured without a dent in PLA?

View attachment 884823

and the only one you have is a footage showing Indian cowardice which you shamefully deleted the video of which only shows hordes of indians ambushing a PLA communication officer who left his vehicle to talk with indian baboons and got rushed by the savages.

When the indians and PLA faced off in massive groups the above photos are what transpired. Much to bhakt denial and chagrin.
@Ajamal @Black Tornado @Cheepek @VkdIndian

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News.

Thats why you guys have the hidden the dead names of your pla soldiers for straight 8 months. There goes your credibility

"It does the very opposite of what China wanted," the source says. "This is not a victory for China's military."
And it indicates the deadly and contentious incident – in which at least 20 Indian and 35 Chinese troops died, and reportedly a handful on each side were captured and subsequently released
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Indian fuckers are only for crushing in actual fight. Meanwhile you 5 foot 5 losers whinge and talk a lot online. Without even using tech and mechanized war, this is what happens to Jai Bindi bharati fartis.



And Indians must then say these are pakistani actors who voluntarily got injured up for photoshoot just like Indians must say Argentina will buy Tejas.

Tejas?! lol Not Australia, not USA, not Argentina want that absolute piece of utter shit.

Thats why you guys have the hidden the dead names of your pla soldiers for straight 8 months. There goes your credibility

Except not a single official source from India, China, USA, or any other nation has claimed this.

China says you indians ambushed one PLA position with construction crew and killed 4 PLA soldiers in total. India did not deny this. USA did not argue this either.

All sides officially agree that China returned hordes upon hordes of Indians without telling the exact numbers to help save your face a little. We also provided just some of the photos to undeniably show this (see above for some examples showing hordes of Indians tamed and beaten). While all sides also agree India had at least 20 Indian army soldiers killed. You have some blurry random photos showing absolutely nothing except some statement you wrote yourself LOL pathetic just like Tejas. The only other video/photo you have is of indians ambushing a single PLA guy who only got ambushed because it was his job to leave his vehicle to talk to the indian baboons.

The rest is just your pathetic and funny media making shit up for exactly your type to eat up and believe. And we're the brainwashed ones... okay Rajesh. I guess Australia and USA are also both desperate to buy your Tejas superfighter as well.

Believe whatever stupid shit you want Rajesh. It doesn't change anything and it doesn't win your Tejas any customers.

You indians need to understand the rest of the world aren't quite as delusion steeped as you lot. You can believe whatever you want about J-20 or JF-17 or Tejas etc etc. Doesn't make one atom of difference in reality.
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@Ajamal @Black Tornado @Cheepek @VkdIndian

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News.

Thats why you guys have the hidden the dead names of your pla soldiers for straight 8 months. There goes your credibility

"It does the very opposite of what China wanted," the source says. "This is not a victory for China's military."
And it indicates the deadly and contentious incident – in which at least 20 Indian and 35 Chinese troops died, and reportedly a handful on each side were captured and subsequently released

Except "USNews" is an Indian media publication that is part of India's massive (world's largest) fake news network which your western boyfriends admit and happily show and reveal.

USNews is extremely pro narrative bullshit. Just browse and read their stuff. Not a single controversial piece has sources.

How come then the White House briefings did not claim this? How come they only let USNews (which is Indian financed) make this claim since they are open about it why not say it? They are no strangers to talking about these sort of stuff and commenting on China and yet they don't even want to touch this piece of shit that came from Indian media which isn't quite as effective and spinning believable lies.

The anonymous source used is again most likely Indian made up BS.

Indian fake news targeting politics

Over 265 Indian fake news channels just revealed how many are not and most pretend to be western and write in English.

lol this is typical india. No real actual achievement just narratives and delusions and fantasy.

How come CIA and not a single official statement or person even claimed this? Just Indian nonsense. How come India itself didn't officially claim this while China officially did state that Indians lost 20 men?

Why doesn't Indian gov then officially state that China lost 30 whatever (made up bs) men? How come India has not a single photo or video of a group of PLA captured by Indians and only one visual piece of evidence showing one single PLA soldier being beaten up in the event I explained?

Indians do not have a single shred of evidence. Not a single piece of official literature or person has said and agreed with anything outside of what China said. Very strange all these nations who don't like China aren't backing India up here.

Here are your defeated jai hindi bharati fartis. We show you. You just make up lots and lots of bullshit for jai hinds to pheel goooooood.


and saying cop out bullshit anyone can claim and make up like PLA lost hundreds of soldiers and hiding it is about as merit as North Koreans saying they killed a million US soldiers or Iranians saying that they sank 10 secret US submarines. Anyone can say it online as a person. Until your government officially says this, our gov can't even give you the dignity of recognizing how low your bullshits are because it's 1 billion jai bharatis making it up to feel good about themselves and their absolute shitstain country.

We can also equally claim that Indians actually lost thousands. We captured hundreds as you can see just from captured INSAS rifles in the dozens.


INSAS on the bottom center being collected and PLA soldiers taking account and photos too of aftermath of June 2020 fighting.

India therefore hid deaths of thousands of Indians soldiers. Just from captured Indians soldiers one can get an idea how many were killed. Is that also logically correct? Those AK looking guns are a collection of Indian INSAS which only 1 Indian soldier out of 10 or so were allowed to be equipped with here in this border.


Indians on left fleeing and PLA chasing them away from right.


An Indian horde. Indian hordes were armed with sticks and riot gear and shields since before 2020 confrontations. In fact the one photos set adn video showing Indians beating up one single PLA soldier was shared online in March 2020 well before June fighting and it already shows Indians with sticks and shields. Two indian baboons were using their sticks to attack a PLA vehicle in the video which Indians shamefully deleted now and only shared edited photos showing the PLA soldier they attacked.

Most soldiers here are not allowed projectile weapons just in case skirmishes and ammo is tightly controlled by both sides.

And yet we captured many dozens of your rifles.
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@Ajamal @Black Tornado @Cheepek @VkdIndian

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News.

Thats why you guys have the hidden the dead names of your pla soldiers for straight 8 months. There goes your credibility

"It does the very opposite of what China wanted," the source says. "This is not a victory for China's military."
And it indicates the deadly and contentious incident – in which at least 20 Indian and 35 Chinese troops died, and reportedly a handful on each side were captured and subsequently released
Why do Chinese people look down on India?


Because we don't know what Indians can do except lie.
Except "USNews" is an Indian media publication that is part of India's massive (world's largest) fake news network which your western boyfriends admit and happily show and reveal.

USNews is extremely pro narrative bullshit. Just browse and read their stuff. Not a single controversial piece has sources.

How come then the White House briefings did not claim this? How come they only let USNews (which is Indian financed) make this claim since they are open about it why not say it? They are no strangers to talking about these sort of stuff and commenting on China and yet they don't even want to touch this piece of shit that came from Indian media which isn't quite as effective and spinning believable lies.

The anonymous source used is again most likely Indian made up BS.

Indian fake news targeting politics

Over 265 Indian fake news channels just revealed how many are not and most pretend to be western and write in English.

lol this is typical india. No real actual achievement just narratives and delusions and fantasy.

How come CIA and not a single official statement or person even claimed this? Just Indian nonsense. How come India itself didn't officially claim this while China officially did state that Indians lost 20 men?

Why doesn't Indian gov then officially state that China lost 30 whatever (made up bs) men? How come India has not a single photo or video of a group of PLA captured by Indians and only one visual piece of evidence showing one single PLA soldier being beaten up in the event I explained?

Indians do not have a single shred of evidence. Not a single piece of official literature or person has said and agreed with anything outside of what China said. Very strange all these nations who don't like China aren't backing India up here.

Here are your defeated jai hindi bharati fartis. We show you. You just make up lots and lots of bullshit for jai hinds to pheel goooooood.

View attachment 884850

and saying cop out bullshit anyone can claim and make up like PLA lost hundreds of soldiers and hiding it is about as merit as North Koreans saying they killed a million US soldiers or Iranians saying that they sank 10 secret US submarines. Anyone can say it online as a person. Until your government officially says this, our gov can't even give you the dignity of recognizing how low your bullshits are because it's 1 billion jai bharatis making it up to feel good about themselves and their absolute shitstain country.

We can also equally claim that Indians actually lost thousands. We captured hundreds as you can see just from captured INSAS rifles in the dozens.

View attachment 884855
INSAS on the bottom center being collected and PLA soldiers taking account and photos too of aftermath of June 2020 fighting.

India therefore hid deaths of thousands of Indians soldiers. Just from captured Indians soldiers one can get an idea how many were killed. Is that also logically correct? Those AK looking guns are a collection of Indian INSAS which only 1 Indian soldier out of 10 or so were allowed to be equipped with here in this border.

View attachment 884857
Indians on left fleeing and PLA chasing them away from right.

View attachment 884858
An Indian horde. Indian hordes were armed with sticks and riot gear and shields since before 2020 confrontations. In fact the one photos set adn video showing Indians beating up one single PLA soldier was shared online in March 2020 well before June fighting and it already shows Indians with sticks and shields. Two indian baboons were using their sticks to attack a PLA vehicle in the video which Indians shamefully deleted now and only shared edited photos showing the PLA soldier they attacked.

Most soldiers here are not allowed projectile weapons just in case skirmishes and ammo is tightly controlled by both sides.

And yet we captured many dozens of your rifles.
Thats why you guys have successfully vacated PP14 after winning the Galwan clash. And not to forget that after winning the conflict you guys were very much successful in hiding the names of dead pla soldiers for straight 8 months and even denying them the funeral rights:-)
But tell me one thing why didn't ccp confirm or deny US Intelligence claims that 35 pla soldiers died in galwan? why pla withdrawn 26 miles into its own side while nearest Indian base is 2 miles away?
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Thats why you guys have successfully vacated PP14 after winning the Galwan clash:-)

LOL that's why you guys failed to take Aksai Chin which you tried starting in January 2020.

You not only failed to take Aksai Chin despite your Amit Shah saying specifically in 2019 that India will capture Aksai Chin from China.

You are 10s of thousands of kilometers squared short of taking Aksai Chin.

"Kashmir is an integral part of India, there is no doubt about it. When I say Jammu and Kashmir, I include Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin, both are included in the territorial boundaries of Jammu and Kashmir," the Home Minister said. "Ladakh including Aksai Chin will be a Union Territory, Both Hill Councils will continue to be active," he said. Responding to a query whether the new provisions would also include Azad Kashmir, Shah said, "We will give our lives for it."

Amit Shah bragging and losing.

And not only all this, India lost patrol point privileges from Finger 1 to Finger 8 on Panngong lake and many other spots they used to patrol they cannot any more. Many others are officially buffer zones now. Meaning not only is India cut off from Aksai Chin, it is not even able to walk on land it used to constantly patrol dozens more times and more frequently than China according to India's own General VK Singh who said on record that India patrolled dozens more times than China who barely ever went on patrols here. Now Indian media and gov deleted most of the online articles where VK Singh says India was the one patrolling most of the time.

Anyway you can boost yourself up as much as you like with you cowpiss fantasies. It doesn't change strategic outcomes or tangible returns. It also doesn't mean your tejas is wanted. You can imagine and believe bullshit but only hurts those who believe in bullshit. :)

Don't forget you are supapowa 2012 as per Indian claims right? Also your mighty nation as claimed by only Indians. :)
Posts of No-value/off-topic
LOL that's why you guys failed to take Aksai Chin which you tried starting in January 2020.

You not only failed to take Aksai Chin despite your Amit Shah saying specifically in 2019 that India will capture Aksai Chin from China.

You are 10s of thousands of kilometers squared short of taking Aksai Chin.

"Kashmir is an integral part of India, there is no doubt about it. When I say Jammu and Kashmir, I include Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin, both are included in the territorial boundaries of Jammu and Kashmir," the Home Minister said. "Ladakh including Aksai Chin will be a Union Territory, Both Hill Councils will continue to be active," he said. Responding to a query whether the new provisions would also include Azad Kashmir, Shah said, "We will give our lives for it."

Amit Shah bragging and losing.

And not only all this, India lost patrol point privileges from Finger 1 to Finger 8 on Panngong lake and many other spots they used to patrol they cannot any more. Many others are officially buffer zones now. Meaning not only is India cut off from Aksai Chin, it is not even able to walk on land it used to constantly patrol dozens more times and more frequently than China according to India's own General VK Singh who said on record that India patrolled dozens more times than China who barely ever went on patrols here. Now Indian media and gov deleted most of the online articles where VK Singh says India was the one patrolling most of the time.

Anyway you can boost yourself up as much as you like with you cowpiss fantasies. It doesn't change strategic outcomes or tangible returns. It also doesn't mean your tejas is wanted. You can imagine and believe bullshit but only hurts those who believe in bullshit. :)

Don't forget you are supapowa 2012 as per Indian claims right? Also your mighty nation as claimed by only Indians. :)
In pangong tso for example china claims & patrolled up to finger 4 and india to finger 8. current buffer is f4 to f8.And China used to patrol till F-4. They can no longer come there either
In depsang india is blocked from its patrol points 8km east of y-junction while china blocked from its points 7km west of y-junction. both deny each other access
India's on paper LAC claim is 18km east of y-junction in what is historically Pla controlled territory. Which is why Indian troops only asserted control up to 8km east of y-junction via patrols.
If china had a upper hand it would have escalated in ladakh rather than withdrawing from pangong and continuing to be denied access to its patrol line near burtse in depsang. also note all remaining friction points r where india is also denying china access to pla patrol points

And not only all this, India lost patrol point privileges from Finger 1 to Finger 8 on Panngong lake and many other spots they used to patrol they cannot any more.
Indians have moved to Finger 3 near Dhan Singh Thapa Post
In pangong tso for example china claims & patrolled up to finger 4 and india to finger 8. current buffer is f4 to f8.And China used to patrol till F-4. They can no longer come there either
In depsang india is blocked from its patrol points 8km east of y-junction while china blocked from its points 7km west of y-junction. both deny each other access
India's on paper LAC claim is 18km east of y-junction in what is historically Pla controlled territory. Which is why Indian troops only asserted control up to 8km east of y-junction via patrols.

Indians have moved to Finger 3 near Dhan Singh Thapa Post

:p: okay broooooo. Here's your 2 rupees. Man I guess you guys really need to live in delusion and surround yourself with falsehoods.

How about we just say Argentina has already signed to buy 10000 Indian tejas okay? You happy now?
:p: okay broooooo. Here's your 2 rupees. Man I guess you guys really need to live in delusion and surround yourself with falsehoods.

How about we just say Argentina has already signed to buy 10000 Indian tejas okay? You happy now?
You're from 50 cent army? Am I right?
You're from 50 cent army? Am I right?

Nope. That's why my membership on this forum is many many years long and my average post per week is around 5%* of yours.

You are 2 rupee army of course. I mean you opened about 20 threads already all slandering India's enemies lololol exactly like a 2 rupee army man can do... you are so pathetic. I have not opened a single thread on this forum and don't post even 1/10 the amount you do. Mr. rupee slave, I hope your new rupees can buy you a toilet. Please remember to buy toilet paper with that toilet and avoid wiping with your hands as per usual.



IT Cell India.jpg

BJP IT Cell.jpg

Look man you make more money calling me to tell me about a new offer from my energy company. You should try those scam call centres in bengadoodoo instead of 2 rupee army.

you hear how much bangadoodoo scam call centres can make? much more than your few rupees. It's a job upgrade for you.

Look how successful they are?

I get 5 calls and emails a day from those guys. They actually make millions per year.

* = 5748 days of membership/ 1799 posts total = 0.3 posts per day on average for me.
= 78 days of membership/ 375 posts total = 4.8 posts per day on average for you.

Now who's the paid troll?? bindi barati it is you! stupid.
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Anything not developed/designed in-house, whether (for bikes) using original Japanese engine cradle/frame, engine or even turn signals/headlamps is called a copy. Whether licensed or unlicensed. It is what it is. Indians are incapable of "developing" their own two wheelers even, forget helicopters.

The Dhruv heli (and its elastomeric bearing rotor transmission) was entirely designed by German MBB. Even after Germans designed the heli for HAL (and spoon-fed them the design), these HAL idiots still can't turn out a reliable helicopter.

So as per your logic, BD copies bicycles because BD used to import bicycle components from India.
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