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Reaction to Contact: Ambush Scenario

So I am in Vehicle 1 or 4? If so what you need is to put 2 and 3 on either side of the disable vehicle and pick up the passengers

Base of fire wouldn't last long if you are 16 guys vs 180 even if you have both cover and concealment, I am assuming the ambush would be competent and have both MG (PRK/PKM) covering the flank and maybe RPG or Recoilless covering the front, also, in reality, if they have time to put IED and ambush you, they will have time to put Anti-Personnel around to trap you, and all that while you have small arms only, you don't even have MG to lay down continuous Base of Fire. You can try to prioritize your target if you are on foot but you probably have a very short window, most likely before your first reload, before you get overwhelmed.

You are talking about 10 to 1 advantage in a close or near close ambush. I will say any kind of sustained fighting is going to get you killed, maybe you will take a few of them with you and get a medal of honor or something posthumously, but I am pretty certain if you are in this scenario, you will get kill. So if this was me, and I am in this jam, I will still trying to make a run for it.

Well, I don't know if I am right, as I said, I am just saying this is what I would do, I don't get all the answer, yes, I am trained for it. but you can never train for all type of situation. I am just lucky I lasted long enough to make it home. As you said, there are no right or wrong answer, it just how people do thing do differently.

As my first post mentioned, it's quite impossible to have Fire Superiority when you are out number 10 to 1. That's assuming both side only have Small Arms. I will say you will have 1 to 2 minutes if you are lucky, if not, you are going to get hit by RPG or UGL if you stay static for too long (If they have them). Staying and fight is probably my last option. I would try to leg it out of the Killzone before I stay and fight if my vehicle is destroyed. I think I have more odds to survive when I do that.
Yessir, peel and break contact is best in this scenario.
Yessir, peel and break contact is best in this scenario.
lol, you don't have to agree with me, as I said I am just stating my opinion. As you said it is not right nor wrong.

And you don't have to call me sir, I am not an Officer anymore....has not been for a good while now.

lol, you don't have to agree with me, as I said I am just stating my opinion. As you said it is not right nor wrong.

And you don't have to call me sir, I am not an Officer anymore....has not been for a good while now.

I am agreeing cuz I found way better answer.

I even call kids sir. "Yessir" it's a new meta
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