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Ukraine begins Special Military Operation to demilitarize Russia after taking back Crimea and Donbas

Too much cheerleading man. Russians are not total idiots and must have known that NATO will help Ukraine with weapons. Putin at start of war admitted Russia cant face conventional might of all of NATO, a hint that he relies on nukes against NATO. What Russians really underestimated was the ukranian will to fight. They believed they can beat ukranians even with NATO weapons help.
Xi and Putin are meeting and most probably putin will ask for help. Upto china to decide outcome of the war. I think china will not help much.

No. Chinese are not foolish to get involved in this mess.

Chinese did not even take the bait of Pelosi visit to Taiwan.

Chinese will make noises but they are not foolish like the Russians.

No one is going to save Russia and Putin. Their demise is written on the wall for everyone to see.

China use Iran as middleman. China export military hardware to Iran. Iran then donates to Russia. That way China will not get sanctioned by the US.

Will not happen.

China gains nothing by supporting Russia and Putin.

China will get Eastern Russia once Russia has been balkanized.
No. Chinese are not foolish to get involved in this mess.

Chinese did not even take the bait of Pelosi visit to Taiwan.

Chinese will make noises but they are not foolish like the Russians.

No one is going to save Russia and Putin. Their demise is written on the wall for everyone to see.

Will not happen.

China gains nothing by supporting Russia and Putin.

China will get Eastern Russia once Russia has been balkanized.

thats stupid.
china will absolutely intervene if it deems a situation as posing a major security risk to itself.
it did so in korea, it did so in vietnam and it did so against india. Pelosi visit to taiwan did not affect the security situation around Taiwan, if anything, it altered things in china's favor since the status quo has been changed and now china regularly patrols past the middle line and has entered with within 12nm of taiwan itself where it could not do so previously without major international backlash.

a balkanized russia potentially brings nato influence, if not outright membership, right up to chinese borders, gaining eastern siberia in return for nato/us military bases right on Chinese borders is not worth it, especially considering china can just buy whatever resources are in siberia, and doubly so if china is one of the few buyers available for that resource which is the case now.

additionally with russia gone, the west would then be able to focus all their attention on china, all their other potential enemies are all small fry and cannot take some of the pressure off china from nato/us that russia can.
lastly, russia has nuke, nobody is taking anything from them, the world will get nuked before russia "demilitarizes"
Soviets also had nukes but it got balkanized without using the nukes. Same happens to Russia as well.

True, i'll update my original statement to without an "internal failure, no one is taking anything from russia."

that said. the soviets fell because of a myriad of reasons. one of the biggest is the public's lost of faith in the communist system following years of corruption, economic stagnation, and the rise in the belief of the western system.
while some of these are in play in russia today, they are not to the same degree. for example, yes there is some economic issues, but this time they can point, largely rightly, that the cause was because the west imposed it on russia rather than the reason being totally due to internal mismanagement(although there is totally some mismanagement). additionally they can also point to the west and say that the western world isnt doing so hot economically either, in short, the attractiveness of the west is far less now than in late soviet times. they once believe that if only they got rid of their communist system and opened up, they would be welcomed by the west and they too can live like citizens in the west, everyone could hand hands and live in peace. instead what they got was a massive economic crash, oligarchs, corruption that puts the soviet system to shame , followed by huge decreases in security as nato continuously expanded towards them while still viewing them as the enemy. having been through it once, people are not under the same delusion this time around.
there is no indication russia will collapse. additionally, if you look at the russian political parties, the second most popular is actually the communist party and the 3rd most popular is an offshoot of putin's united russia. everything shows putin's hold is stable if not absolute.
True, i'll update my original statement to without an "internal failure, no one is taking anything from russia."

that said. the soviets fell because of a myriad of reasons. one of the biggest is the public's lost of faith in the communist system following years of corruption, economic stagnation, and the rise in the belief of the western system.
while some of these are in play in russia today, they are not to the same degree. for example, yes there is some economic issues, but this time they can point, largely rightly, that the cause was because the west imposed it on russia rather than the reason being totally due to internal mismanagement(although there is totally some mismanagement). additionally they can also point to the west and say that the western world isnt doing so hot economically either, in short, the attractiveness of the west is far less now than in late soviet times. they once believe that if only they got rid of their communist system and opened up, they would be welcomed by the west and they too can live like citizens in the west, everyone could hand hands and live in peace. instead what they got was a massive economic crash, oligarchs, corruption that puts the soviet system to shame , followed by huge decreases in security as nato continuously expanded towards them while still viewing them as the enemy. having been through it once, people are not under the same delusion this time around.
there is no indication russia will collapse. additionally, if you look at the russian political parties, the second most popular is actually the communist party and the 3rd most popular is an offshoot of putin's united russia. everything shows putin's hold is stable if not absolute.

This is the internet age and all social media is all controlled by the US. Russian public opinion will be easily manipulated to make Putin as the villian and bring revolution to collapse Russia from within.

Just think why Russia soldiers are abandoning all equipment and are unwilling to fight.
China don't want eastern Russia. China will send military aid hence volunteer force when situation calls. Both sides are preparing for iron curtain 2.0.

It is not sth. China can avoid, so be it if it comes down to this.
This is the internet age and all social media is all controlled by the US. Russian public opinion will be easily manipulated to make Putin as the villian and bring revolution to collapse Russia from within.

Just think why Russia soldiers are abandoning all equipment and are unwilling to fight.
the us propaganda is not as effective outside of english speaking nations as you think.
sure there are always people who fall for it, but to give an example, in china, people who have been to the west or regularly accesses western sites, usually comes back way more patriotic than before. they see the racism and the calls for the annihilation of their nation and people and the response is to support their government even more. are there people who turn? of course, but majority does the opposite.

its a similar situation to late soviet propaganda, what the media says is increasingly different from what people see with their own eyes rendering the propaganda ineffective or even counterproductive. the us says russia will collapse any minute now, but they see how the eu actually has it worse. they keep saying russia is losing, yet just whose army is on whose land? has a single inch of russia been taken by Ukraine? is the russian economy collapsing?

and sure, russian military performance in this war is, unsatisfactory, to say the least. however its also clear russia is not using its full might. russia could, if it wanted to, carpet bomb all major Ukrainian cities to dust (barely any bombers of the ruaf is in use). it could actually declare war and bring in the numbers. so russian losing the war and Ukraine pushing russia back to russia borders is a pipe dream, it isnt even like Afghanistan situation, since the areas russia is taking is mostly russian speaking and pro-russia.
Russia needs massive chinese help to turn back the tide. I guess they underestimated Ukraine and didn't plan well for the operation.

Ukraine is rapidly becoming Russia's Vietnam
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