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Turkey’s rapprochement with Syria leaves regional refugees fearful


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Turkey’s rapprochement with Syria leaves regional refugees fearful | Turkey

The site of a reported Russian strike in a forest area in Syria's rebel-held north-western city of Idlib, on Monday 22 August.
The site of a reported Russian strike in a forest area in Syria's rebel-held north-western city of Idlib on Monday 22 August. Ankara has not yet made a statement about the attacks. Photograph: Muhammad Haj Kadour/AFP/Getty

Erdoğan is no longer seeking the ousting of Assad, alarming Syrians across the opposition and Kurdish exiles who fear being forcibly returned

Martin Chulov
Middle East correspondent

Tue 23 Aug 2022 12.41 BST

Syrians across the opposition and in the Kurdish north of the country have reacted with alarm to Turkish moves to normalise relations with Damascus amid claims the overtures will lead to mass demographic swaps and the forced return of millions of refugees.

The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, over the weekend added his voice to a growing chorus of officials who had markedly shifted rhetoric on Syrian leader, Bashar al-Assad, claiming: “Political dialogue or diplomacy cannot be cut off between states.”

He was followed on Tuesday by Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who said Ankara would not set “conditions for dialogue” with Syria, being guided instead by achieving its goals. “The country needs to be cleared of terrorists... People need to be able to return,” he told broadcaster Haber Global.

The remarks were the clearest signal yet that Turkey has embarked on a new policy that intends to stabilise Assad, after being a chief regional proponent of his ousting for more than a decade.

It came on the eve of the ninth anniversary of the war’s greatest atrocity, the gassing of close to 1,300 civilians in an opposition area in the outer suburbs of Damascus with sarin shells on 21 August 2013.

In the years since, Russia and Iran have ushered Assad into a pyrrhic victory on the country’s battlefields.

The two states and Turkey now have a prominent stake in a fractured post-war country where large parts of the population remain outside the control of the central government.

In the north-west, however, the guns of war continued to blaze this week, with Russian airstrikes on Monday targeting 13 different sites in Idlib province, where the bulk of the country’s anti-Assad opposition, or those forced out of their homes as part of so-called reconciliation deals, continue to shelter among hardline groups.

The airstrikes were among the most intensive since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine diverted jets used to bomb Syria to a new conflict. Casualty numbers were unknown.

Erdoğan has previously staunchly opposed Russian bombings in Idlib, where Turkey has established significant influence, but the new attacks met no reaction from Ankara, which has drawn closer to Vladimir Putin’s view of a solution for Syria in recent months.

The Turkish leader is understood to have been dissuaded from launching a new incursion into the Kurdish north-east of Syria last month after speaking to Putin during a summit in Sochi. After failing to win Putin’s blessing, Erdoğan has appeared to reach for diplomacy with Syria, while launching drone strikes against what his intelligence officials said are Kurdish rebels.

One such strike struck a volleyball game near the city of Hasakah last week, killing four girls and injuring seven others.

Kurdish groups in the north-east, backed by the Kurdistan workers’ party (PKK), have been bracing for a fresh Turkish incursion, which they fear aims to carve out a new sphere of influence along the border with Turkey, into which Ankara will transfer Arab refugees who have been hosted in Turkey over the past decade.

Erdoğan faces an election next year in which anti-refugee sentiment is running high as he struggles to deal with a flatlining economy and simmering social unrest. Turkey has already announced plans to send up to 1 million refugees back to Syria, and has funded the construction of homes in areas between Kurds in the north-west and north-east, effectively creating a wedge between them.

Direct contact with Assad is unlikely to happen soon, but officials, including intelligence figures, are expected to resume cooperation. “This will be phased,” said a senior official based in Beirut. “The messaging from the Turks is very clear. They want to deal with the PKK, and Assad now has some leverage with them for the first time. But it’s all brokered through Putin though, so he shouldn’t push it too far.”

More than half of Syria’s prewar population remains internally displaced, or outside Syria’s borders, where most remain unwilling to return, citing dangers posed at home by regime officials who they believe will shake them down financially and detain them arbitrarily.

A senior Kurdish official in north-eastern Syria on Monday described Turkey’s rapprochement with Assad as a “trick”

“Turkey has never supported the Syrian revolution,” said Ilham Ahmad, a member of the region’s executive council. “It used it to serve its expansionist agendas based on colonialism and demographic changes. Turkey used Syrian refugees.”

The UN and NGOs have insisted that Syria remains unsafe to return to for many who fled persecution throughout the war. Lebanon too has shifted its rhetoric towards Syrians sheltering in the country, with community attitudes turning hostile in some areas and refugees being forced to hide to avoid arrest.

“I’d rather try my chances in this broken place than go to Bashar’s prisons,” said Mustafa Hilani, a Syrian who has lived in Beirut for the past six years. “There is no life there.”


Weak Erdogan!!!

Weak Erdogan!!!
It ia not a sign of weakness for the Turkish part to normalize relations with Syrian governemnt, it is a sign of destruction of American desired world order.

@waz dear sir, please correct the flags of this globalist Zionist troll. Not an Iranian for sure.
Erdoğan calls Assad a "bloodthirsty dictator" for 10 years,says they saved the Syrian people...now he wants to be friends.
This is a good move, but I never have understood why Erdogan is anti-Assad in the first place.
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Welcome to madafakin politics...
Politics is one thing,talking big and calling someone an evil dictator for 10 years straight,getting involved in trying to overthrow him only to fold after all this time and say "hey,let's be friends" ...that's another thing. Especially when you've been saying that you've been doing all that for the good of the Syrian people and that you protected and saved them from this evil dictator.
This is a good move, but I never have understood why Erdogan is anti-Assad in the first place.
Because our Neo Ottomanist guy wants Syrian territories esp the ones that are full of natural resources.

Remember why France tried to colonize African countries such as Libya, natural resources is a must for keeping the war machine running.
Because our Neo Ottomanist guy wants Syrian territories esp the ones that are full of natural resources.

Remember why France tried to colonize African countries such as Libya, natural resources is a must for keeping the war machine running.
Just remember what Erdogan did to destroy Syria all these years. And now he wants to be friends.
I read some of the posts here with laughter. They do not know geopolitics, nor do they care about the details of who said what about the topics they talked about. Just blabering ideologic stereotypes, over biased newspaper headlines.

Anyone knows pre-conditions? Does anyone know the requirements that Turkiye put forward to reconcile the opposition and the regime? This is not even directly related to the Assad, it is a message to Russia. Russia has been persistently trying to open a way for negotiation in recent months by saying and opposes anymore Turkish military operations, and Putin himself has said he wants to mediate directly between leaders.

The terms put forward by the Turkish side are what the Assad regime is fighting for. So the Assad regime won't accept these demands, because if they do, it will officially recognize the opposition and admit defeat.

The fact that Turkiye did not directly propose a peace plan to the Assad regime is the issue that Turkiye has been most criticized for, both inside and outside. Now Turkey says here is the plan. However, the acceptance of this plan includes the participation of the Syrian opposition in the elections freely, Making the elections under international observation, guaranteeing constitutional reforms, the dignified return of Syrian refugees and the return of their confiscated properties and immovables, reinstatement of officers and generals in the Syrian opposition, the amnesty of political criminals and the joint armed struggle with the PKK/YPG and other terrorist organizations.

If these are accepted, ofc the Syrian mission for the Turkish army will be completed under that condition. However, again, the parties will follow a different path as it will not be accepted their demands. The only thing that will change in the status quo will be the elimination of a trump card used against Turkiye.
Politics is one thing,talking big and calling someone an evil dictator for 10 years straight,getting involved in trying to overthrow him only to fold after all this time and say "hey,let's be friends" ...that's another thing. Especially when you've been saying that you've been doing all that for the good of the Syrian people and that you protected and saved them from this evil dictator.
USA does this every now and then...
Even the stubborn erdo has finally seen the writing on the wall.

Turkey is getting close to 100% inflation. They are in big economic trouble. The last thing the turkish state needs right now is to waste resources on their failed syrian project.

Syria will retake every square inch of its territory back.

Historians will look at this war as the turning point in the downfall of western colonialism/aggression

Everybody was expecting a gadaffi result. Syria Iran and Russia had other plans
I read some of the posts here with laughter. They do not know geopolitics, nor do they care about the details of who said what about the topics they talked about. Just blabering ideologic stereotypes, over biased newspaper headlines.

Anyone knows pre-conditions? Does anyone know the requirements that Turkiye put forward to reconcile the opposition and the regime? This is not even directly related to the Assad, it is a message to Russia. Russia has been persistently trying to open a way for negotiation in recent months by saying and opposes anymore Turkish military operations, and Putin himself has said he wants to mediate directly between leaders.

The terms put forward by the Turkish side are what the Assad regime is fighting for. So the Assad regime won't accept these demands, because if they do, it will officially recognize the opposition and admit defeat.

The fact that Turkiye did not directly propose a peace plan to the Assad regime is the issue that Turkiye has been most criticized for, both inside and outside. Now Turkey says here is the plan. However, the acceptance of this plan includes the participation of the Syrian opposition in the elections freely, Making the elections under international observation, guaranteeing constitutional reforms, the dignified return of Syrian refugees and the return of their confiscated properties and immovables, reinstatement of officers and generals in the Syrian opposition, the amnesty of political criminals and the joint armed struggle with the PKK/YPG and other terrorist organizations.

If these are accepted, ofc the Syrian mission for the Turkish army will be completed under that condition. However, again, the parties will follow a different path as it will not be accepted their demands. The only thing that will change in the status quo will be the elimination of a trump card used against Turkiye.

LOL, I made a screenshot of your post!!!

Let's see if any of these pre-conditions will still hold 6 month from now :enjoy:
Turkey is getting close to 100% inflation. They are in big economic trouble. The last thing the turkish state needs right now is to waste resources on their failed syrian project.
They say unofficially inflation has reached about 200%

Syria will retake every square inch of its territory back.
But how,man? The SAA has depleted its manpower. It lacks a lot of equipment. The SDF with the help of Americans control a huge part in the east,along with the majority of the oilfields.
Assad should act smart, Russian are leaving Syria. The latest Israel satelite picture showed us that they are transporting ther S-300 to Ukraine lol....

What will save him Poorsian and ther proxy army from Afghanistan and other poor countries?

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