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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

The moment iran increases oil production israel/gulf arab states will cry and cut their oil production.

Considering Israel doesn’t produce any major amounts of oil and OPEC is at max capacity, they would welcome Iranian oil:

An extra 1M Iranian barrels entering the market would benefit the Arabs as prices are stabilized, but shortfall is estimated at 2-3M barrels due to Ukraine conflict among other things. So it wouldn’t make a massive difference unless demand drops due to economic output dropping.
Your logic makes no sense… the west only benefits if Iran increases oil production…

The moment iran increases oil production israel/gulf arab states will cry and cut their oil production. Eventually either balancing any gains out thus keeping oil prices same or even cutting to the point that oil prices go up to punish the west. At the end of the day gulf arab oil production is x5-8 irans and can never be replaced.
Let me explain the cruelty of geopolitics:

The reason why countries exist is to distinguish the differences between different groups, that is to say, there must be more or less differences between countries.

And the difference means that the interests are not synchronized, which will inevitably bring more or less contradictions.

There will be contradictions between any country, and the difference only lies in how many. This means that the political basis between countries was originally malicious.

And where does goodwill come from? From need! The need for economic cooperation, defense cooperation, trade, support and so on are the sources of goodwill.

If you want to get true friendship from a country, you must make them need you.

Of course, you can also use strength to prevent other countries from releasing malice against you. That's another way.

The question now is, what can Iran do to make western countries need Iran?
Russia is fighting Nato not just Ukraine..and Russia is a military superpower and an industrial giant...Iran does not need Russian $$$..Iran needs Russian aviation and space tech..and few well timed veto actions in the UN security council when Ameican gangs pile up on Iran..

If this report from Sullivan is accurate (to whatever degree) then one must assume that high-level talks have been going on between Russia and Iranian officials surrounding the urgent transfer of Iranian made drones for "something" in return. Whether this be TOT or a lucrative weapons deal, who knows but Iran must have gotten something out of it. Several hundred drone systems is nothing to scoff at. This is by all means, a major arms transfer.

As far as I see it. This move by the Islamic Republic of Iran is a positive, not negative course of action. If Iran's goals as a nation was always to see that the "Western Globalist Liberal World Order is destroyed or marginalized", then actively helping the Russian Federation in their struggle against NATO/US is a worthwhile endeavor. Clearly the world is restructuring and Iran better find its place in it when the dust settles.

On a more technical level: Iranian engineers have the opportunity to garner valuable battlefield data once these drones are deployed as to further improve their combat efficacy down the road. High-intensity modern conflicts such as the War in Ukraine provide a unique "trial by fire" opportunity for Iranian made weaponry, especially drones where Iran excels above most nations in the world.
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They won't give you the jet engine tech and they won't veto for you.

More trolls showing up acting like experts in geopolitical affairs without reading the news.

More trolls showing up acting like experts in geopolitical affairs without reading the news.

People just love to say things don't they? lol
western countries are bound to gradually lift sanctions against Iran.
Western countries don’t need Iranian oil anytime soon and may not need it at all. Saudis have enough oil to last for next 60 years at current rate of production. US is the largest producer of the oil and Canada tar sand North Sea is always there as a backup.

West is rapidly moving towards renewables energy and EVs. Once fusion power systems like ITER are operational. Oil will significantly lose it’s demand and value in geopolitics.
Iran is already being sanctioned and there really is nothing left to sanction. Remember Trump already imposed the "maximum pressure campaign" on Iran. So with nothing to lose, why shouldn't Iran make a few billion selling its drones to Russia ? More than likely this is part of a larger deal which will see Iran purchase more hardware, including fighter jets, from Russia.

Honestly, the dumbest thing that Iran could do right now.

You'll getting what in return? A few millions? The minute an Iranian drone has been shot down by Ukrainian forces or the minute it has been seen operational in the Ukrainian skies the entire Western world plus many other allied nations will cry for new sanctions on Tehran.

Risking long lasting damages for Moscow isn't worth it. Russia threw Iran many, many times under the bus. I don't see any benefits to Iran from this deal.
West is rapidly moving towards renewables energy and EVs. Once fusion power systems like ITER are operational. Oil will significantly lose it’s demand and value in geopolitics.

You do realize EVs are grabbing electricity from the grid that is powered by Power Plants that either gas powered, coal powered, or fossil fuel powered?

Fusion is still far off and building a fusion plant like fission plants will take 7-10 years. They aren’t instantaneous. So you could be looking at another 20 years before fusion becomes reality let alone mass adopted.

Iran’s oil customers are western allies. Iran hasn’t sold majorily to western nations since pre-2010. It sells to China, India, South Korea, and Japan. Western allies don’t have the luxury of sacrificing their economies while US relies on its own domestic production for consumption and Saudi oil. Hence why India continues to buy Russian oil despite US protests.
yet look at gasoline prices in the west. In Germany, they're already rationing hot water and natural gas for the coming winter. Western backed sanctions are now backfiring. By sanctioning Russia, Iran, Venezuela simultaneously, they've artificially caused fuel prices to spiral out of control

The global population is growing and demand for fossil fuels is soaring. Venezuela has the largest reserves of crude in the world, Iran has the 4th largest, Russia has large reserves and is a major producer. If their current sources were sufficient then prices wouldn't be where they are today.

Western countries don’t need Iranian oil anytime soon and may not need it at all. Saudis have enough oil to last for next 60 years at current rate of production. US is the largest producer of the oil and Canada tar sand North Sea is always there as a backup.

West is rapidly moving towards renewables energy and EVs. Once fusion power systems like ITER are operational. Oil will significantly lose it’s demand and value in geopolitics.
the west only benefits if Iran increases oil production…
US is the world largest oil producer. If US wants to increase oil production, it can easily do it by simply losing restrictions on US oil companies. Right now most if not all federal land and coastal areas are off limits to oil companies.
Western countries don’t need Iranian oil anytime soon and may not need it at all. Saudis have enough oil to last for next 60 years at current rate of production. US is the largest producer of the oil and Canada tar sand North Sea is always there as a backup.

West is rapidly moving towards renewables energy and EVs. Once fusion power systems like ITER are operational. Oil will significantly lose it’s demand and value in geopolitics.
You misunderstood me. When I say "Western needs", I don't mean that western countries buy oil and natural gas from Iran. I mean that the current world system supported by western countries needs Iran. Even if China buys Iranian oil, it is also "needed by the west", because they need Chinese goods to reduce prices to drive down inflation. Gradually relaxing or even lifting sanctions against Iran meets the "Western needs".
Right now most if not all federal land and coastal areas are off limits to oil companies.

Lol we found the dumb Republican argument.

There is plenty of leases that US oil companies aren’t using because they have gone on record saying they won’t pump more only to get punished when oil prices drop like in 2019-2021

US fraking pulls out of the ground 30-50 a barrel. Iran and Saudi Arabia pull out at $1-$2 in their best fields and less than $15 in others. You simply cannot compete with those profit margins

About 26 million Federal acres were under lease to oil and gas developers at the end of FY 2018. Of that, about 12.8 million acres are producing oil and gas in economic quantities. This activity came from over 96,000 wells on about 24,000 producing oil and gas leases.

But yes the problem is KeYstOnE and more leases. Even though 14 million acres aren’t producing anything right now. On top of available leases not being picked up.

By the way Biden Admin in April allowed resumed drilling on even more federal land. How many oil companies will take advantage of that with a possible recession looming?
You do realize EVs are grabbing electricity from the grid that is powered by Power Plants that either gas powered, coal powered, or fossil fuel powered?

Fusion is still far off and building a fusion plant like fission plants will take 7-10 years. They aren’t instantaneous. So you could be looking at another 20 years before fusion becomes reality let alone mass adopted.

Iran’s oil customers are western allies. Iran hasn’t sold majorily to western nations since pre-2010. It sells to China, India, South Korea, and Japan. Western allies don’t have the luxury of sacrificing their economies while US relies on its own domestic production for consumption and Saudi oil. Hence why India continues to buy Russian oil despite US protests.
That’s the whole idea. Move away from combustion engine and replace oil for power generation. Like I said, West have enough oil to last next 10-20 years without Iranian oil. In the meanwhile major consumption of oil will go away. North America has enough oil to fulfill demand of non-energy related petrochemical industries for a long long time. .
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