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Crazy East Asian lady starts to hurl racist abuse and attack others.

Last time I check, when you embezzle and enrich yourself by the country's wealth, you are also considered a 汉奸, because you are weakening the country, big example of this being Qin Hui/秦桧 of Song dynasty.
And treacherous and betrayer have the same meaning, dude.
Also, you fail to prove that the Han there specifically means the Han dynasty, and not a treacherous Han person, because Liang Ji is also a Han person.

"秦桧" is undoubtedly "汉奸". He was a spy sent by the state of Jin to the Song Dynasty. He provided the state of Jin with information about the Song Dynasty for a long time, and framed General Yue Fei, who posed the greatest threat to the state of Jin.

But Hu Zhen's evaluation of "秦桧" is also "国贼", not "汉奸."

After the "秦桧" traitorous act was exposed, the Chinese made an iron statue for him and his wife. Let them kneel down in the direction of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Chinese people of all dynasties spit, urinate and abuse the statue of "秦桧". He and his wife have knelt for thousands of years and will continue to kneel. This is how the Chinese punish "汉奸".
"秦桧" is undoubtedly "汉奸". He was a spy sent by the state of Jin to the Song Dynasty. He provided the state of Jin with information about the Song Dynasty for a long time, and framed General Yue Fei, who posed the greatest threat to the state of Jin.

But Hu Zhen's evaluation of "秦桧" is also "国贼", not "汉奸."

After the "秦桧" traitorous act was exposed, the Chinese made an iron statue for him and his wife. Let them kneel down in the direction of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Chinese people of all dynasties spit, urinate and abuse the statue of "秦桧". He and his wife have knelt for thousands of years and will continue to kneel. This is how the Chinese punish "汉奸".
Yeah, I know all that, just using him as an example that you don't need to actually turn to the enemy in order to be called a Hanjian.
Qin Hui is just a corrupted official who got loyal official/general killed, just like Liang Ji.

The point is, the Han there is not necessarily the Han dynasty, but referring to the fact he's a Han person.

EDIT: As a note, I actually visit the kneeling Qin family statue in my China tour trip, and the guy was pretty infamous in Jin Yong novels like Eagle Shooting Hero.
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"秦桧" is undoubtedly "汉奸". He was a spy sent by the state of Jin to the Song Dynasty. He provided the state of Jin with information about the Song Dynasty for a long time, and framed General Yue Fei, who posed the greatest threat to the state of Jin.

But Hu Zhen's evaluation of "秦桧" is also "国贼", not "汉奸."

After the "秦桧" traitorous act was exposed, the Chinese made an iron statue for him and his wife. Let them kneel down in the direction of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Chinese people of all dynasties spit, urinate and abuse the statue of "秦桧". He and his wife have knelt for thousands of years and will continue to kneel. This is how the Chinese punish "汉奸".
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One thing I admire the Chinese for is there remembrance of history and passing the knowledge and holding accountable those who betrayed the people. Many nations forget but the Chinese remember.
Yeah, I know all that, just using him as an example that you don't need to actually turn to the enemy in order to be called a Hanjian.
Qin Hui is just a corrupted official who got loyal official/general killed, just like Liang Ji.

The point is, the Han there is not necessarily the Han dynasty, but referring to the fact he's a Han person.

EDIT: As a note, I actually visit the kneeling Qin family statue in my China tour trip, and the guy was pretty infamous in Jin Yong novels like Eagle Shooting Hero.
Liang Ji's mistake was to steal the emperor's rights. He did not contact the Huns, nor did he sell any interests of the Han Dynasty to the Huns.
He is completely different from "秦桧".

No modern Chinese would consider Liang Ji as "汉奸", and all modern Chinese would consider "秦桧" as "汉奸".
Liang Ji's mistake was to steal the emperor's rights. He did not contact the Huns, nor did he sell any interests of the Han Dynasty to the Huns.
He is completely different from "秦桧".

No modern Chinese would consider Liang Ji as "汉奸", and all modern Chinese would consider "秦桧" as "汉奸".
They are both corrupted officials who got loyal ministers (Li Gu, Yue Fei) killed for personal's wealth and interests.

EDIT: Also, the fact Qin Hui is considered Hanjian, despite the fact he's an official of Song dynasty means by that point, the chinese already considers themselves "Han people" regardless of foreigners.
One thing I admire the Chinese for is there remembrance of history and passing the knowledge and holding accountable those who betrayed the people. Many nations forget but the Chinese remember.

The Chinese people also will never forget those who have made contributions to the Chinese nation.

This is the tomb of General Yue Fei, who was killed by "秦桧", but he has become a God in China's native religion.

There are two sentences "青山有幸埋忠骨,白铁何辜铸佞臣。" carved beside his grave.
Every Chinese knows these two sentences, which means: "how lucky the mountains here are to be able to bury the bodies of loyal people like you, and how innocent the iron there is to cast statues of shameless people like 秦桧."

They are both corrupted officials who got loyal ministers (Li Gu, Yue Fei) killed for personal's wealth and interests.

EDIT: Also, the fact Qin Hui is considered Hanjian, despite the fact he's an official of Song dynasty means by that point, the chinese already considers themselves "Han people" regardless of foreigners.

Maybe my English ability is not enough to let you understand my explanation.

Liang Ji killed Li Gu because Li Gu fought for power with Liang Ji on behalf of the emperor. Liang Ji is for his own benefit.
秦桧 killed Yue Fei because Yue Fei posed a great threat to the state of Jin. 秦桧 was for the benefit of the Jin State.

In China, corrupt officials and "汉奸" are two different things. Secondly.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Liang Ji was "汉奸". Qin Hui is not "汉奸", but "国贼".

In modern times, Liang Ji is not "汉奸". Qin Hui is "汉奸".
Maybe my English ability is not enough to let you understand my explanation.

Liang Ji killed Li Gu because Li Gu fought for power with Liang Ji on behalf of the emperor. Liang Ji is for his own benefit.
秦桧 killed Yue Fei because Yue Fei posed a great threat to the state of Jin. 秦桧 was for the benefit of the Jin State.

In China, corrupt officials and "汉奸" are two different things. Secondly.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Liang Ji was "汉奸". Qin Hui is not "汉奸", but "国贼".

In modern times, Liang Ji is not "汉奸". Qin Hui is "汉奸".
Liang Ji embezzed money, killed loyal ministers, this in turn weakens the Han dynasty, is this somehow not betraying the country?
Qin Hui killed Yue Fei to enrich himself and protect himself, it in turns also weakens the Song dynasty.

Enriching yourself for your own benefit and weakening the country, those two actions aren't mutually exclusive.
Liang Ji embezzed money, killed loyal ministers, this in turn weakens the Han dynasty, is this somehow not betraying the country?
Qin Hui killed Yue Fei to enrich himself and protect himself, it in turns also weakens the Song dynasty.

Enriching yourself for your own benefit and weakening the country, those two actions aren't mutually exclusive.

Li Gu's official position was "将作大匠", and his duty was to build and maintain the palace for the emperor. His death had no effect on the war between the Huns and the Han Dynasty.

Yue Fei's official positions are "枢密使" and "湖广路和京西路宣抚使", which is equivalent to that the chief of the general staff of the three services concurrently serves as the General Commander of the war. Before Yue Fei was killed, he had launched four northern expeditions, defeated the Jin army and recovered a large area of territory. His death was a turning point in the war between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty.

The consequences of these two deaths are completely different.

Li Gu's official position was "将作大匠", and his duty was to build and maintain the palace for the emperor. His death had no effect on the war between the Huns and the Han Dynasty.

Yue Fei's official positions are "枢密使" and "湖广路和京西路宣抚使", which is equivalent to that the chief of the general staff of the three services concurrently serves as the General Commander of the war. Before Yue Fei was killed, he had launched four northern expeditions, defeated the Jin army and recovered a large area of territory. His death was a turning point in the war between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty.
The persons they killed are different, but what they did is the same act, killing loyal minister for his own benefit, thus weakening the country.
In fact, Liang Ji took power of the Han Emperor and himself ruled like the king, this almost resulted in a civil war until the Han Emperor couped him.
The persons they killed are different, but what they did is the same act, killing loyal minister for his own benefit, thus weakening the country.
In fact, Liang Ji took power of the Han Emperor and himself ruled like the king, this almost resulted in a civil war until the Han Emperor couped him.

To the Chinese, this is totally different.

The conflict between Liang Ji and the emperor is an internal contradiction, whoever wins is right. But if you collude with hostile countries like Qin Hui, that is "汉奸".
For example, although CCP and KMT fought a civil war and defeated KMT, CCP still defined Chiang Kai Shek, the leader of KMT, as a hero of the Chinese nation, because Chiang Kai Shek led us to resist Japanese aggression.
Wang Jingwei, who cooperates with the Japanese, is "汉奸" in both PRC and Taiwan.
To the Chinese, this is totally different.

The conflict between Liang Ji and the emperor is an internal contradiction, whoever wins is right. But if you collude with hostile countries like Qin Hui, that is "汉奸".
For example, although CCP and KMT fought a civil war and defeated KMT, CCP still defined Chiang Kai Shek, the leader of KMT, as a hero of the Chinese nation, because Chiang Kai Shek led us to resist Japanese aggression.
Wang Jingwei, who cooperates with the Japanese, is "汉奸" in both PRC and Taiwan.
A civil war between Liang and Huan faction would mean the country being easy meat for the Huns. Like Qing absorbing Ming when the Ming Emperor was fighting Li Zicheng.

But I digress, this is becoming something of perception rather than actual analysis.
A civil war between Liang and Huan faction would mean the country being easy meat for the Huns. Like Qing absorbing Ming when the Ming Emperor was fighting Li Zicheng.

But I digress, this is becoming something of perception rather than actual analysis.

The fact is that the Huns were destroyed by the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty did not lose any external wars, and finally perished in the civil war.

This is how historians of the Qing Dynasty evaluated the Han Dynasty:


This sentence means:
All countries perished because they were weak, but only the Han Dynasty perished because they were too strong.
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