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what country for Mechanical Engineers though?
asking for a friend

I'm afraid mechanical engineering is not as valuable as it once was. I'm not sure which country. Of all the places I would presume the gulf countries is the destination for that. Canada doesn't accept non-Canadian degrees easily and besides they always want local experience. If I was your friend I would have studied electrical engineering or do something related to IT. The demand for that is high everywhere in the world and he can also work remotely

True and not to mention the “softness” being preached, everyone shit has rights but us normal people. Its become a land of shit…..half the year its about some black hustory shit….like wtf
Its a weird country now. They have become a dead decaying society of depressed people.

usa, europe, australia…..
If u go canada prepare to do another 2-4 yrs of degree again just to get certified as mch engr again…..u wikk have to do MS again or do it anyway to progress

LOl. so true. Honestly I'm thinking to move out of here within the next year or two. I don't see any future for myself here or for my future family. This is indeed a depressed society.
Kidding aside, make sure your wife and kids will be happy wherever
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Immigrate to any non oil producing country where petrol is cheaper than in Pakistan(in USD).

There won't be many.

Aisi bhi koi jaga hai? :P

U.K is not the same due to brexit. Australia I don’t know much… but Canada? Nope I live here and I’m discontent here. It’s so bad right now. Good luck finding a place to buy before even considering other living costs and exploring job or business market. If someone wants to immigrate sure it’s probably the easiest but a trap set for you before you know it
One of my friends told me in 3-4K USD it's a very comfortable life there, no? He migrated I think just before the Covid and doing fine.
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Ignore @Akshay89. He is a Hindutvadi, formerly holder of the banned account HalfMoon, who is always trying to incite Muslims into making incendiary statements and fight against each other and spreads disinfo about Islam. You can just read the threads he creates in the 'Central & South Asia' section.
@jamahir, wow so its halfmoon? Thanks for the information. I used to ignore the halfmoon guys all posts! Although many idiot users ( mainly from Bangladesh and perhaps from Pakistan too) were fond of him , without trying to know his propaganda.

You know what's the main problem of the Muslims of Subcontinent?

They ( specially Bangladeshi idiots) love to be deceived! If even satan himself will visit them with punjabi, pajama topi , and beard, and just keep using profane words against sheikh Hasina and Hindus, they will consider him ( satan ) as a great pir with hikma!
lol, they're not even Bangladeshi, If they don't have Bangladeshi documents identifying them as Bangladeshi, they aren't Bangladeshi.
They have no Pakistani passport identifying them as Pakistani either - that's the whole issue
Before you say they're pre 71 no cause to travel between through ship or plane you always needed identification card - while illegals do not have it and Thier colonies have increased during the 80s 90s even early 2000s more than normal growth in cities - all of this indicates something else
No identification card and your areas are increasing way more than others and reaching populations into millions

It's not that hard to understand..

Those folks are actually Pakistanis who chose Pakistan in '71 and are the responsibility of Pakistan.
Lol people who had Pakistani passport and cards were Pakistani and had no issue, pretty much were assimilated into larger muhajir identity - issue is always about cards -
What no one buys is you realizing loyalties in late 70s,80s,90s and you have no card or identity to back it off (if you were doing it right there and than you would have had your cards as you were required to have em if you were traveling from ships etc)
We are not stupid
Only dumb islamists buy this crap
But to see them constantly branded Bangladeshi (a country they didn't believe in) just speaks to your ignorance.

Pakistan is safe haven for all "Muslims" but doesn't take two seconds for so called loyalists Bengalis to be labeled as "Bangladeshi".. what great repayment for their loyalty 😂
2 billion Muslim only 220 million Pakistanis - area of 220 million Muslims cannot be homeland of all Muslims (btw research the name "Pakistan" it'll tell you whose Muslim homeland it was)
We are not Ch that everyone can come in and take over urban areas
And then Pakistanis ask where it all went wrong... Lmao
Idgaf what went wrong or not wrong - it has zero bearing on me , what has bearing on me is crimes and a lot of wild crap happening in our cities is traced back to Afghans, than rohingyas or bangaldeshis

All the deranged islamists have done is turning it into a dumping ground,ruin societies and whenever politcal parties try to remove illegals, they start Thier RR

I love benazir she was the only one who did crack down but your own government sent them back to pak and islamists POS started protesting mofo
needs a cleanup of all these millions of people ruining urban society and hopefully somewhere down the line islamist start thinking of country first before ummah chummah
One of my friends told me in 3-4K USD it's a very comfortable life there, no? He migrated I think just before the Covid and doing fine.
It honestly depends who you are what you do. Alhumdulialh at the moment I don't have financial issues either but I worry where we are headed in times to come. The policies and system of this country is not going to be sustainable in the long run. It simply doesn't add up. Also life here is sh!t. Weather is not ideal and if you are a person like me who values history and culture and social life, this place is death to you.

Do you know why this country takes immigrants? It's not because they are lacking people in workforce but because they want those immigrants to bring $ from outside. Life is comfortable if you are sucking money out of a poor country.

An average house price here is over $1 million and rents are $1800 for a 1 bed basement-$3000 for a whole house. Its very common for immigrants buy a house by for ex selling your house or land in Pakistan. This is how they make their money. This is how banks here are rich. It is often said we send remittances to Pakistan but nobody tells you its these little things which makes a difference and is actually a reverse remittance.
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@jamahir, wow so its halfmoon? Thanks for the information. I used to ignore the halfmoon guys all posts! Although many idiot users ( mainly from Bangladesh and perhaps from Pakistan too) were fond of him , without trying to know his propaganda.

Well, there is no absolute proof that Akshay is HalfMoon but the pattern matches. And you are right, many were taken in by HalfMoon's "heavily practicing Muslim" persona but then even some Indian members felt that his language and threads were exaggerated and were designed to present the Muslim as a total irrational which could only mean that he is part of the BJP IT Cell or an independent out here to spread disinfo about Islam and defame it, and that is what Akshay is doing too. I got to first know of the concrete proof about HalfMoon from Indian member @Naofumi who posted some screenshots and then Pakistan-origin member @doorstar told me of a Pakistani member @Hiptullha who has stored another screenshot which you can see from this post of mine. We may take for certain that Akshay is HalfMoon reincarnated.

You know what's the main problem of the Muslims of Subcontinent?

They ( specially Bangladeshi idiots) love to be deceived! If even satan himself will visit them with punjabi, pajama topi , and beard, and just keep using profane words against sheikh Hasina and Hindus, they will consider him ( satan ) as a great pir with hikma!

Absolutely right ! And I think against Hasina are two things : misogyny brought in by the mullahs and then the fact the she initiates actions against the mullahs and doesn't let them take over. You may remember a thread from some months ago about a Bangladeshi girl who was on a bus and she was furious with two peanut-gobbling uncouth ruffians who had said bad things about the government, perhaps had been crass about Hasina. The girl wanted to direct the bus to the police station and somebody was recording her. On the thread I was saddened by the misogynist and vileness against that girl.
It depends.

I am living here in Thailand and it’s a rather comfortable life. There’a sizeable muslim population so that’s not a problem.

Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia are good options.

Middle East, not so much but a better bet than Pakistan.

Talk to your family and think it through before making a decision.
I'm afraid mechanical engineering is not as valuable as it once was. I'm not sure which country. Of all the places I would presume the gulf countries is the destination for that. Canada doesn't accept non-Canadian degrees easily and besides they always want local experience. If I was your friend I would have studied electrical engineering or do something related to IT. The demand for that is high everywhere in the world and he can also work remotely
my friend also has an MS degree in Engineering Management
usa, europe, australia…..
If u go canada prepare to do another 2-4 yrs of degree again just to get certified as mch engr again…..u wikk have to do MS again or do it anyway to progress
already done with MS in Engineering Management
but from here
already done with MS in Engineering Management
but from here
Maybe get a student loan and work parttime if u get permanent residence of canada, australia etc
Its a better option if u qualify…..but it takes fair amount of work and effort to do all the paperwork nowadays
Kaynayda is always looking for professionals, I'd give them a try...
You may remember a thread from some months ago about a Bangladeshi girl who was on a bus and she was furious with two peanut-gobbling uncouth ruffians who had said bad things about the government, perhaps had been crass about Hasina. The girl wanted to direct the bus to the police station and somebody was recording her. On the thread I was saddened by the misogynist and vileness against that girl.
Well I beg to differ in this part. In this scenario the girl just wanted to go viral!

The people wasn't talking any profane against govt! It was simplly criticism!

The girl actually was abusing them buy saying ,"How dare you to criticize govt, you are living under the govt , beneficial of it's development and how dare you criticize govt bla bla bla .... "

Not only that, the girl herself was using profane words against others , and another one (vuctim remain silent) , but others just protested her , yes with vulgar words when she was crossing all limits.

Later even she was punished by her own organization and dismissed from her position!

What she had done was extreme. If we someone protest against a vulgar and attention seeker woman , it's not misogyny!

Yes many other mysogenic things happen in the region ( sub continent) , but this case wasn't one of them.

For the rest of your post , no disagreement!

Thank you.
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