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One in five households in India practise open defecation: Survey

Why should I ? Not only I am a Muslim I am also a progressive person wanting progressivism, peace and harmony in the world.
That's all well and good, but why did you feel the need (or is it need the fill ;) ) to mention how/who or if at all you worship ? Ever attack you for your faith or lack of it ? borderline atheist here anyway.. have no time for that bs.. 90% bakwaas sab ki bc on it :P

I've traveled to the middle east PLENTY, even spent a few years as a kid there.. know people/have friends from there, people who left
for there for work and do business there.. trust me, nobody there cares about the horrible ideas of some random Indian Gaddafist commie from Secunderabad or wherever in "deccan India" :lol:

not interested in your lectures about the middle east, please.. :disagree:

toonay kar lia bhai, global revolution... a guy who is too scared to even mention what city he is from .. lol
That's all well and good, but why did you feel the need (or is it need the fill ;) ) to mention how/who or if at all you worship ? Ever attack you for your faith or lack of it ? borderline atheist here anyway.. have no time for that bs.. 90% bakwaas sab ki bc on it :P

I've traveled to the middle east PLENTY, even spent a few years as a kid there.. know people/have friends from there, people who left
for there for work and do business there.. trust me, nobody there cares about the horrible ideas of some random Indian Gaddafist commie from Secunderabad or wherever in "deccan India" :lol:

not interested in your lectures about the middle east, please.. :disagree:

toonay kar lia bhai, global revolution... a guy who is too scared to even mention what city he is from .. lol

I see, @-=virus=-'s alt account.
I also use pages out of Muammar Khaddafi's green book for toilet paper

Is it a normal routine to boast about access to toilet papers in India? I can't imagine if using print paper can be of comfort or practicality. Basic concept of hygiene is now political in India?
But India under the early 2000s BJP government had readied 20,000 Indian army soldiers to to go Iraq to fight alongside USA, Britain, Poland, Australia etc in the 2003 invasion of Saddam's Iraq. The BJP government's plan was thwarted only by protesting Communists, Congress and civil society.
again, 100% BS "protesting commies and congress" had naught to do with it.. it was considered internally briefly (for obvious greedy geopolitical gains), but then got eventually rejected.. what makes you think Indian nationalists were in favor of going into Iraq with our army.. it really is sad just how insane your are.

I see, @-=virus=-'s alt account.
you also see the same people everywhere

you are even obsessed with making a society where everyone is the same, a bunch of commie bots where everyone eats the same govt provided 3 meals at the same time everyday, everyone wears the same govt provided clothes, and works wherever the govt sent them to work...

and everything is free and there is no "money system" :o:
again, 100% BS "protesting commies and congress" had naught to do with it.. it was considered internally briefly (for obvious greedy geopolitical gains), but then got eventually rejected.. what makes you think Indian nationalists were in favor of going into Iraq with our army.. it really is sad just how insane your are.

Again, how was it rejected ? But from this article :
Mounting American pressure

In the meanwhile, the US kept up the pressure. On June 19, Blackwill said that India would be part of the “inner board of directors” that managed security in Iraq’s transition to democracy.

A question that dominated public discourse on the issue was about financing the cost of sending and maintaining 17,000 Indian troops in Iraq. “…Our view is that the nations that choose to do this will do it for their own interest and, therefore, should pay for it,” Blackwill told The Hindu.

There were some media reports that claimed the Indian army had already zeroed in on three divisions from which to pick troops to send to Iraq, with plans of transportation and deployment outlined.

“The Indian army was quite ready to go, quite prepared. They had identified the units that would be deployed and it seemed that it would happen. But as word of the dialogue between the two governments began leaking to the media, there was a counter reaction, particularly among the opposition parties and therefore in parliament, expressing reservations about this,” Thibault noted.

In line with his earlier views, India Today’s Aroon Purie was one of the prominent commentators who supported sending Indian troops to Iraq.

“True, there is risk, for post-war Iraq is yet to have a civil society; rather, it is violent and anarchic. Still, the Iraqi mess should not be the concern of the US and Britain alone. The world has a stake in Iraq, and it is not subordinated to lucrative construction projects. India, being an emerging regional power in this world, cannot – should not – run away from its responsibility. Forget American pressure, send the troops under national pressure,” read the magazine’s June 23 ‘editor’s note’.

A few days later, Financial Express editor Sanjaya Baru, who also batted for Indian military deployment, asserted that such a decision would be financially viable. He argued that it was “not about cleaning up the mess created by the United States and the coalition forces,” but about “investing in our energy security in the long run”.

“All the rhetoric about being a big power in a multipolar world will remain just that, pompous hot air, if we cannot cough up the funds required to ensure the security of our neighbourhood,” Baru wrote, calculating that the exchequer’s bill would be around an “affordable” $200 million.

New Delhi was told that Indian troops would be stationed in north Iraq – to keep peace in the Kurdish majority regions.

Baru told The Wire that he stands by his views expressed at that time, “and [will] only say that I was not in [the] government but my views were based on high level briefing from within [the] government”.
Sanjaya Baru was the next PM Manmohan Singh's closest advisor. He seems to have a hate for Socialist / Communist systems and movements, first against Iraq and then I am sure he was instrumental in Manmohan Singh's declaration that the left-wing guerrillas in India, the Naxals, were India's biggest internal problem ( instead of the right-wingers who are the biggest internal problem today ) and the declaration of more intensified war against the Naxals which continues till today.

you are even obsessed with making a society where everyone is the same

Where did I say that ?

a bunch of commie bots where everyone eats the same govt provided 3 meals at the same time everyday, everyone wears the same govt provided clothes, and works wherever the govt sent them to work...

and everything is free and there is no "money system" :o:

That is not what I mean in this socio-economic proposal thread of mine and in this political system proposal thread of mine. But abolition of money is the second step in the further human-wide political and technological advancement.
Again, how was it rejected ? From this article :
“The administration was very keen on lining up as many other countries as possible to join us, particularly with, as they say, boots on the ground. In that regard we came very close to getting a large Indian contingent in Iraq.”

yes, dumbo.. I knew that already.

but in what way did our forces participate in the Iraq war exactly ?

all just diplomatic games, the US, after all, does wield the big stick when it comes to global affairs.. this is us being a chalaak lomdi.. Chanakya neeti

here's one you could use:


This might be the wrong place for this conversation, but how does that work?

Would you pray to a tree to thank it for giving you shade and wood, or would you pray to God for providing you the tree and the resources it provides you?

by that rule they must worship their wives besides God giving them babies.
yes, dumbo.. I knew that already.

but in what way did our forces participate in the Iraq war exactly ?

Unfortunately they almost were, they were ready. One previous occasion had been in the Korea War on the side of the NATO-led "United Nations" side against DPRK, USSR and China. During the 2011 Libya invasion Indian air force officials were shown gun camera vids of the European Typoon jet where the vids were of the jets bombing Muammar Gaddafi's compound, the European military people trying to convince Indian air force to buy the Typhoon.

here's one you could use:

View attachment 842803


About "wealth" you should read this post of mine. And as a Communist I believe that with material needs being fully satisfied ( grain, housing etc ) a human's spiritual enlightenment ( knowledge ) is more possible. Look at India where material needs are not satisfied hence among the reasons for many Indians to be not spiritually enhanced.
Unfortunately they almost were, they were ready.
They are always ready, for any call to duty.

One previous occasion had been in the Korea War on the side of the NATO-led "United Nations" side against DPRK, USSR and China.
Medical units, not combat troops.. Jai Hind for that.

In July 2020, a doctor from the Indian Army was commemorated as the Korean War “Hero of the Month” by the South Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. This hero, Lieutenant Colonel Dr Arcot G (AG) Rangaraj, had led a medical mission to the Korean peninsula in November 1950 that is remembered to this day for its bravery and professionalism under trying circumstances. For a month, photos of Rangaraj were prominently displayed across South Korea as schoolchildren were told about the contribution of his Indian medical unit.

Born in 1917 in Tamil Nadu, Rangaraj studied medicine at the Madras Medical College and joined the Indian Medical Service (part of the Indian Army) in 1941. The first Indian paratrooper (along with Havildar Major Mathura Singh), Rangaraj served as a medical officer in the Indian para battalion. He was at the Manipur front when the Japanese invaded Burma and north-eastern India during the Second World War, leaving him with a steady dribble of wounded combatants to mend. He was eventually promoted to head the 60th Parachute Field Ambulance unit of the Indian Army.

Barely a few years later, another conflict erupted. The Korean Peninsula, which was divided after the Second World War, became a major flashpoint in the emerging Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. With the leadership of both North and South Korea claiming sovereignty over the entire country, war broke out in June 1950, when North Korea invaded its southern neighbour. In no time, the major powers got involved: South Korea was assisted by a Western alliance led by the United States under a resolution of the United Nations, while the North had the help of the Chinese People’s Volunteers, supported by the Soviet Union.


Lt. Col AG Rangaraj to be awarded as Korean War Hero of the month , July 2020 . He led the 60th Parachute Field Ambulance Platoon. He took part in several ops ,treated more than 200000 wounded soldiers, gave training local ROK doctors and evacuated own unit in a steam locomotive!

now go hang your head in shame, commie.

Scroll ka article hai: https://scroll.in/magazine/1021614/...ifice-saved-countless-lives-in-the-korean-war


They are always ready, for any call to duty.

"Any call of duty" means in service of NATO too, Virus mian ?

Medical units, not combat troops.. Jai Hind for that.

now go hang your head in shame, commie.
In July 2020, a doctor from the Indian Army was commemorated as the Korean War “Hero of the Month” by the South Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.
By a South Korean ministry ? You go hang you head in shame.

“The aim of this specific military operation was to disrupt the enemy’s lines of communication, throw them into disarray and subsequently neutralise and decimate them with the ground link-up which was expected on March 25, 1951,” Pillay wrote in his paper, adding that the link-up never came to be and that the resistance from the Chinese and Koreans only increased.
What the hell does "enemy" mean ? Why should NATO's enemies have become India's enemy ? Who gave the Indian government the right to do that ? If I had been there at that time I would have protested.

“Nehru therefore sought to use India’s considerable influence to reconcile the two Cold War blocs’ widely divergent positions on Korea and restore world peace.”
"And restore world peace" ? :lol: By siding with the imperialism of NATO ? By participating in the murder of one million North Koreans ? :rofl: You are such a joke, man. As have been unfortunately Indian governments since 1947. India's today's problems are because Nehru wanted to be seen as an anti-colonial progressive but he also sided with the Western imperialist governments and didn't implement full progressive systems in India.

After the war began, India supported two UN Security Council resolutions that named North Korea as the aggressor.
By a South Korean ministry ? You go hang you head in shame.
We deployed field medics who helped in non combat and humanitarian ops there, Jai Hind !

You are such a joke, man. As have been unfortunately Indian governments since 1947. India's today's problems are because Nehru wanted to be seen as an anti-colonial progressive but he also sided with the Western imperialist governments and didn't implement full progressive systems in India.
mind pointing me to where said "full progressive" systems have been implemented successfully ?

I'm not the one always 24/7 begging for free money, "blabla ke naam pe dede.." on the roads, you are :)
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