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Disturbing behaviour and attitudes on PDF

So even by your own omission, isn't it even more disturbing that those who previously ruled Pakistan and want to rule again are doing the bidding of foreign powers who want to harm Pakistan and are EVEN colluding with the nation that calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani nation and people?
If what you say is true and the courts do find people who colluded with the foreign government, then treason charges should follow.

However advocating violence based on accusations and conspiracies undermines the law. Riling and energising a common man to lynch the opposition and taitors is playing with fire. Everyone will then take law into their own hands. Things should be done via a legal way not through force or violence.
Even if it were true, just think where the investment is being injected into.
They are purchasing because of the currency rate... Now if the Dollar is flying high, is that the fault of Expats.
What's the point of buying 10 plot sand 5 houses by expats driving the markets insane. You know it as well, people invest here because of the insane market speculation and profit returns. The local person will not be able to afford a house ever with massive inflation, same paychecks and increasing real estate prices. It's a viscous cycle harming all segments of society.
Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and the not-so-sharrifs. After what these families have done to Pakistan and all the damage they have caused, how can ANYONE want to defend them? Is there a reason for this? Have I missed something
Zardari diesel nazoo gang supporters deserve camps like china
If what you say is true and the courts do find people who colluded with the foreign government, then treason charges should follow.

However advocating violence based on accusations and conspiracies undermines the law. Riling and energising a common man to lynch the opposition and taitors is playing with fire. Everyone will then take law into their own hands. Things should be done via a legal way not through force or violence.

I agree but what do you do when the courts for whatever reason don't convict these extreme traitors?

Zardari diesel nazoo gang supporters deserve camps like china

TBH they need re-education camps not violence against them.
If what you say is true and the courts do find people who colluded with the foreign government, then treason charges should follow.

However advocating violence based on accusations and conspiracies undermines the law. Riling and energising a common man to lynch the opposition and taitors is playing with fire. Everyone will then take law into their own hands. Things should be done via a legal way not through force or violence.
What you are saying is correct in principle but what you are referring to is playing with fire has its own reasons, primarily it is the frustration as the people have lost trust in the legal system, I can compile 100s of reasons but here are a few as a starter:

1. Convicted criminal is allowed to go abroad and court asking PM give a written guarantee that if anything happens to NS he will be responsible. In any logical sense who can provide such a guarantee? and why should anyone even allow a convicted criminal to go abroad in the first place.

2. Then this criminal does not provide a sufficient guarantee, court allows him to leave on providing Rs.50 stamp paper. Does it happens anywhere in the world? even petty white collar criminals have to provide millions of $ of bonds.

3. The brother provides the guarantee, in all these last years did ever the court summoned this brother and enquired about the criminal or put him behind bars?

4. Court sessions are called upon on Sunday while cases against NS, SS, Hamza, Mariam, Zardari are moving at snail's pace, there are months between two hearings, why the same urgency is not shown in cases who have robbed billions from the poor people.

5. Shutting down hudabiya paper mill case on basis of time lapse - Just lol

6. Court passing judgements like we cannot stop a crime before it has happened. So basically a person is roaming around on the streets telling in advance I will kill so and so person on this date, yet the law cannot take any action to protect the victim just because he has not killed that person yet. Again lol .......... this is the exact case of a no-confidence motion, people are being bought openly yet no action can be initiated until they have cast their vote.

7. Extra ordinary privileges are given to sharif family when it comes to courts, as the word on the street is that they are the darlings of the legal system.

And there are many many more reasons.
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You know what's disturbing people who have no stake here in Pakistan and live abroad in a first world democracy, advocating for violence, destruction and fascism.

You'll benefit either way who comes in power or not. Sitting in London and telling us what to do? Bugger off.

No one like bhutto or sharif, it's about doing things in a proper legal way. Your beloved immi legalised TLP, paved way for right wing religious politics.

Look at the state of economy, you must salivating and rejoicing, because now you can buy more property with less investment. So don't lecture us about what we want or don't want. People living in Pakistan would be ripped apart by the economic hardship not you. So pls stop with this bullshit of yours.
How can you say expat Pakistanis have no stake. Pakistan’s debts are serviced with the forex we send so get of your high horse.

You’d be in a much worse place if we didn’t contribute to the well-being of our nation.
If what you say is true and the courts do find people who colluded with the foreign government, then treason charges should follow.

However advocating violence based on accusations and conspiracies undermines the law. Riling and energising a common man to lynch the opposition and taitors is playing with fire. Everyone will then take law into their own hands. Things should be done via a legal way not through force or violence.

What's the point of buying 10 plot sand 5 houses by expats driving the markets insane. You know it as well, people invest here because of the insane market speculation and profit returns. The local person will not be able to afford a house ever with massive inflation, same paychecks and increasing real estate prices. It's a viscous cycle harming all segments of society.

This is called foreign investment.

It happens everywhere, it drives growth and prosperity and trickes through the economy

You seem like a dinosaur , is this why you are anti Imran and pro noonias and ppp
Look at the state of economy, you must salivating and rejoicing, because now you can buy more property with less investment.

This is a prime example of a specimen who defends Zaradi/Sharif & co.

When PKR devalues, then inflation goes up and prices of Properties also go up in PKR. So things do not become cheap by devaluation of PKR.

But I guess this is too much to understand for Zardari/Sharif sympathizers. They may also not understand what pivotal role overseas Chinese played to realize the dream to Deng Xiaopeng.
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Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and the not-so-sharrifs. After what these families have done to Pakistan and all the damage they have caused, how can ANYONE want to defend them? Is there a reason for this? Have I missed something?

First of all, our religion allows the calling out of people, especially when you have their posts as proof. It's our weird culture that stops us from doing so. Fight this!

This tip-toeing and walking on eggshells does not help. Be bold. Name and shame them. Doesn't matter if they're senior, junior, new, or mods.

I commend you for creating this thread. Take it to its logical conclusion. We are with you.

I would also add that blind fauj fanboys and Bajwa worshippers are just as bad for our country and the army itself. Only through the genuine critique of patriots like ourselves can self-reflection and betterment occur. Don't hold back :)
What's the point of buying 10 plot sand 5 houses by expats driving the markets insane. You know it as well, people invest here because of the insane market speculation and profit returns. The local person will not be able to afford a house ever with massive inflation, same paychecks and increasing real estate prices. It's a viscous cycle harming all segments of society.
So basically all inflation is led by expats? All land deals as well?
One has to be morally and intellectually bankrupt to support the likes of Nawaz and Zardari ...

There are quite a few beneficiaries of the corrupt order created by the Mafia .. Those who support them are direct or indirect beneficiaries of the corrupt system

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