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Disturbing behaviour and attitudes on PDF

OP is right.

Yes, Pseudo intellectuals hiding behind wall-of-text to please the slave minded agenda.

The Muslims of South Asia never accepted slavery, there was always a resistance. Hindu banya pairon me gir gaya tha angrezon ke, lekin musalman nahi.
Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and the not-so-sharrifs. After what these families have done to Pakistan and all the damage they have caused, how can ANYONE want to defend them? Is there a reason for this? Have I missed something?
Inn ki mat waj gaye hain.
You know what's disturbing people who have no stake here in Pakistan and live abroad in a first world democracy, advocating for violence, destruction and fascism.

You'll benefit either way who comes in power or not. Sitting in London and telling us what to do? Bugger off.

No one like bhutto or sharif, it's about doing things in a proper legal way. Your beloved immi legalised TLP, paved way for right wing religious politics.

Look at the state of economy, you must salivating and rejoicing, because now you can buy more property with less investment. So don't lecture us about what we want or don't want. People living in Pakistan would be ripped apart by the economic hardship not you. So pls stop with this bullshit of yours.
Stop pretending like living in Pakistan makes u extra Pakistani...it does not. Pakistanis living abroad support Pakistani economy by sending money that amounts in billions of dollars. They do that while actually working their asses off instead of some cushy politically appointed job that u might've gotten by being a jiyala(or whatever other corrupt party's die hard fan). They do that while paying taxes on their hard earned money.

If u claim that Pakistan's interests lie with those living in Pakistan then that's a double edged sword(the meaning of which clearly escapes u). It conversely also means that those living inside Pakistan are then solely responsible for the sorry state of Pakistan's economy.

So u can shove ur holier than thou attitude...no one needs validation from u.
What's the point of buying 10 plot sand 5 houses by expats driving the markets insane. You know it as well, people invest here because of the insane market speculation and profit returns. The local person will not be able to afford a house ever with massive inflation, same paychecks and increasing real estate prices. It's a viscous cycle harming all segments of society

Ever you ever considered the commission cost demanded by a patwari? Qabzaa mafia?

So with your patwari logic, if an expats stops buying land and property in Pakistan, then locals will be able to get on the property ladder?

Do you have any facts you base this opinion on or just quotes from your leader (Sher)?
PDF is now a rotten place with the likes of @WebMaster and @Foxtrot Alpha who think they are above members. They keep giving warnings to other regular members and let crazy people like @The Accountant misuse their powers.

If this trend continues many people will keep leaving this place to a better "competitive site" which may be under construction.
So basically all inflation is led by expats? All land deals as well?
you'd better check him out before angering him. I have 4 reasons to suspect that it is a dupe ID of an Admin or other title-holder of PDF
I respect Imran Khan fighting in these crooked Pakistani courts, these are the most fu*led up places rotten to the core. And that's even if they turn up to work. I feel for anyone needing work done and not having any links.

They don't even know wtf bail means and how it's applied. You can be in jail serving a sentence and suddenly get bail like wtf!!

I knew it was a lost cause when I found out they refer to bribes as "rozi". Legitimised haram everyday skimming money from people has become a way of life.

If your a dynasty nepotistic cuck then f you.
Stop pretending like living in Pakistan makes u extra Pakistani...it does not. Pakistanis living abroad support Pakistani economy by sending money that amounts in billions of dollars. They do that while actually working their asses off instead of some cushy politically appointed job that u might've gotten by being a jiyala(or whatever other corrupt party's die hard fan). They do that while paying taxes on their hard earned money.

If u claim that Pakistan's interests lie with those living in Pakistan then that's a double edged sword(the meaning of which clearly escapes u). It conversely also means that those living inside Pakistan are then solely responsible for the sorry state of Pakistan's economy.

So u can shove ur holier than thou attitude...no one needs validation from u.
I do agree with you.

Oversea Pakistanis have a huge stake in Pakistan as well. Oversea Pakistanis tend to be better educated than the Pakistanis living in Pakistan.

I have talked to oversea Pakistanis living in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, UK, Australia, Canada, and USA.
LOL you want respect because you(overseas) send $32B. We are not bikao.

I support PTI but some PTI supporters are also like MNAs/MPAs in the party who are traitor. I have problem with them. I am sure there are still many traitors left in PTI who should be kicked out.
Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and the not-so-sharrifs. After what these families have done to Pakistan and all the damage they have caused, how can ANYONE want to defend them? Is there a reason for this? Have I missed something?
They are two kinds of people.
1) Corrupt people with their interests mutual and aligned with N league and PPP thugs.
2)Ignorant,brain dead morons.
Thanks for the shout out. :tup:

I am literally paid by Mossad, US and R&W to malign the PM, who is otherwise completely above reproach. I'm not sure who pays the other retired mod.
Do they use Paypal or Zelle?
Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and the not-so-sharrifs. After what these families have done to Pakistan and all the damage they have caused, how can ANYONE want to defend them? Is there a reason for this? Have I missed something?
Slaves defend their masters

Yes, Pseudo intellectuals hiding behind wall-of-text to please the slave minded agenda.

The Muslims of South Asia never accepted slavery, there was always a resistance. Hindu banya pairon me gir gaya tha angrezon ke, lekin musalman nahi.
Lol..go back and read history
Muslims of india buckled to british people very easily
It were sindhis and afghans/pushtoons who mostly resisted and paid the price for it
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