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China must respect EU as "strong and united" entity - French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian

Aren't you talking bit too big for your size, is your trousers are falling down with the weight of the Hypocrisy? I suggest, you should start wearing the bloody belt before your pants came down too.

We are not part of the NATO alliance and our geographical location is in the Asia, what we have got to do with the European chess game and Russian Roulette.

Is this not the same EU who refused to print the Israeli committed war crimes report in Gazza commissioned by the UN and EU bodies? Are these are not the same countries of the EU who were part of the NATO alliance who invaded Libya and turned that country into the waste land to change their regime? What happened to the WMD in Iraq and half a million just babies died alone, thanks to the sanctions put on even on the medicines, never mind another million Iraqi's lost lives thanks to the NATO atrocities. EU didn't raised any alarms when India put Kashmir's in the open prison, was EU conscious were dead when it comes to our areas.
Aren't you shameless suggesting Pakistan to be nuked too while two Europeans countries are fighting and only few thousands are dead, not many are they??? We have got nothing to do with the EU/NATO silly war and learn to fight your own wars like we have got used to ours.
Get lost mate and spread your pathetic theories elsewhere and stop shedding tears of being victim. Not interested.

Thank you brother. About time these people get a taste of their own medicine.
Wow, US has a really loud poodle named EU. Lol

Germany? You sure? You know other Europeans think of Greeks as lazy Arab hybrids right?

Germany has 40 nuclear weapons stationed in Büchel.
Are these enough to wipe out Germany?

One is enough to wipe out entire moscow region. All 40 are enough to wipe russia of the face of the world if needed. The devices have a yield surpassing the castle bravo bomb.
One is enough to wipe out entire moscow region. All 40 are enough to wipe russia of the face of the world if needed. The devices have a yield surpassing the castle bravo bomb.
LOl, you Greek want Germans to commit suicide and self destruction, but Germans won't be that stupid, there is no "we‘’
Vietnam also never condemn Russia and continue trade with them. So what makes it's so special for EU to abandon China goods and switch from one communist source to another? :enjoy:
Vietnam remains neutral between the parties you should do the same.
However you fall into Putin’s trap. You repeat his nonsense of NATO expansion as cause for war.

That is very regrettable.

You support a war of aggression.
Wait until the war comes to China.

The anti China sentiment is rising in Europe.
Vietnam remains neutral between the parties you should do the same.
However you fall into Putin’s trap. You repeat his nonsense of NATO expansion as cause for war.

That is very regrettable.

You support a war of aggression.
Wait until the war comes to China.

The war is coming regardless. The West has already chosen a side for China. It has made China an enemy and that is the worst mistake that the West has ever made, and it will come back to haunt them. Unfortunately for me, I live here, so I will be fucked over as well because of the idiots who run the government here.
The war is coming regardless. The West has already chosen a side for China. It has made China an enemy and that is the worst mistake that the West has ever made, and it will come back to haunt them. Unfortunately for me, I live here, so I will be fucked over as well because of the idiots who run the government here.
Not true
I am not talking of US intention. Europe wants peace with Iran. wants China as partner.
It is you who deliberately sheds the waters.
Not true
I am not talking of US intention. Europe wants peace with Iran. wants China as partner.
It is you who deliberately sheds the waters.

Nope. You got it wrong. It is in the EU's interests to make sure it has good ties with China, with Iran, even Russia. But the EU is not an independent entity, the Europeans are vassal states of Washington DC and in the end will take and follow orders, even if it means complete suicide like they are doing now.

Nothing now, the west anti China sentiment is always rising in recent years after China emerging to become a clear threat to their centuries old global domination, anti west sentiment is also rising among 1.4 billion Chinese people.

These morons are so arrogant that they think the only thing that matters is "their opinion" of Chinese people. When the anti-Western sentiment of the Chinese people have been rising for years because of all of their unhinged hatred. In the end, China will be the most powerful nation on earth and then they will realize how much they fucked up.
Nope. You got it wrong. It is in the EU's interests to make sure it has good ties with China, with Iran, even Russia. But the EU is not an independent entity, the Europeans are vassal states of Washington DC and in the end will take and follow orders, even if it means complete suicide like they are doing now.

These morons are so arrogant that they think the only thing that matters is "their opinion" of Chinese people. When the anti-Western sentiment of the Chinese people have been rising for years because of all of their unhinged hatred. In the end, China will be the most powerful nation on earth and then they will realize how much they fucked up.
You can’t deny EU peaceful sentiment towards Iran in opposition to the US. The West is not black nor white.

The US domination is something everyone has to accept in Europe. we are suicidal.
You can’t deny EU peaceful sentiment towards Iran in opposition to the US. The West is not black nor white.

In the end, they tow Washington's line. So who cares what the Euros think or feel? Their feelings are irrelevant. Do you care more about what the employees feel or the CEO? Euros aren't the ones making decisions, they are vassals and subordinates. Do you not get it? You are living so deep in an asshole you don't even realize you live in an asshole, that's how clueless Europeans are about their status. This is why Europe is not deserving of China's respect, because they are vassals, not decision makers. The US is China's peer. Europe is not.
Stationed by who?
No need to ask..


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