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COAS and DG ISI reach PM house

The Chinese are probably embarrassed to have us as their strategic ally.

And if IK leaves, do you think Pakistan will be showered with rewards?. Their officials go to India and say that our engagement with Pakistan is for a narrow and specific purpose only, not the broad based partnership we have with India.

Next will we remove the COAS, DG ISI, other security officials on foreign threats?.

Have never been this embarrassed to be a Pakistani.

And for any of you who think I’m PTI follower, please see my older comments opposing IK on a lot of things.

This isn’t about IK. It was about Pakistan. And now we have proved it, we are a nation of sell outs.

On one hand we are losing Kashmir, on the other hand Indian proxies are relentlessly attacking us, but one can deal with all of that, this is an insult.
Lol no that is precisely why every foreign leaders meets COAS. They all consider coas more important than pm office
Who decide which action is wrong and what is right? its subjective, to each and every person. Millions of Americans support and think 6th January Attack on Congress was right and patriotic.

But those Educated People can be removed or replaced by one threatening letter right?

As I mentioned in other thread, its not about IK anymore and if he was right or wrong, if he was wrong it has to be Pakistani nations decision to remove him, not some's country to threat to remove one man, and bring back old corrupt leaders, if America is so fond of Zardari/Maulana/Nawaz/Bilwal then why not give them US citizenships and let them run in Elections from US congress. This is a dangerous tradition, which can/must not succeed...I am a vocal critic of IK over his Afghanistan policy and neglecting of Karachi and other local parties and his own people but even in that he is PM of Pakistan and no foreign country has right to threat Pakistan Govt to remove a PM they elected. America recently threaten Russia for removing Putin, this is not a good tradition America is setting here, and unfortunately our people are falling for it.

Pay off must come from the people, not from outsiders in the form of threatening letters.

Which action is RIGHT and which is WRONG should NOT be subjective to each and every person in the 1st place - this dynamic will lead to CHAOS and society will become dysfunctional. There must be CONSENSUS-BUILDING over which action is RIGHT and which is WRONG in any society. One method is to create a constitution and respect it.

Attack on American Congress was WRONG, and Donald Trump facilitated this move:

Leader provides direction to his followers. Leader can condition and convince his followers to do RIGHT (and WRONG). Sane followers will know better on the other hand and might try to reason with the leader instead.

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American armed forces are NOT attempting coup in Pakistan. Pakistani political parties in the shape of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) have adopted constitutional route to topple PTI-led GOP; through No-Confidence Motion (NCM) application submitted in National Assembly.

If NCM is Foreign-sponsored development then PTI-led GOP should have acted much sooner on this issue. Former Pakistan's ambassador to USA Dr. Asad Majeed Khan had provided information to PTI-led GOP on 07-03-22.

Charges of treason could be be brought upon those politicians who are believed to be guilty. This is still an option but no development on these lines YET.

Pakistani political instability is not much of a news to me. This country have a lengthy history of this kind.

Pakistani political parties such as PPP, PML(N) and PTI have political wings in USA and UK. PPP and PML(N) have much older presence in both countries. Does it surprise you that PPP and PML(N) have independent lines of communications in USA and UK? What about PTI?

Politics is like 50 Shades of Grey in practice. Politicians are known to build political narratives and weaponize them against the other for political gains.

NCM saga will not produce clear answers anytime soon. It would be better to wait for the dust to settle down and more information to surface before WE can be sure about anything.

I do believe that PTI-led GOP have made mistakes.

1. Who allowed Nawaz Sharif to leave and take refuge in UK?

2. Why PTI-led GOP did not partake in World Democratic Summit scheduled by Biden administration after invitation?

I can expand much on the mistakes part but I will leave it here for now.
What Bajwa can do? Help Imran Khan against PDM? Make I.K civilian administrator of Martial Law just like Bhuto?
IK is t naive, dumb or shortsighted as you might have guessed him. He played the long game, a test match. His whole plan was to fight and uncover all those b@st@rds in the process. The document was provided to the military's top brass ASAP. Then IK kept silence while observing their reactions. They just ignored and shive it under the rug hoping that it would be buried here forever. No advice to the PM or response from the military and ISI to take action against it. He knew that international and local establishment have joined their forces to commit treason against him and topple his regime.

While greedy parliamentary goons were already part of the conspiracy. So he knew a long time before that it's highly improbable that he would survive this vote of no confidence. Je delayed till last days and then broke the news of this document in front of a massive supporting crowd. Then again he checked the pulse of military's self esteem and the oath they had taken to protect the state. But they were dead long before. When people asked from ISPR and DG ISPR avoided that question so that was their confirm death certificate published publicly. Other parties were hoping to drag this matter long enough that IK losses his power and we would deny the presence of any kind of document containing threats, it was just a publicity stunt and all would be fine thereafter. But IK then smartly called cabinet meeting, made the document part of the official meeting in the cabinet. Then offered to show it in the Parliament but show Baz Sharif panicked and rejected this kind of session. And he produced it before NCS meeting and then made part of the record there too, with somewhat official response from Pakistan to the US launched.

So now all this timeline and documents are made part of elaborate record of the state and subsequent responses from the different quarters of the power. So he is able to expose and uncover all those filthy faces being part of this conspiracy against the state, whether civilians or the uniformed ones without uttering a single word. All of them have fallen into IK's trap. He was just short of saying the names of the perpetrators of this high treason during his last address to the nation. But he mentioned them as "handlers".

IK is too much unpredictable. So technically, now he has the power of firing those Generals and announce state of emergency under imminent external threats and thwart this vote of no confidence into the thin air. Then prosecute all those people under article 6 of the law or any law regarding high treason, as document is a well established fact and acknowledged by several official bodies of the state.

Or the pacifist way would be to leave them all to their fate and comeback again in office with much more unstoppable force and sweep all those traitors in a single go.

Or he might also fire Bajwa and his accomplices and appoint new ones before leaving the office.

There are lot of options he would have to choose from. And he isn't a person you can predict his moves with some accuracy.
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It is not the GHQ whom I go to when I need to solve a land dispute or get an innocent out of jail or fight for my inheritance or plead for "not guilty".

These $%§& corrupt of the corrupt are the ones whom I have to deal with. Why should we as a nation let thse MoFos decide about life and death if it comes to that?

They are the root cause of all the corruption in our society! They let go of all the thieves and murderers whereas poors rot for life in prisons!

is kanjar kay sach maiN platelets 0 per chaley jaeN in the flight and may he suffer like a rabid rat!. Amen!
Utterly wrong, 🐂💩 crap.
The root cause of every mafia, corrupt elite is the military establishment. They created nurtured politicians to rule us, they are the ones who topple every regime. They are the Guardians of the mafia. ISI actively controls and manipulates Pakistani judiciary. As PAK military establishment has never dated to say no to their overlords (US/UK), similarly judges are obedient to the establishment or they might get kicked out, transferred, forcefully sent on leave etc etc. It's the army which provides "security" to all too most political and judicial leadership. So they along with their families are effectively caged inside by the establishment. Where in democracies happen that? UK, US, India ??? Anywhere? They have their own civil special forces to protect the civilian leadership.

Even some senior supreme court retired judges have written the accounts that how military influences courts. When IK was never gonna send convicted, jailed criminal MNS abroad, who fast tracked every process then? Why Shahbaz and Maryam's cases were put in the back burner when they started to negotiate for a deal with the military? ZA Bhutto's judicial assassination, all military dictators used courts, there is a long history of it.

Thugs, politicians, their tamed terrorists and the establishment work hand in hand as a massive status quo.

PMLN was barking against Generals loud but when bajwa wanted legislation, they all voted for him. Why? Army wasn't neutral before as per PDM. Now they are with the PDM, so they "neutral" now.
What I really don’t understand is the fact that we have officially accepted that NCM is a foreign backed regime change attempt and yet the perpetrators and local actors are as free as they were before. What good is condemnation from the highest echelons of our security agencies if the opposition goes on with the plan? At the end of the day, the US successfully changes Pakistan’s democratic setup at the cost of condemnation (as if they care). Which is why most of us have reached the conclusion that the military is hand in hand with the opposition. A meme I posted in another thread got deleted so I’ll post it here again;
Pakistanis; Our country is being threatened
What I really don’t understand is the fact that we have officially accepted that NCM is a foreign backed regime change attempt and yet the perpetrators and local actors are as free as they were before. What good is condemnation from the highest echelons of our security agencies if the opposition goes on with the plan? At the end of the day, the US successfully changes Pakistan’s democratic setup at the cost of condemnation (as if they care). Which is why most of us have reached the conclusion that the military is hand in hand with the opposition. A meme I posted in another thread got deleted so I’ll post it here again;
Pakistanis; Our country is being threatened
Bajwa; View attachment 829303
I don't understand this either! One can only draw 2 conclusions from this, either they are powerless, or they work for opposition. Neither is very good for Pakistan.
And for now, we don’t even know if summoning of US diplomat was IKs decision or NSCs decision. The military can use NSC to save face without uttering a word. Yes, it comes under FO jurisdiction to but the military and intelligence sitting members of the NSC and empowered to take down the local actors. It’s like condemning India for sponsoring terror and then doing nothing about the terrorists even when they’re right in front of you.

I don't understand this either! One can only draw 2 conclusions from this, either they are powerless, or they work for opposition. Neither is very good for Pakistan.
If a strong military like ours is powerless than IK should be worshipped for his courage and stand. And military should disband for good.
What I really don’t understand is the fact that we have officially accepted that NCM is a foreign backed regime change attempt and yet the perpetrators and local actors are as free as they were before. What good is condemnation from the highest echelons of our security agencies if the opposition goes on with the plan? At the end of the day, the US successfully changes Pakistan’s democratic setup at the cost of condemnation (as if they care). Which is why most of us have reached the conclusion that the military is hand in hand with the opposition. A meme I posted in another thread got deleted so I’ll post it here again;
Pakistanis; Our country is being threatened
Bajwa; View attachment 829303
You are only "not understanding", I, on the other hand, I am flabbergasted that bairooni haath is announced officially yet the NCM is going on. What is this country?
You are only "not understanding", I, on the other hand, I am flabbergasted that bairooni haath is announced officially yet the NCM is going on. What is this country?
IK giving away Punjab to PMLQ and asking his sold out members to return points at one thing and that is that he’s on his own. He’s desperately doing everything in his capacity to not let them succeed since the military has either chickened out or is behind oppositions dawn to power.

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