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UNVERIFIED:Indian military personnel arrested for unauthorized launch of missile| Source: PDF Member Rafi

Missile units across the indian armed forces have been stood down until further notice, this has been picked up from our side, does seem to prove that something has spooked them.

Some units have moved, but our assessment is it is for internal matters.
So what about ordering our missiles on high alert standby condition! That would stir confusion amongst their Chain of command and would cause them to panic. We can squeeze something more out of it at the end!
So what about ordering our missiles on high alert standby condition! That would stir confusion amongst their Chain of command and would cause them to panic. We can squeeze something more out of it at the end!

We need to strike when the iron is hot.

This is the right time to strike when their guard is down and are on backfoot.
2 key points to consider

1. Indian Officials didn't inform Pakistan for incidental launch.
2. Indian government was also not informed by military about incidental launch.
3. Apparently, Indian government got the knowledge when ISPR openly said it
4. It was infact a rogue launch as Pakistan raised questions.

Which 2 sir? There are 4 that you have listed. Which 2 are true? 😋😝
@The Eagle

For how long does a strike remains effective? Is there any reset date to that?

Depends upon.the category of strike. It varies. Is someone trying to calculate the expiry so can repeat the same offense. It can be issued with an year expiry as well.

Which 2 sir? There are 4 that you have listed. Which 2 are true? 😋😝

Try to beat it now. 🤪
Actually, using cellphone.
No such reports. Modi meets all three service chiefs. They have done what they wanted to. they are planning more for future. No such news of Indian military personnel arrested for launch of missile.
Pakistan needs to make a diplomatic push to highlight the poor controls on the Indian side. What if those were nuclear armed? Will EU and USA sell weapons to a nuclear armed state with poor controls on its munitions. This could start WW3 and risk to them as well. These needs to vocalized at the highest levels.
Yes EU will sell weapons to India whatever the case, Pakistani hue and cry will only strengthen their control in a war against Pakistan. so the best course of action is to do bare minimum hue and cry so their systems are vulnerable to our interface in times of war


It is way worse than chernobyl.
I support the ask for proof, what is your source for this news


A number of Indian armed forces personnel have been arrested for suspected links to extremist groups.

They are suspected of interference in the guidance system of brahmos missile, causing it to go into Pakistani territory.

Additional, Indian govt has had to field very aggressive questions from its strategic partners, who want questions answered.

All personnel will in all likelihood be courtmartialed in secret, already family members of arrested personnel have been put under sever pressure for secrecy, Indian media have also been told to keep silent, this is an evolving story.

Pakistani agencies are monitoring the situation on a minute to minute basis.
What is the source of this news…. Please provide links as this may just be wishful thinking

Two blokes sitting in the UK seem to have more information than any other spy agency in the world. This can get more ridiculous.

To be brutally honest, Pakistan's response has been very mature over this episode. This was not a skirmish but a nuclear capable missile that landed in their territory -- the way it was handled has to be commended. I think India's response also shows that.
For all the good that Pakistan did over this episode you have immature folks spoiling it for the nation. Instagrammer and Rafi never fail to deliver on that Lollywood masala.. oh wait.. enuf said!

A number of Indian armed forces personnel have been arrested for suspected links to extremist groups.

They are suspected of interference in the guidance system of brahmos missile, causing it to go into Pakistani territory.

Additional, Indian govt has had to field very aggressive questions from its strategic partners, who want questions answered.

All personnel will in all likelihood be courtmartialed in secret, already family members of arrested personnel have been put under sever pressure for secrecy, Indian media have also been told to keep silent, this is an evolving story.

Pakistani agencies are monitoring the situation on a minute to minute basis.
It could very well be the case but seeing Indian history it could very well be an accident as they are dam good at causing them.
It is also reported that few Brahmos missiles with launchers are missing. Apparently these rogue elements are behind this act. Government apparatus is is in a complete tizzy. This info is doing the rounds and I heard from someone. Very soon it is likely to be on the news.
The entire Indian missile arsenal has been put under lockdown. Appears to be a golden opportunity for adversaries to capitalise.
I am sure ISI has this info and Pakistan might use it to launch an offensive and liberate Kashmir.
Very difficult times for Indian defence forces.
It is also reported that few Brahmos missiles with launchers are missing. Apparently these rogue elements are behind this act. Government apparatus is is in a complete tizzy. This info is doing the rounds and I heard from someone. Very soon it is likely to be on the news.
The entire Indian missile arsenal has been put under lockdown. Appears to be a golden opportunity for adversaries to capitalise.
I am sure ISI has this info and Pakistan might use it to launch an offensive and liberate Kashmir.
Very difficult times for Indian defence forces.

If incompetence of Indian forces meant an opportunity to liberate Kashmir, Pakistan has always had this opportunity. But we are waiting for Hindutva to take back half of the Kashmir that we snatched from them some 70+ years ago. Still waiting for modiji to come and teach us a lesson and take what is righfully theirs.
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