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Hijab How It Protects and Benefits women in Islam

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Dec 28, 2006
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Hijab How It Protects and Benefits women in Islam

Saturday, 09 February 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu Alaikum.

I want to INFORM you through the words of a sister, why and how hijab (Islamic code of dress) protects a woman and what are its advantages. This is not coming from me but from a WESTERN woman who was born and raised in the western culture, spent most of her life on the wild side, found a deep vacuum in her life, discovered Islam, accepted it wholeheartedly, and turned her life around completely - for the better. This sister is an Irish American, has a Ph.D., teaches in a prestigious US university, wears hijab wherever she goes - in the class rooms while teaching, in the conferences and meetings she attends. She is very proud of Islam and her hijab and in the following explains the advantages and wisdom of wearing hijab. So please read with an open mind. Those who are open to reason get the guidance and better their lives, but those who have "eyes but can't see, and ears but can't hear" will wander in the wilderness of life forever. No amount of logical reasoning will help them. However, our job as Muslims, i.e., those who surrendered to Allah, is ONLY to convey the message to the darkest corners of the world. Our job as Muslims is not to impose anything on disbelievers because as Allah says in Quran, "For you is your religion, and for them is theirs".

May Allah give guidance to all of us and enable us to follow Islam which is the manual of human life. May Allah grant us the wisdom to understand Islam and to live our lives to its fullest by following its teachings. May Allah make us realize that education is not only about getting a piece of paper called degree but education is about learning and understanding life, the world, and the etiquette of living. May Allah enable us to find solutions to all the problems we encounter in life in His great message - the message of Islam. Ameen.

O Allah, no amount of gratefulness will be enough to thank for the blessing of your message of guidance you have given us. O Allah, enable all human beings to know the message of Islam, so this world will become a cradle of peace and stability and so that the forces of darkness will be defeated from the face of the earth. May Allah be our guide in this journey of life. Ameen.

Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.



The Quran, the Muslim's holy scripture, clearly enjoins Muslim men and women to dress and behave modestly. Muslim women are specifically instructed to cover their heads when in the presence of non-mahrem (potentially marriageable) men:

Surah Al-Nur (the Light) (24:31) in the Quran states: "They (the believing women) should draw their head coverings over their bosoms...". . Surah Al-Ahzab (33:59) states: "O Prophet [PBUH] Tell thy wives and daughters and the believing women that they should put on their outer garments; that is most convenient in order that THEY MAY BE RECOGNIZED (as Muslims) and not be molested."

[MY COMMENT: This is an effective rebuttal to the argument some Muslim women have against wearing Hijab, that by wearing it they will be recognized and will be attacked. Allah clearly wants Muslims to be recognized in whatever community they live in. Their lives lived as Muslims will get other people interested in them and that will be a way of spreading the message of Islam. People will approach them and ask them why they dress like that, why they are different. Their curiosity will automatically draw them towards Islam. Allah is the most supreme strategist of the universe. He blessed us with the message of Islam (Islam means peace and security and told us strategies to spread the message which only benefits us and not Allah. Allah is beyond all needs.

Allah says in Quran that if the whole world gets united against a Muslim and want to harm him, they won't except if Allah wills, and if the whole world unites to benefit a Muslim, it won't except for Allah's will. Therefore security comes from Allah. Allah is the protector of believers. One should NEVER FEAR ANYONE BUT ALLAH and then all of his/her fears will be erased from the heart. Those who bow before Allah, bow to no one in the world - no one. As great poet of the east Dr. Allama Iqbal said (in Urdu):

yeh Aik sijda jesay tu garaaN samajhta hai hazar sijdooN say daita hai aadmi ko nijat Translation: This one bow (to Allah) which is so hard for you,is the bow that saves you from thousands of other bows.

yeh Aik sijda jesay tu garaaN samajhta hai hazar sijdooN say daita hai aadmi ko nijat Translation: This one bow (to Allah) which is so hard for you,is the bow that saves you from thousands of other bows. END OF MY COMMENT]

Both of the above Quranic references instruct the Muslim woman to cover herself with a large, loose overcoat (jilbab) and full head covering (khimar) so that no provocative part of her body will be visible. Her modest appearance would MAKE IT CLEAR TO EVERYONE THAT SHE IS A CHASTE, BELIEVING WOMAN, and no one is to molest her or sexually exploit her [My Comment: This is an effective solution to the problem of sexual harassment because a Muslim woman's modest appearance is a social statement that she is not to be messed with!!].


For Muslim women, COVERING THE HEAD IS NOT THE SIGN OF DEGRADATION or oppression. It is a commandment from Allah, who is not male or female, and thus, would not discriminate against women, a segment of His creation.

Rather, HEAD-COVERING IS A SIGN OF PURITY AND DIGNITY. It highlights the Muslim woman as a pure, chaste woman and sets her apart from the immoral behavior associated with women who dress immodestly.


The Hijab allows a woman to move about outside the confines of her home WITH HER ATTENTION ON THE TASKS SHE HAS SET OUT TO DO. The Muslim woman does not try to impress anyone but Allah when outside of her home. She is not concerned if men find her attractive, or if people are impressed because she has the latest fashions, or the newest hairstyle. She leaves her home as a SELF-CONFIDENT PART OF HUMAN RACE, not as a fashion-plate seeking stares and adoration in order to gain self-esteem.

The hijab cuts down on competition among women. How many people in the West sacrifice financial savings and health in order to have plastic surgery - in a desperate attempt to meet up to an unrealistic standard of beauty. IN ISLAM, WOMEN ARE APPRECIATED FOR THEIR KNOWLEDGE, PIETY AND CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY. When women wear hijab one finds that the most beautiful women are not necessarily the most popular. Rather, a woman is assessed for her mind, and not just superficial physical traits.

Hijab How It Protects and Benefits women in Islam - Unique Pakistan
Baazi i dint read your post in detail as im in hurry but let me informe all the members here on forum and all those who are against Hijab are head Scarf,

i being a girl living in NWFP (that is often considered much conservative as compared to other areas of Pakistan) go to office and attend functions without covering my face just as majority of the girls here do while similalry majority also do hijab or cover their faces.

Now to share a personal experince as i do not cover my face but trust me there are areas and places passing by which i feel very very uncomfortable by staring eyes of men hence i cover my face and do hijab in those areas or roads and i tell you its such a protection against these dirty staring eyes.
Besides covering my entire body with a chaddar (shawl) gives me a sense of protection and also saves me from staring read harrassment by men.

These are my personal experiences and i do believe that the West and all those who are bent upon forcing those Muslim Women and girls who want to wear Hijab or head scarf, from doing so should have some time and look into other sides of the issue.

And above all by covering our faces we are doing a great service to our skin believe me there are also expert doctors opinion that by covering faces women are providing natural protection to their face skin against dangerouse Ultra Violet Rays that are cause for many skin problems.

Women arround the world are spending millions on sunblocks and what not for protecting their face skin.
Here in Pakistan we are doing it free by wearing hijab.

One more thing that has been proven is that here in NWFP girls have very fair skin that family and gene thing but the major factor that is protecting their skin tone from getting wheatish or black is wearing of a hijab while they go out that is protecting their skin against Pollution and sun rays and other impurities in the air.

Let's not start preaching. But I will say I have no objection to Hijab, however I do object to the way some people preach about it. IMO, there is no part in the Qu'ran that explicitly mentions one must wear a Hijab (if there is you are welcome to point it out, but if it is in the translation of Khimar, then I can't agree with it since the whole context of that part was to cover the upper torso). There is no doubts that in some societies Hijab does confer an advantage and is a sign of modesty. However, not all societies is this the case. An example, in African societies, a big butt on a woman is considered attractive, whilst hair is generally considered unattractive. What would draw a man's gaze in such societies? Whether the hair was covered in such a society would be immaterial, since the rear end of the woman would be what draws eyes. So, there is no reason or textual evidence for a universal dress code in Islam afaik. In Pakistan, wearing a duputta is considered modest, and this is usually enough to take away any lustful glances from men or women.
RR i did not preach the wearing of Hijab or head scarf or Chaddar on the basis of Religion nor i do.

All im for is one should be allowed to wear no matter how much backward it might looks to others. If someone wants to cover herslef from head to toe she should be given the right as much as we give those who choose to wear skimpy dresses than why there is so much fuss about if someone wants to wear what she think is modest dress.
RR i did not preach the wearing of Hijab or head scarf or Chaddar on the basis of Religion nor i do.

All im for is one should be allowed to wear no matter how much backward it might looks to others. If someone wants to cover herslef from head to toe she should be given the right as much as we give those who choose to wear skimpy dresses than why there is so much fuss about if someone wants to wear what she think is modest dress.

Hey I do not know much about Quran, but heard few of lectures of Zakir Naik (who is very famous these days) and according to him muslim women should not work with men, if at all they should sit separately and do not have interaction with each other and many other crap logics and rules.

There should not be any Hijab in modern society, its symbol of madness and hypocrisy of society nothing else, it will only increase sexual frustration in men and women. In case if you see that Hijab is good to protect from sun, please do not call Hijab (this word is curse for women), call sun protector, cap, what ever.

As per my experience, boys/girls come from non-coeducation schools and colleges, many of them fantasize more about each other than people coming from co-education, so whole theory of separating boys from girls is bogus and dangerous too.

Jana ji raise voice against Hijab, any rule against women, you are young changing face of Pakistan do not talk like 60 year old lady, as you gave all good scientific reason for Hijab in you last post.
RR i did not preach the wearing of Hijab or head scarf or Chaddar on the basis of Religion nor i do.

All im for is one should be allowed to wear no matter how much backward it might looks to others. If someone wants to cover herslef from head to toe she should be given the right as much as we give those who choose to wear skimpy dresses than why there is so much fuss about if someone wants to wear what she think is modest dress.

Very true. I didn't mean you were preaching btw :) I meant general Mullahs and extremists.

I totally agree with you, you should wear a chaddar, Hijab, Duputta whenever you like. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The Turks have got this wrong for sure by banning Hijab in universities imo.
Hey I do not know much about Quran, but heard few of lectures of Zakir Naik (who is very famous these days) and according to him muslim women should not work with men, if at all they should sit separately and do not have interaction with each other and many other crap logics and rules.

There should not be any Hijab in modern society, its symbol of madness and hypocrisy of society nothing else, it will only increase sexual frustration in men and women. In case if you see that Hijab is good to protect from sun, please do not call Hijab (this word is curse for women), call sun protector, cap, what ever.

As per my experience, boys/girls come from non-coeducation schools and colleges, many of them fantasize more about each other than people coming from co-education, so whole theory of separating boys from girls is bogus and dangerous too.

Jana ji raise voice against Hijab, any rule against women, you are young changing face of Pakistan do not talk like 60 year old lady, as you gave all good scientific reason for Hijab in you last post.

For God sake, read post # 1.
raise voice against Hijab, any rule against women, you are young changing face of Pakistan do not talk like 60 year old lady, as you gave all good scientific reason for Hijab in you last post.

no thanks, please do not try enforce your ways on us:)
Indian Munda, you have insulted Islam if you reread your posts again. Before requesting Mods to take action on another member, i think you should ask Mods to take action against u first.
This is just your own sexual frustration and perverseness causing you to believe this. And ban what you like in your own society, but just because you individually are a rancid pervert in need of getting your Dravidian rocks off over a bit of eye candy, does not mean we need to cater for your needs in a Muslim society (or non Muslim society even).


So Dravidain is it?

Since you are bent on this line, the Dravidians could say that the racial strain is so mixed up North that one cannot really for sure know who their ancestors are!

Now, that would not be too wrong since invaders did not care much about the societal niceties!

I hope that should give you some sense not to be racists since they who live in glass houses should not throw stones!

Further, one could write reams and reams on sex and perversion as prevalent in all societies. None is above that! Therefore, there is no need to use race as a crutch to your arguments unless it is supported by irrefutable facts.

Mohammedkhan, any comments on RR's post?
Indian Munda, you have insulted Islam if you reread your posts again. Before requesting Mods to take action on another member, i think you should ask Mods to take action against u first.

Dear friend,

Who am I to insult holy Islam? I am very small against a mighty religion. Though I am just against parada for women, I am 100% sure Islam as a respected religion must be giving same rights to men and women and prevent any forceful or cleverly imposed rule against them.
Dear friend,

Who am I to insult holy Islam? I am very small against a mighty religion. Though I am just against parada for women, I am 100% sure Islam as a respected religion must be giving same rights to men and women and prevent any forceful or cleverly imposed rule against them.

Your previous post I really found offensive, I mean who are you to comment on my religion, you aren't even part of my religion, you claim you know so much but infact you know nothing. Just like I dont know about your religion you dont know about mine and you are better off leaving the argument part between us Muslims, but if you have question we are more then happy to assits you in finding the answer. As far as rights in Islam is concerned women are given more rights in Islam then any other religion. In fact in Islam their is no such thing as men and women being equal in Islam because women are given a higher standard then men.
As far as rights in Islam is concerned women are given more rights in Islam then any other religion. In fact in Islam their is no such thing as men and women being equal in Islam because women are given a higher standard then men.

yes, yes, they did teach us is World History that Islam has given more rights to women than any other religion. As for women given higher standard, I see where you're going, Maryam (as). Pure genius, nice one.:agree:
It is very convenient to label anyone who does not agree with the article to be closed minded. As soon as I read that line, I abandoned the intention to read it. A cloth that covers the hair does not in any way protect a woman from rape. Here in America girls wear short skirts and bikins in the summer and they don't get raped anymore than girls who're walking home at night fully covered in jeans and a top.

When a woman is raped it is only, and only the mans fault.
In Bangkok and Hong Kong (I have visited both places), the crime rates against women are negligible, and yet conservatively dressed women are a rare sight.
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